Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Life is every day a gift from God

God Almighty@Godstagram
I receive a gift from God everyday, for I have woken up every morning of my life. I am thankful.

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The earth is worn in love.No sparrow is falling from the roof, not one crying child, not a leaf in the wind, who aren’t nurtured and cared for by Us.

If God would stop one single moment with giving loving and concentrated and complete attention to the material world, this world would disintegrate on site.

In a way you are living 100 % in credit.

A world carried in love.
A basis of energy, strength and attention.

Every night youare retiring for the night and immediately on behalf of God the spirits of the night, of the sleep, of relaxation, of physical recovery and many other spirits get going to make you afterwards refreshed wake up again.

An infidel thinking only the material world is existing, is considered by Us with a gentle smile, while in the mean time thousands of spiritual beings are maintaining him.

“I receive a gift from God everyday, for I have woken up every morning of my life. I am thankful”

Wise words and true words. We are giving you every second the gift of life, so that you are capable of getting up. Be grateful for it. Gratitude is a precious and healing energy, embedded in truth.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 116

Monday, 29 October 2012

Man is not responsible for his nature, but for acting out of it

#ALHAMDHULILLAH@Alhamdhulillaah A person is not to be blamed for his nature. Rather, he is to be blamed if he acts according to his nature. (Junayd al-Baghdadi)

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Truly a thought of love and wisdom.
I’ll like to go into it. The thought has two important aspects.

“A person is not to be blamed for his nature”

The loving aspect of this thought: acceptance of the nature of man with all her beautiful and primitive features. This will make man considering himself and his fellowman with his heart and with mildness. The world would be a better world if everyone did so. But be assured, this is ahead. From the spiritual world, where your time is in perspective, and past and future are coming together in the here and now, We are foreseeing a world where this all will be realized. Your world is evolving in the only direction possible.

“Rather, he is to be blamed if he acts according to his nature”

The wise aspect of this thought: in what man does with his nature , his free will is in picture, and this free will is highly respected by Us.
Even Hitler could go his own way, although his actions already were containing decay and own destruction.

The spiritual world does have her laws of a righteous correction.

When will the spiritual world blame someone "acting according to one’s own nature" and when not? I’am not going into the blaming and condemning by the human world, this is indeed  too familiar to you all.

The spiritual world is simply having a different and wiser perspective than humans have.

See for example

What is not resented, but accepted in love and wisdom, is acting out of thoughtlessness, ignorance, force majeure, weakness, anxiety and distress.
What really is resented, but in love and wisdom corrected, is acting out of malice, indifference, deliberate aggression, selfishness, from tyranny and when vulnerable people or children are victimized.

A person is not to be blamed for his nature. Rather, he is to be blamed if he acts according to his nature”

Man proposes, but God disposes.

If you could observe with how much love and wisdom thugs, criminals, derailed persons and addicts are received in the spiritual world, you'd better understand it is never up to you humans to blame your fellow men anything.
Simply because it is not at all your capability to make distinction between good will and bad will.
Everything is accepted by Us, but lovingly and wisely treated. That’s including acceptance. And correction. And confrontation with all one has done out of free will.
But always according to the spiritual laws, not according to the limited understanding of man.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 115

Sunday, 28 October 2012

If your heart is good, you'll see God in everything (Thomas à Kempis)

If your heart is good, every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it (Thomas à Kempis)

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This thought of Thomas à Kempis, one of the great sons of mankind, is a pearl of wisdom. I would like to comment on it on the basis of two important parts.

"If your heart is good"

How can one's heart always be good in this world in which also matter and temptations, misery and sorrow are claiming their place? That’s almost impossible, although mystics and saints and truly great sons and daughters of mankind have achieved this.
The aim at a good heart is yet important. Every act of you must be determined by the question "is this good for my fellow man or fellow creature"?
The aim is indeed important because through trial and error one is achieving something.

"every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it. "

If you could see the world and all life through Our eyes, you would observe this: a luminous world of energy and love and harmony, despite the struggle for life in nature, despite the confusion of mankind, despite the long road one has to pass to an evolving physical world of light and love. Behind the scenes this is the case, the spiritual side of life is like this. The hidden grain of truth of everything and everyone is like this, because it is in and from God.

The spiritual world is as it is wished to be.
The material world is as it temporary is.

Know that every prayer for good, every thought of it, any attempt to feel it, every honest belief, any focus on kindness, every act of love, every desire for a sacred world will bring this world more nearby.

"If your heart is good, every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it."

