Sunday, 30 March 2014

One dialogue with you, my God ( Etty Hillesum )

Etty Hillesum was born 100 years ago. As jewess she 's been murdered in Auschwitz in 1943. Her books describe her way to God, despite the war and the misery of the concentration camps.
She writes in a letter from Westerbork (concentration camp), just before being deported to Auschwitz:
" You have made me so rich, my God, let me be able to share this with a lavish hand. My life has become one continuous dialogue with you, my God, one great dialogue " * .

And from her last letter:
"I open the Bible on any place and find this: The Lord is my high refuge". **

How can she life in heaven in this way, while she is dwelling in hell?
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I would like to.
Etty has finally let God on the throne of her inner self, under the pressure of circumstances, a good teacher, out of piety and with her free will. And she choose to dwell in God’s bosom forever, despite everything.

She is the living proof man can realize the Kingdom of God on earth.
She is dwelling in the milky-white bosom of God, she has gone all the way. She has learned to say yes to life, has stopped judging, even though she observed everything all around her: the suffering of the Jews, the hatred of the guards, the confusion and anxiety of mothers concerning their children, the despair, the lice, the hunger.
But above all she saw and felt God's presence. She lived in God's presence. She refused to be seduced to step on the rotating wheel of life, but stayed in the silence of the axle.

Etty Hillesum may be blessed, her example may be blessed, her writings may be blessed, blessed are her readers.

My blessings to you all

* Westerbork , August 18th, 1943
** Westerbork , September 7th, 1943
From : The posthumous writings of Etty Hillesum

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Matter follows the spirit



I would like to ask you something.
I have read in the newspaper when people are very long together their heart rhythms are going to resemble. And I remember according to investigations nuns in a monastery are starting to menstruate at the same time.  And I know elder couples are really coming to resemble each other in their clothing as well, but that is not so strange. I just mean the shape of their head, how their hair is looking like, their radiance, throughout their appearance. I always think: they're almost a brother and a sister.
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Yes, I will.
It is the living proof matter is following the spirit.
And what is the matter? In this story it is the physical body of man.
And what is the spirit? I
n this story it is the spiritual body.
Because sometimes it is useful to keep the subject as easy as possible, especially when it comes to the complex reality of the physical cosmos in relation to the power of God.

What is following whom in these examples?
Nuns in a monastery are going to menstruate at the same time.
People who have been together a long life time are getting the same heart rhythm, are resembling each other in appearance.

In earlier blogs I have mentioned the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body of man. I also described the spiritual body as formed from conception,  in a close collaboration between My God and the soul of man.

The spiritual body is the explanation for your question.
Each person has indeed his own spiritual body, independently and individually continuing the spiritual journey after the physical death.
But the spiritual body is also an open and gestalt-like reality, which can learn, change, transform. And the stronger it becomes in life, the stronger it will exercise its own independent influence on the earthly personality. And this influence can be quite big, it can affect the earthly personality, encourage, guide, and even change its physical capacity. And the body itself  is not a constant factor, but rather a continuous process of becoming, re-formed in the course of life, and is consisting of a combination of billions of old and new cells. The body also changes, and major sources of change are the physical aging process but also the influence of the spiritual body.

So will a gluttonous man radiate the spirit of gluttony, a wise person the stillness of his inner life, a sex addict the spirit of lust, a loveless orthodox minister the spirit of rigidity, and a holy person the spirit of God. Look around, and watch how people are getting old. How they lived can be shown in their appearance. Can, but not always, this will be a subject for another blog.

But in the case of the nuns, in the case of a married couple or two people who have been around together a lifetime, or man with his loyal pet something special is happening with the spiritual body.
In such an intense form of human living together the spiritual bodies are going to work more closely, more as a single unit,  are going to look like each other in attention, interest, appearance. And the spiritual body of the individuals will respond automatically, is going to live up to it, is going to focus on it.
And in this way people are beginning to resemble each other, sometimes very physical, with the same heart rhythm, the same looks, the same menstrual cycle, because there is much oneness in the spirit.

