Friday, 31 December 2021

The smallest act has big consequences

May I ask You?

I read an article in my newspaper* about a resistance fighter (Derk te Rietstap) in the Second World War in Europe who reacted to the great injustice and oppression and the war with the words: "The world is not doing well, I want to do something about it".

Would You like to comment on this?

I like to do so.

At the smallest good deed, the cosmos breathes a sigh of relief. 

In other words, everything is extremely important and is always perceived and noted by the spiritual world. But also by mankind on earth. The acts of resistance in the Netherlands, for example, have comforted and strengthened the entire Dutch people during the war and have contributed to the enduring of all suffering.

This resistance man not only sighed these words, he also acted on them.

And in the end he died because of this**. 

Don't let anyone underestimate a small individual act, let alone a big one. Everything contributes to the consciousness of mankind as a whole. Everything immediately becomes part of the present and future of mankind. And the man who commits a good deed, he may later take it as a tribute in the spiritual world. Can you imagine what a praise there will be after death if someone thought the right thing and did the right thing for a lifetime? Great joy in the spiritual world for the My God, the guardian angel and the soul. And the beauty of the spiritual body of such a person after his death is indescribable.

Derk te Rietstap is blessed.  

My blessings to you all                                   

*Trouw Dagblad 31-12-2021

** He was executed on March 2 in 1945

No 521

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Is my heart polluted or fulfilled?

My God, may I ask You.

Now that I have been living so simply and purely lately, without all the hassle of addictions and attachments, I experience such an enormous inner peace and feel You, even when I do not pray, so close to me. Would You like to comment on this? 

My good son, all this you describe has nothing to do with sin and guilt and penance, I say it clearly once again on this wonderful Christian Holiday. It only has to do with your heart and with the simple words polluted or fulfilled.

Your heart is polluted when it is full of material things, attachments, fears and worries about yourself and your life. I can't get to that then. I do My best but I have to hold back and limit My energy, My blessing, My grace, My inspiration, My presence. Your heart is already so full and so polluted. And I can only clean and empty it with your help and will. So I'll wait.

Your heart is fulfilled when it is full of spiritual things and ideals and worries about others. I can then join. For everything that I find fits Me, is My love, is what I like to see. And I can then share My energy, My blessing, My grace, My inspiration, My presence with you, I can then fill your heart even more. I don't have to clean anything anymore and your will is directed, unintentionally and fully automatically on My Will.  Then there is the Kingdom of God on earth in your heart.

A person with a polluted heart certainly awaits eternity but not at that moment. 

A person with a fulfilled heart then experiences eternity, and just at that moment he or she is Son or Daughter of God, and is thus following the example of the Son of man.   

My blessings to you all

No 520

Monday, 13 December 2021

Perfectly happy (in God)

I wanted to ask You. I checked a YouTube video from Vera Helleman*. She speaks of "perfectly happy", as a word, as a state, as a guide, as a mantra. If you say it out loudly, and she does that a number of times in her video, then as a viewer you certainly make contact with a special energy. In this time of great difficulties and challenges and endless staring at everything that is wrong in the world and into man, it seems totally hysterical.

Excuse me, who is happy nowadays, it's almost old-fashioned, that word.  I found it very penetrating, I started working on it, but when I remember this, I added to it, "perfectly happy in God". 

Would You like to comment on this?

I like to do so, My son.

It seems, as you say, hysterical, or exaggerated, but it is very practical.  

First of all, consider what you're thinking all day long as a human being. That is such a gathered pile of unregulated and endless reactions to a busy outside world that such a clear, powerful and energetically pure sigh as "perfectly happy" is not such a crazy one, isn't it? Quite clear and quite positive. But it is much more than a kind of mental mantra according to positive thinking. This transcends it totally.

It is an energetic truth that you can stand in.

