Sunday, 30 December 2012

The influence of praying on the world and on yourself

Would You now like to comment on the power of prayer and what actually is happening in the spiritual world, when we are praying?

Let's repeat the legend, which is mentioned in "The true Christian" by Marie Corelli (1887): nowadays this story is certainly considered to be kitschy and “camp”, from Our perspective, however, it is the essence of this blog, that is why I do want you to repeat it literally.

"There is a legend on a poor girl, having lost every human being she had loved on earth; she had a rose tree to which she was very attached, every morning she was becoming one flower of it. Although she wanted to keep the flower for herself, she did not, but always placed it for the painting of Christ. God saw her do this as He is seeing everything. At last she died rather suddenly, and when she arrived in heaven, she was completely bewildered namely surrounded by such a multitude of angels, and she could not find her way.

Suddenly she saw a path in front of her, on both sides set off with roses, and an angel said to her, "these are all the roses you have given on earth to Our Lord. He has made a path of them for you, so you will brought right away to them, whom thou has loved”.

She took joyfully the windings of the road and saw during the whole trip her roses bloom, and it was at the end, waiting to welcome her, all whom on earth she had loved and lost! "

You all do know:
  • to every prayer sincerely and with a little bit of attention prayed is listened to every prayer rattled off in a hurry is listened as well and the prayer is complemented and reinforced by the spiritual world
  • every prayer is preserved
  • every prayer is heard, literally if possible
  • to every prayer is listened, figuratively, enveloped with support and hope and love and strength for those for whom this prayer is meant to be if literally hearing is not possible
  • every prayer is an opening to Above
  • every prayer is a strengthening of your channel between the earth and the spiritual world
  • every prayer is an opportunity for God to fill your asking hand
  • every prayer is giving the spiritual world an opportunity to arrange an additional connection between the spiritual world and the earthy world
  • every prayer is the spiritual influence helping to touch the matter in a better way. You can compare it literally with opening up a window for fresh air
  • each prayer is a strengthening of the cooperation and contact and communication between the personality who is praying and the spiritual world to whom one is praying
  • every prayer is having immediate consequences for the one who is praying. These effects may be: more space, more support, more love, more energy, more trust, more happiness, more openness, more quietness, more hope, etc.
  • every prayer and the consequences for the one who is praying are colored and determined by to whom one is praying: the value of a prayer to God is bigger than the prayer to the sun, to the guardian angel is bigger than to an idol, to the own "My God "is bigger than to the guardian angel, to the saints and apostles and prophets is bigger than to the spirits of animals, trees or rivers etc.
  • all prayers to Whom ever directed do have value in our eyes
  • to every prayer is listened, even if it can not be heard
  • the biblical words: “knock, and you shall be opened, ask and you shall be given” are true. Even though this is not always in the form you have expected or at the time you have hoped for
  • Every prayer is contributing to the beauty of your spiritual body and to the beauty of your future spiritual dwelling.

Pray, all of you, so the world can be a better one.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 138

Friday, 28 December 2012

Cherish your love for God as a beloved child in your arms

"The finest love doesn’t get somewhere when you let her walk on her one. It is far better to carry her in your arms as a beloved child"  (Alain, French philosopher and essayist, ps. of Émile Augiste Chartier)

Would You like to comment on this quote?

I would like to comment on it on the basis of a special love, on the basis of the purest love, which is your love for God.
God is so close, closer than your beloved ones, closer than your heart, closer than your lips.

Cherish this love, carry it, take it in your arms.

God would like you to talk to God as you talk to your beloved one: at rest, quiet, with attention, looking at your loved one, with full attention, concentrated, with the love in your eyes and the warmth in your heart.

God is waiting for this to happen.

Do know you will always get an answer.

This answer may be:
  • a sense of happiness
  • a bright thought
  • a desire to address your addictions
  • hope for a better life
  • the solution of a problem
  • more courage and energy to bear your problems
  • a necessary prompting
  • more peace in your head
  • more sympathy for life in your heart
  • more attention for the beauty of nature
  • and incidentally as some experience the voice of God in your inner self.

Aren’t these answers satisfying to you?
Aren’t these answers you may recognize?
Aren’t these answers you possibly could consider as answers of God?

For do know Christ said: “Knock on the door and you will be opened”.
And do know this truth is still valid.

"The finest love doesn’t get somewhere when you let her walk on her one. It is far better to carry her in your arms as a beloved child"

But the love for God really must be cherished, fed, carried, because if your attention is absorbed by the cares of everyday life, God will just wait.