“Mater follows the spirit”

In many cases matter is following the spirit.
And then there is a  question to you all: on whom would you like to focus in life, because in the long run it may be visible in your face: on God, on love, the beauty of nature or on the ape of God, on  addictions, on ugliness?
Choose for yourself, because the free will is sacred from Our perspective.
But do know a good reader of the human face can observe more from your face than you may think he can.
And We in the spiritual world, of course, see everything anyway.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Psychiatry, suicide and life after death

Recently we had in the Netherlands a program on TV on a woman who suffered from psychiatric problems so much she jumped of a high building. She had well prepared her suicide. Would You like to comment on this? Not specially her situation, but the life of a psychiatric patient. And how they are taken care of after their death?

That's all right.
From Our perspective everything is very simple.
Everything will be all right, sooner or later.
And even the most difficult life will be smoothed in the eternal life. A bad start is just a bad start. Nothing more. Every life is guided in love, received in love, and guided further on in love. But let's start at the beginning.

The evolution is accompanied by trial and error, with genetic defects and genetic successes. And sometimes a defect is leading to a great success.
Psychiatry can be for a major part a genetic defect. Woe to the man to whom this happens. It is usually differing from the human environment. A lifelong struggle, a life-long loneliness, a life-long suffering. But this can be accompanied by great talents in the field of art, or science, or spirituality. So the suffering of such a man is not just suffering, it can also mean an unprecedented wealth in other areas. And it's never boring.

Psychiatry may also result from extreme concentration on oneself, and because of this the inner development is characterized by wallowing in own thoughts or feelings, without any openness to the other.
Psychiatry may also result from extreme concentration on the other, and because of this one never gets to a personal inner development, this is often accompanied by feelings of guilt, imbalance and a proliferation of negative thoughts and feelings. Often a dominant parent or a rigid religion is to be blamed.
Psychiatry can also be caused by extreme sensitivity, by using drugs at a young age and leaks in the aura, which are most of the time not going to be cured (on earth).
Psychiatry may also happen because one has experienced more than one can handle, this is the case in sexual abuse in childhood or violence in wartimes.

Thousand causes, thousand forms of psychiatry, thousands of combinations of genetic defects, personal vulnerabilities and environmental factors.
Sometimes a psychiatric disorder is curable or stabilized,  with medicines or love or good coaching or self insight.

But more importantly, when one with or without suicide, is arriving in the spiritual world, one is received lovingly. Very lovingly, because this person has suffered enough. And the process is in general, there are exceptions, as follows.
  • One always arrives in a state of great despair, in extreme feelings, one is often totally confused. One is brought to a calming environment, calming according to a person's character, with silence or in nature, or in a nice room. One is put into sleep, in a state of unconsciousness or sedation, as an anesthesiologist calls it. There may be calming scents or colors or music. Not every psychiatric patient is in a wild state, but with calming is meant: one is creating outside influences at all energetic levels of the personality, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and energetically,  really making whole, really healing. In this short or longer period spiritual coaches are supporting the healing process through their presence and conversations. Deceased relatives or friends can be allowed to make a visit ìf this is supporting the process.
  • After this period one is taken to The Temple of Healing where one will be healed completely. It's that simple. Healed completely. By an energetic radiation the old psychiatric character structure is completely transformed into a healthy character structure letting intact the features, qualities and personal interests as much as possible. This is always accompanied by loss of certain distinctive features associated with the psychiatric disorder. That's a real loss, but simply flip side of the coin. But because one is no longer suffering after the transformation, it can be easily accepted.
  • The spiritual guidance of the persons after a transformation is very intense and necessary. One is in fact supported to explore a new inner landscape. It looks most like going to live abroad. It is really getting used to it, but one is motivated. The transformation is always based on the consent of the personality. A small proportion of psychiatric patients refuses this transformation because they are still attached to their old sorrows. These people need a longer preparation time, but eventually all opt for this healing.
  • The final phase will start, when one can continue the path of life in sanity, like other people. The period of transition from a psychiatric patient , whether or not after a suicide, takes place between ( earthly time ) one month to one year.
So all will be all right. And this may be said: the entire energetic healing is available to all men, sooner or later. What awaits you in the end, even criminals and rapists, is grand,  hopeful, unprecedented and special. You all can trust on this for 100%. Therefore, it would be good if all those who are going to deal with physical defects, limitations and deadly diseases would focus on this promise. They should become mentally young again, like children. Because what one can expect after death is even finer and more beautiful than how a frisky young child looks at life.
Full of joy , promise and significance. Please you all, rejoice in it!

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 9 March 2014

The spur of the moment or the room of the here and now


 The ego lives in the spur of the moment , the personality in the room of the here and now.

