The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too (Theresa of Avila)
My God,
would You like to comment on this? A Catholic mystic of the 16th century was
basically saying the same as what You in our first conversation said to me.
My son, the great truths of life do not change
in a few “human” centuries.
Indeed. God is becoming more human. God is on a
journey too. God is becoming.God in man is becoming and learning. And Orthodox believers may find this blasphemously said, but it is a simple and basic spiritual truth.
The whole cosmos, the whole universe, all solar systems, the entire spiritual world are familiar with this simple truth:
The physical universe is a laboratory, an
experiment, a cosmos in the making, an exercise and training ground for God and
Its helpers. The number of grains of sand on Earth can’t compare with the
number of Sparks of God Itself, Who Has connected Itself with physical beings
of Will*. Sparks of God, Who are growing and flourishing and learning and
developing with Their "physical being". We are on a journey together.
And the journey finally ends in God, always.
I say it so explicitly in capitals to indicate
that Jesus Christ is not the Only (he was indeed a special) Son of God on
earth, as the Christians are claiming. The sacrifice of a Spark of God, the
connecting with a physical creature, the lifting up of former apes to the Bosom
of God is over and over again each time a Holy Happening of Love and Power.
God in man, the Spark of God, the My God, the
Atman, the Thought Adjuster** is
learning and becoming and discovering in man.
God is an Artist.
And the artist is always creating nicer
sculptures, pictures and musical compositions, as he becomes more experienced.
God is a Scientist.
And a scientist is making bigger discoveries as
his knowledge and skills are increasing.
God is a Teacher.
And is the teacher not learning a lot from his
God is a Parent.
And are the children not a permanent source of
love for the parent?
God is of course Perfect and All-Knowing and
nothing needs to be told to It.
But this Truth applies to the spiritual world
of Light and Live.
In the physical world is a different Truth in
Over there evolution is the method of God and over
there is God becoming and learning and on a physical journey. There it is to God
a different kettle of fish. Only when a physical world after many thousands of
years has been evolved from a rock in the universe to a World of Light and Live,
these two Truths can be understood. ***
Because these two truths are only coming
together in God.
There they are understood. There they are lived.
There they are valid. Elsewhere, they can not be comprehended.
* The Urantia Book, Treatise 62
** The Urantia Book, Treatise 109-111** The Urantia Book, Treatise 55
Nr. 256