Your free will is mostly cherished by Us and carried in Our arms as a beloved child.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 137

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Christ is the Light in the world (Light, 3)

Christ is appearing after his crucifixion in the synagogue of Philadelphia:
"You are all the children of light; therefore stumble not into the misunderstanding entanglements of mortal suspicion and human intolerance. If you are ennobled, by the grace of faith, to love unbelievers, should you not also equally love those who are your fellow believers in the far- spreading household of faith? Remember, as you love one another, all men will know that you are my disciples." *

Would You today like to comment on Christ, the Light of the world ?

I deliberately do not comment on the issue whether Christ is the Only Son of God or just one of the prophets, whether he died on the cross or not, whether he was born from an immaculate virgin or indeed had brothers and sisters. Let the Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc have their disputes if they like.

The spiritual world considers the following issues from the life of Christ to be of importance, namely
  • he has brought man closer to God
  • he has brought God closer to man by speaking of God as Father
  • he has said all people to be children of ONE father
  • he has called ALL people on earth to be children of the Light
  • he has increased and strengthened the connection between earthy life and the spiritual world.
"You are all the children of light; therefore stumble not into the misunderstanding entanglements of mortal suspicion and human intolerance”

Christ has been with the example of his life truly the light in the world by
  • his example as pure prophet who lived what he preached
  • his attention for a new morality of love and tolerance
  • his healings and miracles (although historically distorted and inflated, at least 80% of the traditional stories are true)
  • his great and ongoing dialogue with the Father, his "My God," Who could be powerful on earth through the devotion and faith of Christ
  • his respect for female disciples and believers
  • his great sense of social justice
  • his unmasking of orthodoxy, abuse of power and sham
  • his love for man.
Christ is the Light of the world.
What is still counting: who is following his example, in his own modest way, is bringing the light of the spiritual world on earth.

My blessings to you all

* See the Urantia Book ( 191:4.3) or

Nr. 136

Monday, 24 December 2012

Be a light to your fellow men (Light, 2)


You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love” (Henry Drummond)
Today You were going to give a blog on the light man can give to others ? You have led me on the Internet to this quote.

I have indeed led you to this quote.
This is the only Truth. All other valuable experiences concerning art, science, property, personal successes in life are for sure contributing to the evolution of man, the earth, and life. And are therefore valuable.
Of more value is this truth. Why is this so?

  • Because the cradle of life is love
  • Because God is in His Innermost Being Love
  • Because man is carried in love
  • Because man only comes to God through his heart
  • Because the heart of man is the most essential.
     Because there is something essential happening to man,
  • when he loves
  • when he is kind
  • when he is aware of the other
  • when he is paying attention to his fellow men
  • when he is a light for his environment
  • when he is respecting others
  • when he is greeting a stranger
  • when he is giving alms
  • when he is reaching a hand to the other
  • when he is compassionate to sad ones
  • when he is giving support to weak ones
  • when he is dwelling on suffering
  • when he is grieving for the suffering of his fellow man
  • when his heart is trembling at another's grief
  • when he is weeping on the misery in the world
  • when he is trembling at the sight of wars and disasters
  • when he is giving from his wealth
  • when he is sharing his scarce possessions
  • when he is letting go first of the other
  • when he is renouncing oneself
  • when he is smiling at someone else's happiness
  • when he is a light for his environment.
“You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love”.

Why is this?

Because then man
  • is God's image
  • is distributing God's love
  • is bringing heaven on earth
  • is feeding his heart
  • is God's hands on earth
  • is spreading the divine light
  • is increasing the divine light
  • is strengthening the divine light
  • is making the divine light to be born on earth.
And do know, then you are behaving yourselves as sons and daughters of God.
And do know, Christmas is indeed feeding this atmosphere on earth, but the whole year on this is possible and desirable and necessary, and once this will be the case.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 135

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Experience the light in your inner self (Light, 1)

You were going to comment on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of the Light in the world ?

The light in the world, but throughout the year. The birth of the light within you. How does this happen, how are you realizing this, what does this mean?

The hearts of man, their thinking, their emotional lives really can use more light. Light, dearly and in large quantities distributed by the spiritual world. This light is insufficiently requested, received and nourished, why?