Secondly, there is a place in man, in the blogs I call it the axis of the spinning wheel, where God is located, where God is waiting for man, where man can enter into connection with eternity. And for unbelievers We then say where man can step out of the hectic pace of the day, out of the delusions of the moment, out of the unrest of the mass media, out of the compelling thrills of signals from everywhere on an energetic level, even from the Wi-Fi radiation. He comes where there is peace, where there is silence, where no one else can get to. A place that cannot be touched by the angry outside world and from an energetic point of view, nor by the angry inner world. 

Try it out. Doing it regularly generates a new energy in the inner self, and also a true one. God welcomes this. And just to be clear. For you it is perfectly logical that you say 'Perfectly happy in God' because that is your (and My truth) but for unbelievers of course "Perfectly happy" will be sufficient even if one then leaves in the middle where this state of happiness is coming from. From God, of course.

Vera Helleman is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*A Dutch influencer in the field of health and dealing well with emotions

No 519

Monday, 29 November 2021

The freedom of man between experience and thought (Krishnamurti)

Can there be a gap, an interval between the sensation and thought? Can one look at this not by will but by watchfulness? And can one by this never be indentified with the sensation and never ask oneself ‘I want to have this?’

I saw on YouTube a video of the very elderly Krishamurti who spoke these words at the end of his reflection. It touched me very much because I suddenly felt that there lies the key to a lot of suffering and derailed desire and materialism. Would You like to elaborate on this?

This is certainly a key and I am happy to go into it.

Using the senses means that man sees, feels, experiences and enjoys with the senses all the beauty and all the richness of full life. That's a simple fact, Krishamurti says, and this applies to all. What happens next?

The senses stimulate thoughts and feelings and then desire arises, one wants to have it. But it is indeed possible for man to remain only with the senses, and to cherish a space between the sensory sensation and the desire/thought afterwards. And one can look at that space as one sees the blue sky between the clouds. And one can do this without effort, without effort at all, but with the utmost attention.

In that space between sensory sensation and thinking/feeling is the freedom of man and the spiritual mission. In that space one can stay with attention and thus avoid becoming identified with the object and prevent oneself from wanting it, wanting to own it, wanting to keep it. And so become unhappy if one does not have it or does not get it.

And one will stay happy then because one only experiences, not desires. In this way, freedom is cherished, “obsession” is prevented and one can be happy with the sensation just for what it is, one can continue to enjoy with empty hands and a free attitude. 

Krishnamurti is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No. 518


Wednesday, 10 November 2021

The more loving the good deed, the more powerfully the devil will react (Sevdaliza 2)

Every level has his devil Sevdaliza)

My God, this wise woman uttered these words and they sound almost humanisticly. Every task has its obstacles and the more difficult something is, the bigger the problems to be solved. Kind of. But it just so happens that lately I have been dealing quite intensively with people who, inspired by their faith, attribute all setbacks, all problems, everything that fails, all obstacles very directly to the devil, and that seems to me to be a bit too much of a good thing.

After all, an earthquake, a mouse being eaten by an owl, a day when things don't work out that way, it seems to me too much credit for the devil to attribute everything to him. Life on earth, evolution, the daily routine are also simply characterized by things that do not go well, by failures, by difficulties, that is also just part of earthly life, isn't it?

Would You like to comment on this?


I like to do so, my son.

Indeed, it is too much honour for the devil to attribute all difficulties to that being. "Shit happens", We'll just say this plainly. And you've actually already answered yourself. Sometimes something negative or a disease is a necessity or a blessing.

But of course there is always more to say about it.

I would like to focus very specifically on behalf of Sevdaliza's remark to the performance by a man of a good deed, which is pleasing to God and brings man closer to God. This then generates the devil's hatred of this step. For the devil wants to take man away from God.

When people do a good deed, they are automatically visited by the devil. This concerns both believing and unbelieving people. The devil does not like to see good deeds done. And he will try to punish them, by a scratch on a car, by a glass that falls over, by an unexpected setback, by a disappointing encounter. And it happens that people immediately see the connection, but they may draw wrong conclusions.

They do something good and then experience something unpleasant and tend to conclude, you see, I am too good for this world, or you can better be selfish. 

But it's really better if man does good, anyway.

