Every human being has a guardian angel, the angel of God, who is always with you all. Many religions and folk stories are mentioning the angel. And they do behold a truth.
This angel is the “angelos”, messenger.
But the angel of God is a gift, a grace as well.
What does an angel look like?
An angel has no wings. Psychic people and those who have observed in ecstasy an image of the apparition of an angel, saw the following:
A spiritual being, in radiant light, with the appearance of a wonderful being, a creature with feminine and masculine characteristics. The wings were caused by the impression of floating and by the spiritual luminous ties behind the angel reaching upwards, they are literally two spiritual lines to the feminine and the masculine aspect of God.
Angels seem to be androgynous, both male and female, but are not. One one hand they radiate a strong and powerful energy, on the other hand they are beautiful and they represent a great delicacy. You have "male" and "female" angels. Most men have a male guardian, most women a female guardian, but that is not always the case. Very manly women have a male and very womanly men have a female guardian. It is all about a strong energetic and kindred cooperation.
Because cooperation it is, although man should cooperate much more, if he knew how real and available the guardian angel is and what the guardian angel really could do for man. Hence this blog.
Angels are purely spiritual beings, created as perfect beings and without flaws. The story of the fallen angels who have become devils will be subject for another blog. This talk is on the "ordinary" angel.
What are the tasks of an angel?
- Messages from God to man: The history of man relates to thousands of stories of people who got a hunch, a nocturnal visit, whether or not in a dream, a kind of apparition. In almost all cases it was the guardian angel, acting on behalf of "My God" and the soul and intervening in human life. Because it was meant to be, because it was possible, because it was fitting in the destiny of man. Messenger of God in many ways: from promptings to intuition, from a voice in the heart to a flash of insight, from a premonition to a new hope, from a physical intervention in life (a miracle) to a painful rebuke. In all cases, the action of God through the angel. The assistant, the help, the messenger, the loving being, fully and unconditionally, lovingly and selflessly wanting nothing more than to bring man in his life and in his free will closer to God.
- Messages from the human to the spiritual world: man can ask anything and many doors will be opened when one has knocked. Nothing will be forced unless it is meant to be. The angel is available and is waiting. Each question from man to God or to his inner self, to his guardian angel or to life will be listened at. Each question will be seriously considered, and there will be always a response. If possible, the question will be answered by a dream, a hunch, an event, a human being on your path, a book with an answer, each question is always considered seriously. If you people could see how eagerly a guardian angel gets going with a real demand of you, let alone if one’s own guardian angel is actually asked the question. Frenkie is feeling embarrassed to talk about it, but he has the evidence of direct questions answered by his guardian angel. Questions on the nature, on the deva of an old tree, on the angel of a landscape, on the spirit of a river, on the situation of deceased loved ones, on the significance of world events. Direct answers to direct questions. Please do consider it to be possible! Ask. Give orders to your guardian angel. And experience the living proof!
- Guardian and protector of man on a practical level: although coincidence do
exist and people do experience something not preordained, in 90% of all cases
everything is meant to be. People are being saved from a fall, pulled away
before a bus, fall out of a three-story window and proof to be fine. So when
someone is not meant to be hit by a car and is not paying attention, the
guardian angel will pull him aside, and this man will be really surprised.
Unharmed, surprised, inexplicable in physical terms, but this man will have a
story for years to go about a truly happened miracle. If someone does not
“believe anything”, this incident will be quickly forgotten.
How is the guardian angel to use for your human happiness?
- Consider it to be possible having a guardian angel and pretend: act and think as if you have one and experience the proofs.
- Listen to your guardian angel.
- Provide your guardian angel commands and wait for the proofs or signals that your commands are listened at.
- Ask the guardian angel in your prayers to send your regards to deceased ones, to support dear ones with difficulties, to send the spirit of strength or energy to helpless people, to deliver the solution of a problem in your dreams, to get promptings to tackle something etc.
- Thank your guardian angel when you experience happiness or success. A big
chance your angel did a lot. And a very big chance a deep sense of gratitude
will come to you, because the guardian angel doesn’t experience much gratitude
My blessings to you all
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