Thomas à Kempis lived six hundred years ago, but his message is entirely relevant. And time is on the horizon, when many people will live this truth. But the world needs more time, before this is the case.

Do realize in the meantime God is in everything.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 114

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The beauty of life (7), God

This is the seventh and final blog on the beauty of life and last but not least, God is next. I'm curious.

And be indeed curious.

God and "My God" of every single human being are ONE. But this blog is not on God, but on "My God," and for one reason only. Because you have put God aside and even far away in the cosmos, somewhere inaccessible and too great to comprehend. Let alone to move in God circles.
And the Good God has given a part of Its Being to you as human being to be very close.

This blog is on the "My God" of every human being.

I'm so close.
I'm in your heart.
I am.
I'm in your thoughts.
I am.
I am in you.
I'm with you.
I will be you once.

If you laugh, I'm in your leisure.
If you cry, I’ll catch your tears and count them and will return as many blessings.
If you're tired, I’ll call the spirit of the night for rest and oblivion.
If you're confused, I’ll sweep away the worries in your mind.
If you are lonely, I’ll put My hand on your forehead.
If your life seems to be too heavy, I’ll lift you up and carry you some time on your path of life.
If you are melancholy, I’ll arrange bright spots of distraction.
If you're discouraged, I’ll ordain the angel of hope.
When you are sad, I’ll create already in your inner life some zest of life.

If you are happy, I’ll enjoy your happiness.
If you are successful, I’ll count your efforts to it.
If you are in love, I’ll record it in your memory.
If you are watching your beloved one, I’ll invoke the spirits of trust and surrender.

If you are fathered, I’ll give instructions to your soul.
When you grow up, I’ll find the best physical building blocks.
If you are derailing in life, I’ll ease the consequences of your mistakes.
If you are causing suffering, I’ll soften the pain caused by your actions.
If you’ll die, I‘ll prepare your transition

If you have passed away, I have collected everyone as start for the rest of your path.
If you are surrendering yourself to Me during your life, I’ll send a Personal message to God.
If you are surrendering yourself to Me during your life, God will be more powerful on earth.
If you are acting on behalf of Me, you’ll become My Hands on Earth.

Do know you all this is the case.
Trust you all this truth.
Practice you all these beauties.
Turn you all to your "My God."

For your "My God" is very close to you.
For your "My God" can still be closer to you.
First, your spiritual body will surrender.
Then your heart.
Then your personality.
Then the physical body can not fail to follow.
And ultimately you will be the hands of "My God" on earth.
And finally, the kingdom of God on earth will be arrived in your life.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 113

Sunday, 14 October 2012

The beauty of life (6), the guardian angel

Every human being has a guardian angel, the angel of God, who is always with you all. Many religions and folk stories are mentioning the angel. And they do behold a truth.
This angel is the “angelos”, messenger.
But the angel of God is a gift, a grace as well.

What does an angel look like?
An angel has no wings. Psychic people and those who have observed in ecstasy an image of ​​the apparition of an angel, saw the following:
A spiritual being, in radiant light, with the appearance of a wonderful being, a creature with feminine and masculine characteristics. The wings were caused by the impression of floating and by the spiritual luminous ties behind the angel reaching upwards, they are literally two spiritual lines to the feminine and the masculine aspect of God.

Angels seem to be androgynous, both male and female, but are not. One one hand they radiate a strong and powerful energy, on the other hand they are beautiful and they represent a great delicacy. You have "male" and "female" angels. Most men have a male guardian, most women a female guardian, but that is not always the case. Very manly women have a male and very womanly men have a female guardian. It is all about a strong energetic and kindred cooperation.

Because cooperation it is, although man should cooperate much more, if he knew how real and available the guardian angel is and what the guardian angel really could do for man. Hence this blog.

Angels are purely spiritual beings, created as perfect beings and without flaws. The story of the fallen angels who have become devils will be subject for another blog. This talk is on the "ordinary" angel.

What are the tasks of an angel?