Yet the spiritual world prefers that the creature be called by its name. We prefer that man, (but it requires wisdom when that can be sighed and when not) then says "Oh the devil wants to make it difficult for me, that childish being, well then I will do even harder good deeds, he will not get me down under". And God would rather not see that man then flees even harder into egoism, because that is a dead end.

The moral of the story is that a person should not be unsuspecting.

If one does good, one gets opposition, but that opposition must encourage a person to do even more good deeds. That is the spiritual way of man, and God likes to see that.  It is thus a great guide to life, that one should expect that the greater the act, the more difficult the task, the greater the opposition. The opposition is just part of it and one can wait for that and one really should not be stopped by it. 

Sevdaliza is blessed.

My blessings to you all


*Dutch TV program (VPRO)  August 8, 2021

No 517


Sunday, 24 October 2021

Are we aware of God's trust in us? (Sevdaliza 1)

It's not about whether I believe in God but whether God believes in us (Sevdaliza)

My God, I saw a conversation with Sevdaliza in Summer Guests*, and she said this a certain moment. It touched me very much, I thought it was a very nice change of perspective but it also confuses me, would this really be the case? Would You like to elaborate on this?

My son, I love to. It is a beautiful change of perspective for man to wonder if God believes in us. But the power is not the fact God believing in us. For God believes incredibly in man, in his will, and in his spiritual future. There is no doubt about that. 

Sevdaliza actually gives man the message, ask yourself this, by which man may token  out of his uncertainty, his fear and his doubt. For when he starts to wonder if God believes in man, he can't help but make some or full contact with the great truth that God believes in man unconditionally.

And now it comes... and then makes more contact with hope, with new possibilities, with attempts to get rid of his addictions or attachments, with more confidence in his abilities, with trying out new talents. 

So this quote from Sevdaliza is that of a powerful, hopeful human being, who regularly goes to God for advice, and draws hope and inspiration and strength from it.

Sevdaliza is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*Dutch TV program (VPRO) on August 8, 2021

No 516

Sunday, 26 September 2021

A bush begs for water

My friend Merel told me the following story. On a very dry day, she watered her plants in the front garden, the plants in pots were suffering greatly from the persistent drought. Nature yearned for water. When she had watered everything, she was walking back home when she heard crystal clear "Can I have a little too?". She turned very surprised at where this came from and then saw a bush, in the corner of the garden, which she had totally overlooked.

Very moved, she then gave a number of cans with water to this bush and although she heard nothing more, she felt the shame in her heart that she had simply overlooked this bush. As if she had forgotten to give a child in class a candy, that's how it felt. But as she watered the bush she also felt the amazement in her head and from the bush out a noticeable “oh nice” for the water that that bush got, that she also became very moved about the vulnerability of plants and trees compared to animals and men, after all, they have to wait until they "get water".

Would You like to respond to this?

I like to do so, because the spiritual world feels a lot of love for all living beings who cannot move and are totally dependent on their environment. And now also totally dependent on whether man looks after them. What a joy that your friend heard this distress signal, this plaintive question. How often do people not hear this, while the signal is always given. How difficult it can be, just look at a dry plant in the windowsill and you know enough.

Men don't listen very much to nature as you all know. And all nature on the whole earth shouts day and night "do you care about us please?" and mankind hears it too little and doesn't really do anything with it.

Woe bet you on the great Turnaround. 

Merel is blessed. 

My blessings to you all 

No 515

Monday, 13 September 2021

The devil means hate, but God is love

My God, may I ask You. I saw a video of Donna Rigney on YouTube* and she told us that man has to guard his heart and be aware of feelings of hatred. Literally she said "guard your heart and be aware of feelings of hatred, because they make you end up in hell, even if you believe and you go to church". 

Now I learned from You that hell does not exist except as a temporary place in the spiritual spheres. But still. Her story boils down to demons weaving cobwebs of hate that multiply in your heart and mind and make you receptive to the influence of the devil. 

Would You like to respond to this?

My son, of course I want so and Donna Rigney is absolutely right. It's true.

