Sunday, 9 March 2014

The spur of the moment or the room of the here and now


 The ego lives in the spur of the moment , the personality in the room of the here and now.

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The last few days I was kind of struggling quite a bit and suddenly I realized I was drawing conclusions, I was too much saddled with my ego, muddling along the past and the future. I had little room for the here and now, the here and now seemed to be a dull experience.
And this phrase came to me, Yours of course?

What is not Mine?
I have inspired you this phrase to provide you some more perspective. You realized then you were muddling in the outer shell of man where the external world, the past and the future are gloriously doing their thing. And I wanted you to make contact again with your inner self, to reconnect again with the silence, with room, with appreciating the here and now, with accepting everything is as it is.

The ego lives in the spur of the moment

The ego always experiences everything absolutely and grotesquely . The currently prevailing negative emotions are experienced as truth. One is feeling the past as burden or is having fear for the future. Often this is accompanied by uncertainty, anxiety, worrying or anger. The spiritual world is not opposed to the ego. On the contrary. It is a beautiful instrument, a earthy instrument, a transition state between beast and spirit, a tool for evolution.
How couldn’t We not cherish it?
But the ego for itself thinks it is more than a tool, it wants to sit on her throne and imagines itself to be the center of the cosmos. But that's not the case, and it can’t  cope so much power. The misery of life is to a large extent on it’s account.
The ego makes the prevailing emotion at that time to issues of eternity, to absolute greatness. And this does not correspond with reality. It is a delusional attitude. It is an illusion. It is untrue.

“The personality in the room of the here and now”

The personality is a tool as well, but of greater importance. In man, where the personality is in control God is on the throne, or life itself, or the sake of nature, or the public interest. The inner life of this man is characterized by tolerance, love, room, there is no judgment. There is no struggling and one is not interfering with good and evil, with beauty and ugliness, with sympathy and uncongeniallity. In the room of the here and now the beautiful and delicate is valued, cherished and enjoyed. The ugly, difficult and negative is accepted as part of life.
One says yes to everything, on is giving love to everything, one is giving attention to everything. One thinks the past to be interesting but not prescribing. One let the past go. One finds the future inspiring but debatable. One is leaving the future to be the future. One does not know. The present is getting room, the here and now is full and interesting and full of opportunities and insights, full of acceptance and love. One is listening to the inner self and appreciates the outer world. One does not experience any dichotomy. It is a attitude of openness. It is insight. It's true.

My advice to you all is: you can not serve two masters. If you are dwelling too much in the ego, please remember then your inner self. Step out of the rotating wheel of the ego into the silence of the axle, into the peace of your inner self. Into the true heart of man. Where God is waiting.

My blessings to you all