  • Messages from God to man: The history of man relates to thousands of stories of people who got a hunch, a nocturnal visit, whether or not in a dream, a kind of apparition. In almost all cases it was the guardian angel, acting on behalf of "My God" and the soul and intervening in human life. Because it was meant to be, because it was possible, because it was fitting in the destiny of man. Messenger of God in many ways: from promptings to intuition, from a voice in the heart to a flash of insight, from a premonition to a new hope, from a physical intervention in life (a miracle) to a painful rebuke. In all cases, the action of God through the angel. The assistant, the help, the messenger, the loving being, fully and unconditionally, lovingly and selflessly wanting nothing more than to bring man in his life and in his free will closer to God.
  • Messages from the human to the spiritual world: man can ask anything and many doors will be opened when one has knocked. Nothing will be forced unless it is meant to be. The angel is available and is waiting. Each question from man to God or to his inner self, to his guardian angel or to life will be listened at. Each question will be seriously considered, and there will be always a response. If possible, the question will be answered by a dream, a hunch, an event, a human being on your path, a book with an answer, each question is always considered seriously. If you people could see how eagerly a guardian angel gets going with a real demand of you, let alone if one’s own guardian angel is actually asked the question. Frenkie is feeling embarrassed to talk about it, but he has the evidence of direct questions answered by his guardian angel. Questions on the nature, on the deva of an old tree, on the angel of a landscape, on the spirit of a river, on the situation of deceased loved ones, on the significance of world events. Direct answers to direct questions. Please do consider it to be possible! Ask. Give orders to your guardian angel. And experience the living proof!
  • Guardian and protector of man on a practical level: although coincidence do exist and people do experience something not preordained, in 90% of all cases everything is meant to be. People are being saved from a fall, pulled away before a bus, fall out of a three-story window and proof to be fine. So when someone is not meant to be hit by a car and is not paying attention, the guardian angel will pull him aside, and this man will be really surprised. Unharmed, surprised, inexplicable in physical terms, but this man will have a story for years to go about a truly happened miracle. If someone does not “believe anything”, this incident will be quickly forgotten.
In this guardian task the guardian angel is the personal assistant, executor of practical assignments, sidekick to "My God" and the soul. If “My God” is the architect and the soul the contractor, so is the guardian the carpenter, the plumber, the personal assistant and the handyman.

How is the guardian angel to use for your human happiness?
  • Consider it to be possible having a guardian angel and pretend: act and think as if you have one and experience the proofs.
  • Listen to your guardian angel.
  • Provide your guardian angel commands and wait for the proofs or signals that your commands are listened at.
  • Ask the guardian angel in your prayers to send your regards to deceased ones, to support dear ones with difficulties, to send the spirit of strength or energy to helpless people, to deliver the solution of a problem in your dreams, to get promptings to tackle something etc.
  • Thank your guardian angel when you experience happiness or success. A big chance your angel did a lot. And a very big chance a deep sense of gratitude will come to you, because the guardian angel doesn’t experience much gratitude nowadays.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 112

Saturday, 13 October 2012

The beauty of life (5), the spiritual body


Without the spiritual body man would, after a nice, hard or miserable life die and in eternity nothing of him would be reported.
The spiritual body is a great and glorious gift of God to man.
And the most important gift.

His “My God” (as architect) and the soul (as co-creator and master-builder) are building this spiritual body from conception until death.
Thus grows beside the wonderful physical body, beside the wealth of the emotional body and beside the wonderful qualities of the mental body a substance, a being, an eternal creature, which will proceed in eternity autonomously and independently of death.

Truly the miracle of God.
Truly a mercy.
Truly a gift.
Truly a blessing.
Truly a mysterious instrument.
Truly the only opportunity for the earthy creature to range on the side of heavenly beings as angels, spirits, saints and Gods.

What does this spiritual body looks like, while man is growing up on earth?
That truly depends.
The free will of man, his experiences and his cooperation in life are strongly effecting the appearance, characteristics, the beauty of his spiritual body.

I’ll describe you the spiritual body of a simple farmer.

The love of this man for nature, his farmland, his animals. His respectful attitude towards his wife, his carefulness for his children, his sincere respect for his God and his kindness to people around him having difficulties. This all make his spiritual body to have the appearance of an angel, a wise and righteous man, a messenger of God.
And his fellowmen are feeling this, are happy to be in his vicinity, and are strengthened by him. Even though this is a idealistic example, do know more of these people are walking around than imagined.
This example was of a good man, his transition after death will be effortless and joyful.

The spiritual body is invisible, yet very tangible for others because of his energy, his charisma, his atmosphere.
And in Our eyes therefore all actions, all thoughts, all feelings, all secret fantasies are completely visible. You are indeed for Us an open book, and that is why We can “cooperate” with you all, in the best and most efficient way.

People who are committing voluntarily ugly acts against their inner self, against their fellow man, and against life, are building a spiritual body as well. The growth of a spiritual body never stops, by order of God. But their spiritual body is going to look like quite differently.

See for example .

Since we are talking about the beauty of life, we let this subject for what it is.

