Saturday, 31 January 2015

The stricken nature (the compassion of God, 3)

My God, so for now God's compassion and the stricken nature.

God has besides the human race another favorite on earth, and that is nature.
And nature is severely burdened by mankind.
Seriously, massively and irrevocablely.
This means that animal and plant species are extincting, seas are seriously damaged and areas are polluted forever.
God beholds man raping the beautiful, powerful, vital and dynamic nature. There is no better word.
Abusing, raping, torturing and murdering. There are no other words for it.

God's compassion is very large. His favorite one is raping Its other favorite.
What does a mother who sees her one child is bullying, taunting, mistreating her other child?
Besides her efforts to address it, there is nothing but intense grief.

And therefore God suffers with nature.
God suffers with the effects of pollution,
God suffers with the cod starving by the plastic in its stomach.
God suffers with the bird, drowning, smeared with oil.
God suffers with the river, dying by chemical waste and human feces.
God suffers with the areas on earth who are abused by the pollution of  God's greatest power on earth, the nuclear energy.
God suffers along as one of Its creations as centuries old plant or animal species are extincting on the physical earth and are only continuing in the spiritual world.
God suffers with all nature, all animals, all plants, all creatures perishing by the immature man.

And the results and the higher meaning of this all will not be discussed now.
The disasters and crises called out by mankind on itself will not be discussed now.
The suffering of mankind in the coming decades when she will nearly perish in her own filth will not be discussed now.
The implications of all this for a higher nature, once arising, will not be discussed now.
The sadness of the future mankind about the irresponsible behavior of mankind today, surpassing the bewilderment of modern mankind about barbarism and slavery in the distant past, will not be discussed now.
This all will not be discussed now.

God suffers with nature.
And God's compassion is herein unknown, misunderstood and unprecedented.
And God's compassion is earth-wide in scope, and it is immense.
Mankind in the spiritual world and the future mankind are aware of this.
But mankind nowadays is almost totally ignorant.
Because if she would realize it and be compassionate with it, she would stop her raping nature with large bewilderment.
So be it.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 260

Sunday, 25 January 2015

The suffering of mankind (the compassion of God, 2)

My God, so for now God's compassion and the suffering of mankind.

God knows in detail the suffering of mankind. Everything,  in detail.
And though it seems as if the suffering man has been left alone in his suffering, it is not so.
God uplifts this man.
God sends the spirits of courage and support and endurance.
God sends all the forces that are needed.
God sends fellowmen and things on the path of this suffering man to relieve the suffering.

God surrounds this man with an aura of compassion.
And this compassion creates the future of this suffering man.
This compassion builds already a future situation in which much will be softened and taken care of.
God creates a future attitude from which the suffering man will say it was horrible, but it really has given me a lot.

God and the spiritual world see, how often, not always, the spiritual body of man is becoming more beautiful in the suffering.
And when the spiritual body is derailing while suffering, God will create all the conditions of a future with new chances and new opportunities to put everything in the right perspective again.

"Because every way is a way to God, even a detour"

God's compassion is immense.
God's compassion is all encompassing.
God's compassion is the love of eternity for mankind in the making.
And being in the making implies necessarily often enduring suffering.
For in suffering is your spiritual diamond polished on the anvil of life.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 259

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Is God experiencing grief? (the compassion of God, 1)

My God, would You like to comment on what Your grief is, or aren’t You having grief?

God does not experience the grief of man, although God is empathizing profoundly with the grief of mankind.
You might describe what God is experiencing in terms of grief the best with compassion, you may use that word.
The holy word angels are using when they speak of God suffering because of the earthly world, is one word but looks like:

“The heart of God vibrating and growing in connection with the world and experiencing an intense bond of sympathy on-the-most-with-the-physical-world-related-level-of-energy”

But you may call it compassion.

In the next blog I'm going to comment on the suffering of mankind, the suffering of nature, embittered atheists, heartless faith fanatics and finally when God became once human.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 258

Sunday, 11 January 2015

For heavens' sake Who is talking to me?

When we talk to God, we're praying. When God talks to us, we're schizophrenic. ~Jane Wagner, In Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, 1985, performed by Lily Tomlin

Would you like to comment on this quote?

It does illustrate the many prejudices of mankind.
Didn’t you experience it for yourself  fellowmen are thinking you are pretentious, or misled, or a dreamer with your Watchthegod blogs?

Yes, My God.
I have been very careful with talking about this stuff  in my environment, but if I did, sometimes it wasn’t stimulating at all. At best, they think I'm a dreamer, but some people think I am listening to the devil himself. They believe that I am seriously mislead, that I listen to a demonic voice, that I am doing blasphemous stuff, that God isn’t talking to me, that I am suffering from megalomania, that I am using the name of God in vain. Especially the last I find very regrettable.
And in my heavy days, I sometimes think it for myself, as well.