Because man is ignorant, because man is a child, not yet a sun or daughter of God. Because man is struggling with his inner forces, because man is torn between extremes, for not God is dwelling on this inner throne, but the ego.
The ego, that wonderful, beautiful, perfect instrument, which is always at the service of life. But .... it may, in its ignorance not dwell on the throne of the inner self, where God should dwell. This is meant to be.

Birth of the light in your own inner world means the Former man is making way for the New man. Means man is growing from being a child of God into becoming a son or daughter of God. Means the will of man is making way for “God's will be done”. Means not the ego on the throne, but the "My God."

At the Former man:
The horse: the body, not listening, instead the ego is slave and the horse is regularly running wild.
The carriage: the emotions dragged around by the horse and his wild trot.
The passenger: the thinking on critical moments insufficiently able to influence the decisions of the ego, the coachman.
The luggage: somewhere in a suitcase "My God" is dwelling , with the lid closed.
The coachman: the ego, torn between a runaway horse, a battered, poorly functioning carriage, insufficiently good communication with thinking and really sauntering about: the ego is labeling this to be his fate.

At the New man:
The Horse: the body, well cared for, but in a good dressage.
The carriage: the emotions, all of which are accepted, not suppressed, in excellent condition, colorful, their influence on decisions is controlled by the mind.
The passenger: the ego, important, cherished, but has no influence on the trip, just looking outside and enjoying.
The luggage: all the energy of the spiritual world, lids of boxes do not have to be opened, because everything is transparent, everything is functional and everything is flowing.
The coachman: "My God": "not my will, but Thy Will be done". Thinking is sitting next to the Driver, everything is accepted and appreciated by “My God”, and respected.

The result is surrender, peace, trust and leting go.

The result: the personality has become a persona, a “mask”, a service hatch for God. A transparent and perfect working instrument, at the service of life, at the service of God.

The Kingdom of God has been realized.

The Light on earth is born in man himself.

I tell you: this is the truth, this may be your truth, every day again.

Every day you can try this, every day you can try to open up for this, every day you can exercise with this knowledge, every day you can experience this.
Be the light in yourself.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 134

Monday, 17 December 2012

Mary, the Mother Goddess

Would you like to comment on the name and the position of Mary in spiritual sense?

The (male) monastery Maria Resort is a tribute to Mary. On the façade is mentioned

Per Mariam ad Jesum, or through Mary to Jesus.
Who is Mary and what is her significance?

You mortals think differently about her. Mary is assumed to be:
  • The Mother of God, for Christ is the Son of God
  • The comforter of the afflicted, the unfortunate, the sinners
  • The eternal virgin, of Immaculate Conception
  • The crowned Queen of Heaven (Catholics)
  • The mother of the prophet Jesus, a remarkable and ordinary woman, for God can not have a mother (the Muslims)
  • A mother who saw her son tortured and murdered, symbol of the mother and her earthly suffering (humanists)
  • The Goddess, the better half of God (New Age)
  • The equal of Tara of Compassion (Hindus) and Kuan Yin (she, who is hearing the cries of distress on earth, the Chinese female Buddha)
  • Symbol of the pure and feminine on earth (esoteric).

My son, I'll tell you this truth: in the spiritual world it does not really matter what you mortals are all believing thinking and interpreting and differently.
We are equally taking care for all religions and tendencies.
As long as you are not boxing each other ears.

What We would like you to do is:
  • being inspired by your own image of Mary
  • being motivated to the spiritual life
  • getting hope when you say the name of Mary
  • in all worries of everyday life are getting tempted to the choice of the inner, the spiritual
  • love what Mary is symbolizing: purity, devotion, love for God
  • considering her as comforter of the afflicted and unfortunate
  • honorering her as the one who is hearing the cries of distress on earth
  • are feeling supported by her presence in your life
  • considering her as the feminine aspect of God, the world is needing this aspect badly.
On the facade of the monastery stands:

"By Mariam ad Jesum, through Mary to Jesus"

The spiritual world is considering this as:
  • Through love reaching God
  • Through the experienced feelings to the believing mind
  • With a pure heart to surrender to the Inner
  • With humility of man to God's Will
  • With sincere prayer to the touch by God
  • With the experience of life to the insight of being
  • With suffered grief to higher understanding of life
  • Through childhood becoming son and daughter of God
  • Through the feminine considering the male
  • By love to the Christ consciousness
  • Through caring charity to the Kingdom of God on earth.
The monks of Mary Refuge are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 133

Sunday, 16 December 2012

How unfathomable are Your thoughts

I am going to Mass at 8:00 pm in the church of the monastery. Iam getting impressed by the Gregorian-like chantingof the monks: modest, pure, melodious.
They are singing about God, they are standing there and are having devoted their lives to God. In society, everyone has different goals, needs, desires, and here there seems to be only one goal: God.
It touches me: the simplicity andfocus on this one goal.