When you as human beings are experiencing something, considering something, feeling something, this will automatically have an impact on the spiritual body. And difficulties of life, illness and death may, not necessarily always, contribute to the beauty of the spiritual body.
For example:

  • A haughty man, which has become milder by a serious illness.
  • A self-centered man, who after the death of a loved one is experiencing the love of his fellow man and is deeply touched by their support. And he becomes therefore more open.
  • A materialistic man, loosing all his possessions and then discovering other things in life.

A lot may contribute to the beauty of your spiritual body, and We in the spirit would deeply appreciate it if you would more often wonder: “what does this mean for my spiritual body? Is this an enrichment or is this a flaw”?
For do know, that you are after death not empty handed, but at the same time you will have nothing else than the spiritual body.

Indeed, do realize during the earthy life, the spiritual body is the only sustainable, the only acquisition, the only possession.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 111

Sunday, 7 October 2012

The beauty of life (4), the soul

Man is a creature of indescribable beauty and a certain perfection, seen from spiritual perspective. Oh, not perfect yet, for man is in development, is a creature, an evolutionary being, an earthy being, a temporary creature.

The soul however is eternal, because created by God and purely of spiritual origin. This blog is on the soul, your covenant with God. Your support from eternity, the spiritual being associated with you, always concerned with you. Cherishing you and taking care of you. The soul has in command of God, and thus in close cooperation with God, so to call adopted the human being.
"My God" is the creator, the Vicar of God on earth, the soul is the contractor, the manager, the coordinator of the hundreds of spiritual assistants, all working for man.

See .

The soul is accompanying man, helping, providing spiritual food and will continue spiritual life until the earthy personality has survived (after physical death) and has been liberated (if the personality was hardened).

The soul is not the same as the part of the personality surviving physical death, in case the spiritual body. The soul is contributing from your conception on to the development of your spiritual body. And this spiritual body is your direct connection with God.
The soul, wonderful spiritual being of fine energical substance, freely and independently operating spiritual creature, supervisor of earthy personalities, committing oneself lifelong to its earthy personality, regardless of how the personality is acting.

Caesar belonged to a soul.
Michelangelo belonged to a soul.
Sartre belonged to a soul.
Even Charlemagne belonged to a soul.
Even Judas and Hitler did.

A soul gets connected, but does not reincarnate, this is a figment of earthlings, a figment of certain religions. A soul is from the outset committed to an earthy personality and stays connected (voluntarily and in love) until the earthy personality has been liberated in spiritual terms. The soul will continue then with what? With new personalities, in other times, even on other planets.
A soul thus has taken care of more personalities, sometimes chronologically, sometimes simultaneously. Sometimes a soul is connected with an earthy personality, but as well connected with some other personalities in the spiritual world, who are stuck, derailed, not yet liberated.

The beauty of the soul consists in:
  • It is a spiritual being of unparalleled beauty, more beautiful than anything on earth.
  • The soul is created by God, so heavenly, with great skills and talents, all of which are used for the earthy man.
  • The soul has the color of love and harmony.
  • It is subtle, compared with man, of heavenly substance. Man is relating to the soul, as a plastic flower to a real one, as a sandpit to a beach, as a sidewalk puddle to a lake, as an old stick to a tree. And considering the beauty of a human being, you’ll understand how infinitely more beautiful the soul actually is.
  • The soul is to man, a grace, a blessing, a lifebuoy of God.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 110

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The prayer of a suffering man

Why have You forsaken me?

I am here. Feel assured.

Why do I only hear Your voice and do I not feel Your support? I'm struggling with life, tired of all efforts, I feel burdened by all my worries. My nights are tormented by anxiety and nightmares. I tryto surrender to You, but my whole personality is doing other stuff.
I know You're there. And You are saying that this is a trial, temporary, but My dear God, whyaren’t those wordscomforting me, why do I not feel them ?

Why do I feel all alone, wretched man in a cold cosmos, all comfort seems to be so far away, and the fear and misery so near.
About Your voice, I am thinking now I invented it myself, the revelations seem sofar away, the inspiration is gone.

I am alone with my body, which is tired and stressed and overworked and staying sick in bed, and there is nothing else.
I am alone with a troubled and confused mind, full of fears and worries.

Who am I then to hear Your voice, look at me, shouldn’t I be inspired, shouldn’t I be an example?Shouldn’t I demonstrateGod in my life is making me a better person? Why is this all there is?

Feel assured. And know that you are loved by Me. Accept all, trust Me, let everything as it is. And do not forsake Me.
Do not worry.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 109