Feelings of hatred are the worst thing that can happen to a person, worse than unhappiness, sadness, famine or fear. Hate is a wonderful source of nourishing the devil to confuse people, to drive people apart, or even to let them fall from their faith or to make them become terrorists.

When hate comes from the devil, love comes from God. And actually, every day, every second, every event, this is the decision for man and his free will. 

Does one choose love or hate? 

Does one choose God or the devil? 

Does one choose forgiveness or resentment? 

Does one choose understanding or misunderstanding? 

Does one choose the big or the small?

Does one choose to let go or to grab things?

And it is important for man to realize that love requires a conscious effort of will and a lot of practice, while hate insidiously poisons the heart and seeps into the mind much more easily. But you already knew that. God is candid and honest. The devil is a serpent.

And for other religious or humanist movements, We can put it this way.

Does one choose for light or heavy energy?

Does one choose for progress or backwardness?

Does one choose for good or bad inspiration?

Does one choose for the goodness of mankind or for the weakness of mankind?

Does one choose for his heart or for his head?

Does one choose wisdom or pettiness?

Does one choose inner freedom or the inner prison? 


Donna Rigney is blessed. 


My blessings to you all


*I’m with Jesus in hell YouTube

No 514

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Everything is you forgiven, always again

My God, I wanted to start over again on a topic that has been discussed before. Your love and forgiveness.

It's like this.

I am only a simple man and really try to live a holy and pure life. And that sometimes works out very well for a period of time. Haha but even more regularly I fall back into old tendencies, old greeds, old attachments and on stage I would be ashamed to show them to the audience. But not with You. I just do it and hang out the beast and afterwards I come back to you on hanging paws. And I always feel like I'm being born again and completely washed clean insidely when I've showered or I have swum. So it is even stronger with You. I come back to You, confess my debts, ask for forgiveness and hope for Your kindness and love. And time and time again I am grateful and pleasantly surprised when You then respond lovingly and mildly and with understanding. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

My good, unsuspecting, naïve and unthinking son, how could it be otherwise. Your God and therefore the My God of all people and therefore God Itself is a God of love. Full of compassion and love, I wait during your childish deeds until you return to Me, until you look up to Me again full of expectation and guilt and ask Me. And I. I embrace you again and again with all the love of the cosmos, with all the love of God, with all the love that is available and that is out of an infinite source.

You can start over and over again. 

You can always start over and over again with a clean slate.

You can always be washed clean over and over again.

You can enter into life with a clean slate every time as new born baby over and over again.

But My question to you is: do you want that?

Are you not attached to empty concepts such as guilt and sin and regret and fear? You can start over and over again. Even Judas would have been forgiven by the Mother after his betrayal, but he hung himself up. Ultimate victory by the devil.  

When you come back to Me again and again, the devil flees. Otherwise, he'll still linger. For he finds nothing more glorious than that man, after his little silliness, does not dare to go back to God. That's his victory. And if you come back to God, over and over again, he doesn't stand a chance.  

You can return to God, over and over again. But do you want that too?

In these uncertain times, it doesn't look like it. 

My blessings to you all

No 513

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

The respect of a guardian angel for man

My God, if I may ask You?

I have to admit here in this blog  that I can just talk to my guardian angel like I do  to You, so I also hear what my guardian angel says to me.  When I speak to my guardian angel, of course I say Thou, in Dutch U), and my guardian angel also says Thou to me, it seems normal to me "saying Thou and showing respect in a conversation between civilized beings". But somehow, I feel like that this Thou is being spoken to me with even more reverence. I dare not ask my guardian angel if my feeling is correct, that his Thou seems to me to be worth much more than my Thou against him. Or is it because I am ignorant and my guardian angel is a pure creature of God that I ask this?

Would You like to comment on this?

 My good and humble son, do not hesitate to ask Me this kind of questions, seemingly insignificant and far-fetched, but behind this question one of the greatest truths of the cosmos is hidden. And that's why I like to go into it. 