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The last few days I was kind of struggling quite a bit and suddenly I realized I was drawing conclusions, I was too much saddled with my ego, muddling along the past and the future. I had little room for the here and now, the here and now seemed to be a dull experience.
And this phrase came to me, Yours of course?

What is not Mine?
I have inspired you this phrase to provide you some more perspective. You realized then you were muddling in the outer shell of man where the external world, the past and the future are gloriously doing their thing. And I wanted you to make contact again with your inner self, to reconnect again with the silence, with room, with appreciating the here and now, with accepting everything is as it is.

The ego lives in the spur of the moment

The ego always experiences everything absolutely and grotesquely . The currently prevailing negative emotions are experienced as truth. One is feeling the past as burden or is having fear for the future. Often this is accompanied by uncertainty, anxiety, worrying or anger. The spiritual world is not opposed to the ego. On the contrary. It is a beautiful instrument, a earthy instrument, a transition state between beast and spirit, a tool for evolution.
How couldn’t We not cherish it?
But the ego for itself thinks it is more than a tool, it wants to sit on her throne and imagines itself to be the center of the cosmos. But that's not the case, and it can’t  cope so much power. The misery of life is to a large extent on it’s account.
The ego makes the prevailing emotion at that time to issues of eternity, to absolute greatness. And this does not correspond with reality. It is a delusional attitude. It is an illusion. It is untrue.

“The personality in the room of the here and now”

The personality is a tool as well, but of greater importance. In man, where the personality is in control God is on the throne, or life itself, or the sake of nature, or the public interest. The inner life of this man is characterized by tolerance, love, room, there is no judgment. There is no struggling and one is not interfering with good and evil, with beauty and ugliness, with sympathy and uncongeniallity. In the room of the here and now the beautiful and delicate is valued, cherished and enjoyed. The ugly, difficult and negative is accepted as part of life.
One says yes to everything, on is giving love to everything, one is giving attention to everything. One thinks the past to be interesting but not prescribing. One let the past go. One finds the future inspiring but debatable. One is leaving the future to be the future. One does not know. The present is getting room, the here and now is full and interesting and full of opportunities and insights, full of acceptance and love. One is listening to the inner self and appreciates the outer world. One does not experience any dichotomy. It is a attitude of openness. It is insight. It's true.

My advice to you all is: you can not serve two masters. If you are dwelling too much in the ego, please remember then your inner self. Step out of the rotating wheel of the ego into the silence of the axle, into the peace of your inner self. Into the true heart of man. Where God is waiting.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Do not judge the universe (Dalai Lama)


The Quote@thequote I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. - Dalai Lama

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Why don't you try it for yourself?
Oh yes please.
There is a Jewish story about a wise man , who had two sacks in his coat , in each of them a piece of paper. When he felt well and when he was happy with life, he took that piece of paper out of his pocket, on which was written : "Dust you are and to dust you shall return ." So for himself he remembered in this manner all the good he experienced wasn’t that obvious.
And when he was weighed down by the difficulties of life, he took the other piece of paper out of his pocket, on which was written: " The world has been made ​​for man," for mustering up courage on the moment.
And now for me: I try to remember in my difficult moments it’s part of the deal, it all may be as it is. I shouldn’t draw conclusions out of the moment of difficulty. I should say yes to live, just accept everything in the here and now.
And in my beautiful moments enjoying them meanwhile it is my intention to remember these beautiful moments for the hard moments.
And by trying this all,  I want to learn to say yes to everything in life, say yes to everything . But I am very unhappy how often I manage it. Something like that.

Do not be too hard on yourself . Keep practicing .
But this is it. Finding hope in dark moments and paying attention to the beautiful moments . And equally accepting them all, saying yes to them all. And as the Dalai Lama is saying this so beautiful, the universe not judging for this.
No judging, no drawing conclusions, not being mad at God. Not thinking all the beautiful things in your life are your own achievement. Who can say how everything happened and how lucky one can be? In short, leave everything .
But there is something else .

“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe”

This attitude will
  • reduce the inner struggle
  • channel spiritual energy to better deeds in life
  • make the ego smaller
  • make the personality grow
  • bring inner peace to you
  • bring you closer to God
 Isn’t this hopeful, for keeping you practice?
May the Dalai Lama blessed for this.
May you all be blessed