Thursday, 1 January 2015

Grasp the past lovingly

I believe You are going to say something about the past? And it is not "let go of the past"?

That is in psychological and New Age circles common sense, let go of the past, do not cling to things from the past. But there is something else going on.

Because by wanting to let go the past , a great act of love get’s lost.
What get’s lost then, what is this act of love actually?

A man changing by an important insight or by a profound experience, expands his consciousness, increases his self-knowledge and grows spiritually, even when it’s all about apparently negative experiences.
This man is going to look differently to his past.
A difficult experience suddenly has been understood.
Something what was unclear, will take on a new aspect.
Something what seemed useless, is going to make sense.
Something what seemed important, is going to loose its value.
Something that was experienced as meaningless, is getting value after all.

Thus, the past comes back to the present in a new guise.
Indeed, the past is really changing by this new life insights.
Indeed, things from the past will disappear, but not by letting them go, but because they dissolve, they get lost.
Indeed, hidden things from the past come into broad daylight, are going to fill holes of memory, are going to enhance certain experiences.

And so history is rewritten literally.
And this process is going on and on, in the end this far the whole past is becoming of great importance for the present, and because of this is going to change the future.
And the modern "let go of the past" then turns out to be something else, namely the lovingly accepting of all that happened and therefore giving it a place in the house of the personality.

Therefore "letting go of the past" has to turn actually into  "holding on to the past lovingly".

My blessings to you all

Nr. 255