If your heart is
good, every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the
smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it (Thomas à Kempis)
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This thought of Thomas à Kempis, one of the great sons of mankind, is a pearl of wisdom. I would like to comment on it on the basis of two important parts.
"If your heart
is good"
How can one's heart always be good in this world in which also matter and temptations, misery and sorrow are claiming their place? That’s almost impossible, although mystics and saints and truly great sons and daughters of mankind have achieved this.
The aim at a good heart is yet important. Every act of you must be determined by the question "is this good for my fellow man or fellow creature"?
The aim is indeed important because through trial and error one is achieving something.
How can one's heart always be good in this world in which also matter and temptations, misery and sorrow are claiming their place? That’s almost impossible, although mystics and saints and truly great sons and daughters of mankind have achieved this.
The aim at a good heart is yet important. Every act of you must be determined by the question "is this good for my fellow man or fellow creature"?
The aim is indeed important because through trial and error one is achieving something.
"every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it. "
If you could see the world and all life through Our eyes, you would observe this: a luminous world of energy and love and harmony, despite the struggle for life in nature, despite the confusion of mankind, despite the long road one has to pass to an evolving physical world of light and love. Behind the scenes this is the case, the spiritual side of life is like this. The hidden grain of truth of everything and everyone is like this, because it is in and from God.
The spiritual world is as it is wished to be.
The material world is as it temporary is.
Know that every prayer for good, every thought of it, any attempt to feel it, every honest belief, any focus on kindness, every act of love, every desire for a sacred world will bring this world more nearby.
"If your heart is good, every creature is a mirror of life and a book of divine lessons. Even the smallest and most despicable creature has the goodness of God in it."
Thomas à Kempis lived six hundred years ago, but his message is entirely relevant. And time is on the horizon, when many people will live this truth. But the world needs more time, before this is the case.
Do realize in the meantime God is in everything.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 114