Reaching God, honoring God,serving God.
Especially a part of Psalm 92, the verses 5-11, are in my eyes beautiful:

O Lord, what great works you do!
And how deep are your thoughts.

Only a simpleton would not know,
and only a fool would not understand this:

Though the wicked sprout like weeds
and evildoers flourish,
they will be destroyed forever.

But you, O Lord, will be exalted forever.
Your enemies, Lord, will surely perish;
all evildoers will be scattered.

But you have made me as strong as a wild ox.
You have anointed me with the finest oil.

I think the personal prayer to God, the conversation with God, the trusting on God are so touching.
Furthermore we have in the church: the standing in a circle around the altar during the peace wishes and during the consecration. I find that impressive.
I ask You, would You like to give us a glance behind the scenes please?

 The singing of the monks is devotion to God, they are focusing all on God, and the most direct line is between their personality and their "My God." Each “My God” is inextricably linked, because ONE with God.

The monkhood is a brotherhood in God, with only ONE goal: to follow the will of God.

 "O Lord, what great works you do!
And how deep are Your thoughts.

You have anointed me with the finest oil”

The singing of the monks is not only a blessing for themselves: you all in the church are cleansed, because the deep monotonous male singing is causing a cleansing of your lower chakras. They are opened and the old and tired and polluted energy is flowing away downwards, into mother earth, and the empty chakras are filled with new fresh energy from the spiritual world. The cleansing would be even greater, if female voices would do the follow up afterwards and cleanse the upper chakras.


You would leave the church then completely transformed. But the Catholic Church hasn’t organized it in this way. This will be the case once.

My son, you are touched as well because the accumulated energy (the gestalt) is seducing each present churchgoer into an energetic spiral. This is causing the opening of the heart. It is where My God is dwelling, and is making Itself known when the heart is cleansed enough. For it is difficult communicating by dirty layers.
The gathering around the altar is strengthened energetically . A white spiritual ball of energy has come into being uplifting everyone, touching everyone and is manifesting the presence of their living "My God" felt in all hearts.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 132

Saturday, 15 December 2012

A tickling throat during a Zen meditation

I am staying in the monastery Maria Refuge and in the morning at 7.30 am I am going to the Zen meditation. A gong declares the beginning. Left and right of me people are meditating, and I get a terrible tickle in my throat. Psychosomatic course. I'm afraid to make any sound and coughingor hard swallowing and to bother the others. It is quite annoying. I'm notreally getting into the silence ofmy being as well. I say to My God “Good God, I'm not used to this group thing of silence. I do accept that I suffer and have jitters and whatever,but would You please make me not being a hindrance to the others?”

 Thank you for your loving wishes. Be reassured.

I gradually feel how the creeps and irritation in mythroat are disappearing. I am getting calmer and more quiet. And I am slowlypulled insight me where My God alwaysis receiving me. The silence. The quietness. The being nothing. The emptiness. The fullness. The being.I make contact with The Milky-White Bosom of God. The essence of my existence.

The gong marks the end of mymeditation. I do believe a Zen master would be satisfied with such a pupil.I really didn’t do anything actually.
I thank God.

Be blessed,every time you put the other first, you’ll become own benefit of it. It is letting go and getting. It is for saking and winning. It's loosing your life and gaining real life.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 131

Friday, 14 December 2012

A cloister or ashram is a Carrier and Bringer of Light

I am ended up now for a few days in the monastery of Mary Refuge in Zundert, the Netherlands. Would You like to comment on the spiritual site of the monastery?

Each cloister or any ashram in the world is a carrier of light and a bringer of light, in this case you are in a Catholic monastery, but My words are applying for all cloisters and ashrams in the world, of Buddhists, of Hindu's, of Christians, whatever religion or tendency in the world.

Carrier of Light : in cloisters and ashrams one is praying for humanity. Constantly. These prayers are a strong catalyst, a transformer of spiritual energy, increased, strengthened andcherished. Anyone who is visiting a cloister or ashram issensing this. It is as if one enters into the silence, the power, a gestalt of concentrated love for God, as if one is absorbed by a piece of heaven.This is indeed so, in principle a cloister or ashram is a piece of heaven on earth.