 A guardian angel will always say Thou to his or her human being with great respect and the utmost reverence, without exception. And that's because the guardian angel knows about the indwelling Spark of God. And therefore knows of God's tremendous great promise to man that every man can become Son or Daughter of God and thus live up to the example of the Christ, the best example on earth. So the guardian angel says Thou because the promise of God, which awaits every man, is so great, so holy and so exalted that a guardian angel with the greatest difficulty would dare to say just you. Not so. Thou is the right of man from the moment the indwelling God guides this man.

And then there is a second important reason: the guardian angel also says Thou  because a guardian angel cannot derail, cannot do wrong and cannot abuse its will. And within every guardian angel there is an exceptionally great awe of man's free will, and one knows what a wonderful and also life-threatening instrument God has given to man. And that's why a guardian angel says Thou to a human in advance. Out of respect and in awe of this difficult but wonderful task for man to learn to use his will. For man can become a god, in the end, and a guardian angel not. 

Every guardian angel is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 512

Monday, 2 August 2021

Effortlessly doing good deeds comes from abundance and humility

"True goodness is like water in that it blesses everything and harms nothing. And like water, true goodness seeks the lowest places, even those levels which others avoid." Taoism, Urantiabook §131 Page 1452

I knew a very righteous and holy priest who had his farewell Mass before he retired. Yes, he was over 80 years old, so he'd continued his good work until he couldn't anymore. In this Mass I experienced that from the spiritual world a great grace and blessing was given about his earthly work and I "saw" and felt all this happening. I'm now not going into what I've experienced here. But heaven opened up there on that altar in a way that filled me with awe and emotion.

When I told him later on in a letter my experience and expressed my admiration and respect for this sacred event, he wrote "I am pleased for you that you have been through this, but as far as I am concerned I can only say "I owe everything to my parents and the Virgin Mary". At the time I didn't understand his modesty, but now I'm starting to experience for myself that goodness and handling out of goodness are really nothing but parts of the abundance that you've been given, and that that's natural and really can't be otherwise. There doesn't seem to be a more natural way. And now I came across this Taoist quote and in it it is described even more zen and even more beautiful and more self-evident than I had suspected.

Would You like to comment on this, My God?

This is the will of God. True love is effortless, and acts without self-interest, and shares its own abundance. And flows from good man as water to lower and unreachable places, to people who need it most. True love therefore comes from a humble man who has come to realize that one can only get empty hands if the full hands and the full heart are handed out, handed out and handed out, effortlessly. How else can the hands and heart be filled with more?

This quote shows that God truly loves all religions. The beauty and truth of this Taoist quote may touch and inspire any other believer and unbeliever.  

My blessings to you all

No 511

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Our physical vulnerability is for 90 % absorbed by God

I experienced, that in a short time of a few weeks my body was quite ravaged, and only on the right side of my body. I sometimes dropped through my knee, I had some kind of pain all over my right side of my body as if I had burned myself, it was like a rheumatic pain in my bones and muscles, I sometimes didn't sleep at night. My whole skin hurt over there. I walked at home like an old man and had the greatest difficulty walking uprightly outside and not moaning, but of course I didn't want to let know someone else. On the skin of my entire right leg, large red spots began to appear, they looked like fire blisters, they felt a little bit like this, they were getting bigger and bigger and some of them produced pus.

In short, in a few weeks time I almost became a physical wreck. Of course, I went to search in my books and on the internet and understood that it had to do with my left hemisphere: principles, thoughts , rules, thinking, there seemed to be the trouble. In the end, it was only after a few weeks that I dared to ask God openly what was going on. For I had some suspicion, for some time ago I had promised God to live much purer and healthier in order to be more open to the spiritual world and to be able to mean more in my prayer life to those for whom I prayed. And I had certainly not kept my promise in recent months. I got the following answer when I asked God what the hell was going on because I knew so much: I didn't suffer from my body, my body was suffering from me.

My good and dear son, you have promised me quite decisively to behave more purely and more carefully with your body and not only have you failed to keep that promise, but you have certainly made a mess of it lately. We will not go into what you have done or failed to do in front of everyone, it is not someone else’s business. But this is what you did. And I have now given your body permission to fully respond to your "dis" behaviour. So to speak.