Indeed, My son.
And over and over again I comfort you.
Millions of people all over the world, in all cultures, throughout the ages have had the same experience.
Many people hear the voice of God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh.
They only interpret it differently, they think it is the voice of their conscience, of their soul, of their guardian angel, of their beloved deceased mother. And sometimes it is.
But very regularly it is directly and immediately the voice of God, of their Spark of God, of their Atman, of  their "My God."

On June 10th, 2011, I told you who I am.
And you believed Me right away.
And since then you call "the spade a spade."
It is not said blasphemously, because I am using this expression deliberately. We love gardening.

You are really talking to Me.
You are really believing Me.
You are really listening to Me.

And I hereby state that you do have a lot of shortcomings, limitations and weaknesses, but you are not psychiatric, you're not schizophrenic, My son.
You went to work after My request to pass my messages.
And if you're anything, then you're a simple messenger.
And I thank you for it.
You are having My blessings.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 257

Sunday, 4 January 2015

You once said You were becoming more human with me

The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too (Theresa of Avila)

My God, would You like to comment on this? A Catholic mystic of the 16th century was basically saying the same as what You in our first conversation said to me.

My son, the great truths of life do not change in a few “human” centuries.
Indeed. God is becoming more human. God is on a journey too. God is becoming.
God in man is becoming and learning. And Orthodox believers may find this blasphemously said, but it is a simple and basic spiritual truth.
The whole cosmos, the whole universe, all solar systems, the entire spiritual world are familiar with this simple truth:

The physical universe is a laboratory, an experiment, a cosmos in the making, an exercise and training ground for God and Its helpers. The number of grains of sand on Earth can’t compare with the number of Sparks of God Itself, Who Has connected Itself with physical beings of Will*. Sparks of God, Who are growing and flourishing and learning and developing with Their "physical being". We are on a journey together. And the journey finally ends in God, always.

I say it so explicitly in capitals to indicate that Jesus Christ is not the Only (he was indeed a special) Son of God on earth, as the Christians are claiming. The sacrifice of a Spark of God, the connecting with a physical creature, the lifting up of former apes to the Bosom of God is over and over again each time a Holy Happening of Love and Power.

God in man, the Spark of God, the My God, the Atman, the Thought Adjuster**  is learning and becoming and discovering in man.

God is an Artist.
And the artist is always creating nicer sculptures, pictures and musical compositions, as he becomes more experienced.

God is a Scientist.
And a scientist is making bigger discoveries as his knowledge and skills are increasing.

God is a Teacher.
And is the teacher not learning a lot from his disciples?

God is a Parent.
And are the children not a permanent source of love for the parent?

God is of course Perfect and All-Knowing and nothing needs to be told to It.
But this Truth applies to the spiritual world of  Light and Live.

In the physical world is a different Truth in force.
Over there evolution is the method of God and over there is God becoming and learning and on a physical journey. There it is to God a different kettle of fish. Only when a physical world after many thousands of years has been evolved from a rock in the universe to a World of Light and Live, these two Truths can be understood. ***

Because these two truths are only coming together in God.
There they are understood. There they are lived. There they are valid. Elsewhere, they can not be comprehended.

My blessings to you all

*           The Urantia Book, Treatise 62
**        The Urantia Book, Treatise 109-111
**        The Urantia Book, Treatise 55

Nr. 256

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Grasp the past lovingly

I believe You are going to say something about the past? And it is not "let go of the past"?

That is in psychological and New Age circles common sense, let go of the past, do not cling to things from the past. But there is something else going on.

Because by wanting to let go the past , a great act of love get’s lost.
What get’s lost then, what is this act of love actually?

A man changing by an important insight or by a profound experience, expands his consciousness, increases his self-knowledge and grows spiritually, even when it’s all about apparently negative experiences.
This man is going to look differently to his past.
A difficult experience suddenly has been understood.
Something what was unclear, will take on a new aspect.
Something what seemed useless, is going to make sense.
Something what seemed important, is going to loose its value.
Something that was experienced as meaningless, is getting value after all.

Thus, the past comes back to the present in a new guise.
Indeed, the past is really changing by this new life insights.
Indeed, things from the past will disappear, but not by letting them go, but because they dissolve, they get lost.
Indeed, hidden things from the past come into broad daylight, are going to fill holes of memory, are going to enhance certain experiences.

And so history is rewritten literally.
And this process is going on and on, in the end this far the whole past is becoming of great importance for the present, and because of this is going to change the future.
And the modern "let go of the past" then turns out to be something else, namely the lovingly accepting of all that happened and therefore giving it a place in the house of the personality.

Therefore "letting go of the past" has to turn actually into  "holding on to the past lovingly".

My blessings to you all

Nr. 255