When we talk to God, we're praying. When God talks to us, we're schizophrenic. ~Jane Wagner, In Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, 1985, performed by Lily Tomlin
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It does illustrate the many prejudices of
Didn’t you experience it for yourself fellowmen are thinking you are pretentious,
or misled, or a dreamer with your Watchthegod blogs?
Yes, My
I have been
very careful with talking about this stuff
in my environment, but if I did, sometimes it wasn’t stimulating at all.
At best, they think I'm a dreamer, but some people think I am listening to the
devil himself. They believe that I am seriously mislead, that I listen to a
demonic voice, that I am doing blasphemous stuff, that God isn’t talking to me,
that I am suffering from megalomania, that I am using the name of God in vain.
Especially the last I find very regrettable.And in my heavy days, I sometimes think it for myself, as well.
Indeed, My son.
And over and over again I comfort you.Millions of people all over the world, in all cultures, throughout the ages have had the same experience.
Many people hear the voice of God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh.
They only interpret it differently, they think it is the voice of their conscience, of their soul, of their guardian angel, of their beloved deceased mother. And sometimes it is.
But very regularly it is directly and immediately the voice of God, of their Spark of God, of their Atman, of their "My God."
On June 10th, 2011, I told you who I am.
And you believed Me right away.And since then you call "the spade a spade."
It is not said blasphemously, because I am using this expression deliberately. We love gardening.
You are really talking to Me.
You are really believing Me.You are really listening to Me.
And I hereby state that you do have a lot of
shortcomings, limitations and weaknesses, but you are not psychiatric, you're
not schizophrenic, My son.
You went to work after My request to pass my
messages.And if you're anything, then you're a simple messenger.
And I thank you for it.
You are having My blessings.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 257