Bringer of Light: the gathered,collected energy, near drawn, is by the cloister or ashram distributed,disseminated and transformed in an energy level, more accessible for average man. Each cloister or any ashram is often an energy concentration point, and has a spiritual counterpart,three to four times as large. By spiritual beings the release of acquired energy is spread for the benefit of mankind.

My blessings to you all

See as well

Nr. 130

Monday, 10 December 2012

We are having another messenger

Would You like to comment on the brain surgeon Eben Alexander having had a near-death experience and is convinced now of a life after death ?

The spiritual world has an extra messenger.

Skeptics say the near-death experience is produced by the brains and the experiences are imagination, dreamed.
The near-death experience is just one of the thousands of signals from the spiritual world that:

  • she is alive
  • she is existing
  • man is cherished in eternity
  • matter is determined by spirit
  • spirit is not made by matter
  • your earthly life is embedded in a cloud of love and attention and care
  • you are not alone
  • you will survive physical death gloriously
  • your spiritual body is from Our perspective more real than the earthy personality
  • your inspiration from the heart, your intuition, your spiritual experiences are all evidence
  • skeptics and critics like Eben Alexander will only believe when they can lay their fingers in the wounds of Christ like the holy Thomas.

But do know, all of you, that
  • once will be proven to all humanity  the spiritual world does exist
  • skeptics will surrender then and believe
  • time is almost nearby for an ultimate invention: a machine will facilitate communication with deceased persons
  • these blogs are as well one of the many signals from the spiritual world there is more between heaven and earth you can imagine
  • God's clothing are hope
  • Gods' eyes are love
  • God's ears are hearing your pain and soothes
  • God's hands on earth are all people of good will
  • God's pen is consisting of all holy and spiritual books
  • God's holy and spiritual books are not meant to be laws and disciplinary rules, but only encouragement and inspiration
  • you are not allowed to hit each other with your rules and interpretations and differences
  • you are only moving forward with respect and tolerance towards each other
  • the spiritual world, the "My God" of all men, God as ONE is listening to all
  • all religions, all sects, all movements are equally cherished by God
  • scientists and agnostics are cherished as well by God, because they work for humanity, only in different areas, with different tools and with different ideals.
My blessings to you all


Nr. 129

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Never an apocalyptic End of times

Would you like to comment on the end of the world prophecies, in connection with the 21/12 prophecy?

This is a true issue at this time.

Man is in a precarious situation: evolution is dynamic, and the negative and challenging side of earthly existence is a fact and the human need for clarity is great.
Religions do all their best to clarify this.
In short and concise: on December the 21st nothing special will happen, the world will not perish, there is no concatenation of global disasters and crises, and Christ, the Son of Man, will not come on a cloud separating the goats and sheep, not then and not later.

What is the need for man to make up these stories and where are these stories coming from?

I do like to give a brief summary, and recall a few aspects:
  • In periods of crisis and transition predictions will be dished up: the year 1000, the turn of a century, in times of great crises like the epidemic of plague in the Middle Ages and in times of major disasters, such as earthquakes.
  • People need to have hold on something, even though it's a negative one. So if it is difficult, if one disagrees with developments in society, if one is dispirited, and is wondering how things will end, then one is holding on predictions that something has to happen rigorously, THAT IT WILL ALL CEASE.
  • On major problems people tend to expect correction by Above. Punishment, destruction by higher authority, gladly believing in salvation for themselves. Or if they have a negative self-image being convinced to be doomed sinners. It is a having hold on a solution of the problem. But because mankind is God's hands on earth, it is mankind who has to create a solution. The Above world does intervene and correct and direct constantly, this is a topic (has been) of other blogs. But this is never done on Apocalyptic world scale. Nor will be. 
  • People tend to forget history. Forgetting earlier prophecies on the end of the world which never proved to be correct. The Above world never did a global intervention. So the Flood is a fiction, scientists are beginning to unravel what really happened. Noah and his ship full of animal coupels. How did the male ostrich actually continue after landing, when his wife was eaten by the tiger pair? Just extinct? (Smile). Please do use your common sense. Zie 
  • Some unilateral religious tendencies create an end-time story. Its own Messenger / Prophet and followers are saved of course. That’s giving reinforcement, bonding, energy, motivation, but it is all illusion, delusion, conceit and especially manipulation of uncertain followers.
In brief, on December 22, We from the spiritual world will continue with your earth. And the escalation of a derailed economy, the exploitation of nature, the over-population and the corrections on these developments worldwide really are global problems. They are therefore subjects of other blogs.
I'd like to clarify mystic life, but at the same time love to demystify.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 128

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Considering life as a miracle is uplifting your life

Positive QUOTES@Positief_leven There are only two ways to live your life; One is as though there are no miracles. The other as though everything is a miracle (Albert Einstein).

