Saturday, 15 March 2014

Psychiatry, suicide and life after death

Recently we had in the Netherlands a program on TV on a woman who suffered from psychiatric problems so much she jumped of a high building. She had well prepared her suicide. Would You like to comment on this? Not specially her situation, but the life of a psychiatric patient. And how they are taken care of after their death?

That's all right.
From Our perspective everything is very simple.
Everything will be all right, sooner or later.
And even the most difficult life will be smoothed in the eternal life. A bad start is just a bad start. Nothing more. Every life is guided in love, received in love, and guided further on in love. But let's start at the beginning.

The evolution is accompanied by trial and error, with genetic defects and genetic successes. And sometimes a defect is leading to a great success.
Psychiatry can be for a major part a genetic defect. Woe to the man to whom this happens. It is usually differing from the human environment. A lifelong struggle, a life-long loneliness, a life-long suffering. But this can be accompanied by great talents in the field of art, or science, or spirituality. So the suffering of such a man is not just suffering, it can also mean an unprecedented wealth in other areas. And it's never boring.

Psychiatry may also result from extreme concentration on oneself, and because of this the inner development is characterized by wallowing in own thoughts or feelings, without any openness to the other.
Psychiatry may also result from extreme concentration on the other, and because of this one never gets to a personal inner development, this is often accompanied by feelings of guilt, imbalance and a proliferation of negative thoughts and feelings. Often a dominant parent or a rigid religion is to be blamed.
Psychiatry can also be caused by extreme sensitivity, by using drugs at a young age and leaks in the aura, which are most of the time not going to be cured (on earth).
Psychiatry may also happen because one has experienced more than one can handle, this is the case in sexual abuse in childhood or violence in wartimes.

Thousand causes, thousand forms of psychiatry, thousands of combinations of genetic defects, personal vulnerabilities and environmental factors.
Sometimes a psychiatric disorder is curable or stabilized,  with medicines or love or good coaching or self insight.

But more importantly, when one with or without suicide, is arriving in the spiritual world, one is received lovingly. Very lovingly, because this person has suffered enough. And the process is in general, there are exceptions, as follows.
  • One always arrives in a state of great despair, in extreme feelings, one is often totally confused. One is brought to a calming environment, calming according to a person's character, with silence or in nature, or in a nice room. One is put into sleep, in a state of unconsciousness or sedation, as an anesthesiologist calls it. There may be calming scents or colors or music. Not every psychiatric patient is in a wild state, but with calming is meant: one is creating outside influences at all energetic levels of the personality, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and energetically,  really making whole, really healing. In this short or longer period spiritual coaches are supporting the healing process through their presence and conversations. Deceased relatives or friends can be allowed to make a visit ìf this is supporting the process.
  • After this period one is taken to The Temple of Healing where one will be healed completely. It's that simple. Healed completely. By an energetic radiation the old psychiatric character structure is completely transformed into a healthy character structure letting intact the features, qualities and personal interests as much as possible. This is always accompanied by loss of certain distinctive features associated with the psychiatric disorder. That's a real loss, but simply flip side of the coin. But because one is no longer suffering after the transformation, it can be easily accepted.
  • The spiritual guidance of the persons after a transformation is very intense and necessary. One is in fact supported to explore a new inner landscape. It looks most like going to live abroad. It is really getting used to it, but one is motivated. The transformation is always based on the consent of the personality. A small proportion of psychiatric patients refuses this transformation because they are still attached to their old sorrows. These people need a longer preparation time, but eventually all opt for this healing.
  • The final phase will start, when one can continue the path of life in sanity, like other people. The period of transition from a psychiatric patient , whether or not after a suicide, takes place between ( earthly time ) one month to one year.
So all will be all right. And this may be said: the entire energetic healing is available to all men, sooner or later. What awaits you in the end, even criminals and rapists, is grand,  hopeful, unprecedented and special. You all can trust on this for 100%. Therefore, it would be good if all those who are going to deal with physical defects, limitations and deadly diseases would focus on this promise. They should become mentally young again, like children. Because what one can expect after death is even finer and more beautiful than how a frisky young child looks at life.
Full of joy , promise and significance. Please you all, rejoice in it!

My blessings to you all