Saturday, 22 March 2014

Matter follows the spirit



I would like to ask you something.
I have read in the newspaper when people are very long together their heart rhythms are going to resemble. And I remember according to investigations nuns in a monastery are starting to menstruate at the same time.  And I know elder couples are really coming to resemble each other in their clothing as well, but that is not so strange. I just mean the shape of their head, how their hair is looking like, their radiance, throughout their appearance. I always think: they're almost a brother and a sister.
Would you like to comment on this?

Yes, I will.
It is the living proof matter is following the spirit.
And what is the matter? In this story it is the physical body of man.
And what is the spirit? I
n this story it is the spiritual body.
Because sometimes it is useful to keep the subject as easy as possible, especially when it comes to the complex reality of the physical cosmos in relation to the power of God.

What is following whom in these examples?
Nuns in a monastery are going to menstruate at the same time.
People who have been together a long life time are getting the same heart rhythm, are resembling each other in appearance.

In earlier blogs I have mentioned the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body of man. I also described the spiritual body as formed from conception,  in a close collaboration between My God and the soul of man.

The spiritual body is the explanation for your question.
Each person has indeed his own spiritual body, independently and individually continuing the spiritual journey after the physical death.
But the spiritual body is also an open and gestalt-like reality, which can learn, change, transform. And the stronger it becomes in life, the stronger it will exercise its own independent influence on the earthly personality. And this influence can be quite big, it can affect the earthly personality, encourage, guide, and even change its physical capacity. And the body itself  is not a constant factor, but rather a continuous process of becoming, re-formed in the course of life, and is consisting of a combination of billions of old and new cells. The body also changes, and major sources of change are the physical aging process but also the influence of the spiritual body.

So will a gluttonous man radiate the spirit of gluttony, a wise person the stillness of his inner life, a sex addict the spirit of lust, a loveless orthodox minister the spirit of rigidity, and a holy person the spirit of God. Look around, and watch how people are getting old. How they lived can be shown in their appearance. Can, but not always, this will be a subject for another blog.

But in the case of the nuns, in the case of a married couple or two people who have been around together a lifetime, or man with his loyal pet something special is happening with the spiritual body.
In such an intense form of human living together the spiritual bodies are going to work more closely, more as a single unit,  are going to look like each other in attention, interest, appearance. And the spiritual body of the individuals will respond automatically, is going to live up to it, is going to focus on it.
And in this way people are beginning to resemble each other, sometimes very physical, with the same heart rhythm, the same looks, the same menstrual cycle, because there is much oneness in the spirit.

“Mater follows the spirit”

In many cases matter is following the spirit.
And then there is a  question to you all: on whom would you like to focus in life, because in the long run it may be visible in your face: on God, on love, the beauty of nature or on the ape of God, on  addictions, on ugliness?
Choose for yourself, because the free will is sacred from Our perspective.
But do know a good reader of the human face can observe more from your face than you may think he can.
And We in the spiritual world, of course, see everything anyway.

My blessings to you all