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Of course.

People, who do not see the wonders of life, are making everything smaller and more restrict. They are more drawn to the earth, and limit themselves more, thinking they are on their one. Actually they do invite the angel of failure.

People who consider everything to be a miracle, are not stupid or woolly. They are just smarter. For the angel of respect is accompanying them. They are more open to the mystery of life and can be approached and touched more easily by the spiritual world. They indeed allow themselves the support of the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 127

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Let go of a worldly attitude

Got Jesus?@JesusGracesDo not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. -Rom 12:2 Geretweet door God Loves

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How can mankind make this possible? By renewing your mind (thoughts and feelings, in fact your attitude).
It is so simple that it is difficult for you all.

The old-Greek saying: "Panta rhei kai ouden menei”, or “everything is flowing and nothing is remaining”.
The ego is clinging to thoughts and they become dogmas and doctrines.
The ego is clinging to feelings and they become sentiments.
The ego is clinging to relationships and they become attachments.
The ego is clinging to affairs and they become fixation.
The ego is clinging to things and they become materialism.
Is it possible for the personality not to grasp anything, or rather after grasping letting it go again?

Yes, it's possible.
And what you are requiring is: insight and free will.


That everything in your life is flowing towards you and may flow away again.
That you are so vulnerable, if you want to hold to everything.
That you'll stay uncertain, if you keep clinging to certainties.
That all is when it is. It all will come, when it comes. It all will go, when it goes.

The free will.

By constantly grasping and understanding the limitations and the misery of this grasping.
By letting go and experiencing freedom.
By surrendering and feeling how everything is flowing again.
By letting life happen to you.

By not wanting to interfere all the time.
By being ready to live empty-handed.

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”

Tell Me, My son, what are you experiencing, when you are leaving the spinning wheel of the personality and are switching to the silent axis of existence, when you are welcomed in My Milky-white Bosom ?

Actually there is nothing whatsoever, there is silence, there is emptiness. There is absence of my personality. There's surrender, there is rest. There is Your overall presence of trust and love. I can no longer find myself then, I am all alone with You, You are, and I may experience It. Anything like.

This is the Kingdom of God on earth, silence and surrender and love, available for who has the insight and has the will to It.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 126

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Man is contributing to mental biodiversity (Evolution, 4)

Did the emotional diversity explode with the arrival of thinking of man, simultaneously the mental biodiversity increased enormously with his emotional development. For as richer emotions lead to deepening of thinking, in the same way deepening of thinking is leading to richer emotions. They are interacting.

The joy of the spiritual world concerning every creation of man is great. We in the spiritual world do wish to help you all with a better perspective, with more truth, with more awareness of the spiritual side of life. For you are suffering anyway of a inferiority complex despite all the pride and conceit of the ego.

Know that you are beloved and cherished and respected in everything you do and think and feel. And don’t be fixated on the excesses and miseries of the world, do consider life as a whole.

Your mental biodiversity is grand, compelling, intended and supported and nurtured by God .
Because of your focusing on misery and difficulties, I do deliberately leave out of consideration the concentration camps, the nuclear bombs and instruments of torture.

