Tuesday, 1 February 2022

The twofold regret of an addict after his death

My God, may I ask you. I've been talking to people a lot lately about what an addiction means in their lives and how drastic it was and how much effort it takes to get rid of it. And I honestly know very few people who aren't addicted. I even know a mother who is addicted to her children. But let's keep it simple. I mean alcohol and food and drugs and cigarettes and sex and stuff.

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That is what I like to do. Great subject and big consequences in all cases.

First, the word addicted. Very simply said, someone who is addicted is a slave and cannot get rid of it or from Our perspective: wants to remain a slave throughout his life. Oops, that's a painful word, but it certainly also turns out to be painful after death. That's really a thing, My son. 

 The stories of ex-addicts who have dealt with their addiction, who have become free humans and certainly after their death look back with great happiness on their liberation, not on the addicted period before, We let those stories rest here.

Someone who is addicted and has passed on after the death of his physical body has to deal with intense suffering and intense regret. Not because God punishes him or her. Certainly not. An addicted person is taken care of with a lot of love and treated with a lot of love. But We can't brush away the addiction above. That means that an addict goes through a self-created hell, in which he can no longer “use”. There are no alcohol or sex or drugs or food or cigarettes available.

So one is thrown into the deep end of the intense cravings, the desire for satisfaction, for what one one was slave to, in short an agonizing abstinence. And that is his of her own little temporary self-created hell in the spiritual world, no matter how much We guide the process. A hell in the spiritual world. And it lasts as long as necessary and can take place in thousands of different ways.

In this whole process of healing, because that's what it is, the addict knows two kinds of horrific regret. I use the word horrific because regret is the most painful of all negative emotions worse than anger, hatred, sadness or frustration. The addict undergoes a long period of horrific regret. 

Regret that one has not stopped on earth with the addiction. Regret that one can no longer use. Regret that one did not want to and could not handle the guidance of others. Regret that all calm and gradual ways to stop the addiction, with or without help, have not been used. Regret that one was and stayed so much a slave. Regret that one was so possessed. Regret that one has been the victim of not being able to stop while one realizes now clearly that one did not want to stop either.

But even more in this situation of struggle, yearning, addiction and sorrow one suffers from what one has made of earthly life. A mess so to speak. The addict knows bitter and intense regret when he looks back at his life and has not seized the thousands of opportunities to make something beautiful out of life. And bitter regrets are there for what one has done to his or her fellow man. The addict on earth has certainly experienced a lot of suffering but has caused even more suffering. To loved ones, to friends, to neighbours, to care providers, to one's own mother, a great deal of suffering has been inflicted. In short, it was a lifetime of being a slave and inflicting suffering. Well, one can't be proud of that.

So God does not have to punish because one does that for oneself.

Is there nothing good about being addicted on earth? There's a lot of good to it. For addicts on earth who have passed on addicted and become free in the spiritual world after a long struggle become great helpers and motivated coaches and sympathetic and understanding fellow human beings. For they understand the suffering in the spiritual world and the suffering on earth, so they will become after all very powerful and useful helpers of God. 

But the subject of this blog was after all the twofold regret of addicts.

They are all blessed. 

My blessings to you all

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