Sunday, 13 February 2022

Even in trouble you are not left by God to your fate

When you are going through hard times and wonder where god is remember the teacher is always quiet during a test (Keanu Reeves)

My God, would You like to elaborate on this? 

It is certainly a great truth that man never, ever stands alone and is left to his own devices. You are loved and cherished day and night. 

So this quote seems nice and clear but it's not entirely correct.  

This presupposes, even though not really said in so many words, that all difficulties are a test imposed on man by God. And that's not the case. Something regularly happens to man that is not planned, not intended and certainly not imposed. But it is certainly true that God likes to see how man then holds himself up in these difficulties, because that testifies of the spiritual power of man.

And also this quote suggests that God keeps Itself calm, so then does nothing. And that too deserves a considerable nuance. God can never help but keep quiet. So God does not know an attitude of man-is-being-tested-and-God-looks-calm-at-it.    

But what is more important and that is the core of this blog: as soon as man gets into trouble, he is absolutely not alone then and  the spiritual world takes office immediately. I consciously use this verb. Then the spiritual world takes office immediately.

The guardian angel actively invokes the spiritual powers necessary to keep this person afloat or to provide tools. It also activates an acute network of auxiliaries that are necessary to support, help or protect the person himself in these difficulties from wrong reactions or actions. I mention, for example, the spirit of resilience, the spirit of inner peace, the spirit of clear thinking, the spirit of practical action and the spirit of thoughtfulness. But in addition, people are called in around this person in need who can help, think along, listen or advise. All the guardian angels of these people have long been activated and informed so that "their people" can respond adequately and lovingly. 

Keanu Reeves is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

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