I recall a few glorious aspects of mental biodiversity:
  • Science: A heart transplant, where before someone would have died. Healing of AIDS, this new leprosy. Cataract surgery, so someone can see again. Pedagogy, with new insights into the psyche of children. Astronomy, bringing mankind to the cosmic community.
  • Technology and inventions: Autonomous making of fire has inspired thinking. The wheel making you explore the world. Electricity enlighting your dark houses and nights. Photography and film helping you to relax in tough times.
    Internet, bringing you all together and changing the world into a village.
  • Art: the paintings of the masters, moving you into your heart. The works of composers bringing you into heaven. The directors of theater and choreographers helping you to be distracted from hard life and showing you beauty and truth.
  • Architecture: The houses with heating and lighting and plumbing giving you a sheltered place in a tough world. The architectural structures giving you a glimpse of heavenly structures. The Dutch cities with its canals and parks. The African villages with their protection and nurturing of vulnerability. The skyscrapers of New York with their inspiring creativity and their spirit of commerce. The houses of worship of the world summoning to God.
  • Society. The guardian of the sick by a joint insurance. The protector of vulnerable through its institutions and professions. The custodian of the rights of liberty (USA) and of equality (China) and of brotherhood (Russia). The stimulus of morality and thinking and philosophy. The breeding ground of culture and recreation and happiness.
  • Working with nature: The growers of rose varieties, blueprints of heavenly flowers. The upgraders of species for feeding, for beauty, for variation. The architects of parks, integration of culture and nature. The builders of tropical greenhouses. The discoverers of materials in nature for medicine (antibiotics) and beauty (precious stones, pigments).
  • Theology and Mysticism: your philosophies on life and God and cosmos. Your prophets and the religions inspired by their messages. Your mystics, coming nearer to God than the ordinary man. Your saints bringing The Kingdom of God on earth.

Mankind is indeed the crown of creation, and in the next centuries you will act increasingly on behalf of a real kingship: guardian of nature, of mother earth, of vulnerable fellowmen and of spiritual values.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 125

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Man is contributing to emotional biodiversity (Evolution, 3)

How can it be better described than as emotional biodiversity: the variety and diversity of life, but on emotional level.
Although plant and animal life do have an emotional life, and this will be subject for another blog, is the emotional life of man a source of inspiration for all "lower" life on earth.

For the colorfulness of the emotional life of man is energetically more valuable than the emotional life of animals and plants. The total of emotions is inspiring life, is lifting it up and is leveling up life energetically. For life is ONE and is showing thus more variation.

The darkest emotions of loneliness, depression, fear and jealousy until the lightest emotions of love, humility and joy are belonging all to a colorful palette of life. This is by the spiritual world observed as clearly as mankind is observing the physical nature.
And the spiritual world is supporting and guiding ALL emotions, because they exist, because they have a reason, because they bring man to experience, to understanding, to deepening, to consciousness, to growing and to spiritual wealth.

And in places where once was pasture, or water, or mountain or forest, now people are living. And the biodiversity of the total life per M2 has increased thirtyfold, where man is living, despite the physical decline of biodiversity. As previously different plant and animal species covered the earth, the earth is now populated with a greater wealth of emotions. Thus is the total wealth of life, and the overall ability to gain experience, enlarged considerably.

It is obvious that the required balance between physical and emotional wealth, which is disturbed in may places on earth, will be restored.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 124

Monday, 26 November 2012

Mankind is part of nature (Evolution, 2)

Mankind is meant to be.

Mankind is having a destination.
Mankind is intended.
Mankind is a necessary link between the three earthly realms of minerals, plants and animals and the fifth realm of the spiritual world.

The ultimate spiritual transformation into an energetical world of light and love is meant to be. Disruption, disharmony and so-called evil will no longer exist. The derailed angels, the devils, the apes of God at last will finally with rapid strides return to the harmony of God.

Then all life will be in and from God.
Evolution will only reach this with the help of mankind as a natural link in the chain.

The evolution of man is meant to be.
The free will of man is meant to be.
The derailment of the free will of man into misconduct as wars, murder, environmental pollution and destruction of species is anticipated.
But it can not be avoided, because derailment is a necessary step in the experience.
But be reassured, the survival of mankind and “his” nature is meant to be.

Man is nature.
Man is not separated from nature.
Man is inextricably linked with nature.
Man will be confronted with all consequences of destroying his inner and outer nature on behalf of the laws of cause and effect.
Mankind will groan during his solving of all these consequences.

Mankind will ultimately triumph.
Nature will triumph.

For mother earth and Father God are infinitely greater than the sons and daughters of mankind.
For mother nature and the Father of creation are infinitely greater than the sons and daughters of mankind.

Nature will be transformed, and with the help of man and his behavior.
Man will be in harmony with his own nature and with nature around him, at the same time.
For the processes of the inner world are hardly separated from the processes of the outside world.

And in the nearby future a new attitude will be constructed towards inner nature. And inextricably and simultaneously and synchronously a new attitude towards external nature. The inner and outer world are almost an identical twin.

And after the painful transformation into a healthy future, into a new nature and into a harmonious attitude of man towards his inner and outer nature, mankind will foresee a beautiful future, and regain hope and broach a new source of spiritual power.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 123