And do know that the consequences for your body are multiplied by My strength that I give you daily so that the result is even worse. For you are playing with fire, My son, My fire. And all this is not done to punish you, on the contrary, it is done to give you insight and show the correlations of life to you and to let you experience this all. It's a wake-up call. And I see the coin has fallen. The whole process is now stopped and that means that you will soon fully heal, the pain, the use of your bones and muscles, your skin, but also know that your body cannot do miracles, so the pain will disappear in the coming days but your skin will need at least three weeks to fully recover. And also know that this will not happen again.

And for you all, I would like to add this. This is not a personal story about Frenkie. For all people on earth this is the case: God and the spiritual world and the body itself and all the powers that serve the body are working day and night to absorb, heal, and soothe man's evil and immature behaviours. If this did not happen, you would almost all go through life as complete leprosies, totally disabled and severely mutilated. For you all live in great love and much is taken care of for you. 90 % of all the negative consequences is neutralized by the spiritual world.

And do not have an opinion about yourself or your fellow man if there is malformity or disability or illness, because in this blog a very specific situation has been treated. And other situations go with other backgrounds. Do not judge so that you are not judged.  

My blessings to you all

No 510

Friday, 25 June 2021

God will be there

Despise people and love them. They're devils. But in them you can also meet God (Dag Hammarskjöld)

I came across this fascinating quote in a newspaper article. Would You like to comment on it?

 I must want that, My son, because it's fascinating, for sure, this quote. All you have to do is see around you and in your inner self to see and experience that man has devilish qualities and also can behave regularly devilishly. Let's definitely not talk about the devil in this blog. But in this word devil and devilish behaviour is closed all the ignorant, thoughtless, self-centered and nonchalant behaviour of man.

However, let's meet God in the other, isn't that a wonderful topic for this blog?

"In them you can also meet God."

And this is always possible with everyone. Meeting God in the other. A nice look, a friendly nod, a human greeting, a listening ear, a nice gesture, a helping hand. And I'm positing one of the greatest truths on earth here: 

Every time you do this, with the other, God comes into your midst. What a promise, what a joy, what a hope, what a blessing, what a realization, what an experience. Every time, in a split second, God arrives in your midst.

There is no faith, no religion, no pastor, no prayer, no thought of God obliged. And this also applies to unbelievers, to notorious atheists, to all people on earth, from the least developed primal man to the most thoughtful president of a civilized country. If you do this, God will come into your midst. How easy can it be?  

Bye Hammarskjöld is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 509

Thursday, 10 June 2021

10 years of hearing the voice of God, a wonderful anniversary

My God, 10 years ago I first heard Your voice in a small chapel in Leiden. I experienced it was You, I knew it was special, and I didn't understand why I was allowed to go through this. By now I know that everyone can experience this, that it is possible. By now I understand that it will actually be the natural religion of the future, without the intervention of church rituals and pastors, just to be and communicate with the indwelling God.

What joy, what a promise, what a grace. I thank You for Your blessings, Your graces, Your corrections, but above all Your endless patience and love. For this I can say to the rest of the world, You should have chosen someone else, with more talents, more simplicity, more maturity. Anyway, obviously You choose to show your power and splendour especially with people who are nothing. You're great.

So many texts, so many visits from so many countries, I still find it special if thanks to the internet free and for nothing someone can read your words and indulge in them out there on a flat three high in the back in some suburb anywhere in the world. And, even if it's three visitors a day. That's nice. But sometimes there are 100 a day.

I thank You, I thank You, I thank You. That’s all there to say. And now You please?

My good son, I love silence more, as you know, so let's take this opportunity to entice fellow man to silence. For in silence God is found. Only when the noise and superficiality and the hassle of the world are put aside one can hear His God. How else could it be?

I thank you for your openness, your willingness, your vulnerability.

I thank you for your willingness to be quiet and really listen.

I did the rest. Keep it up, My son. 

Behold your servant, My God. 


Be blessed, good son. 


My blessings to you all

Nr. 508

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Thoughtlessness, a root of evil

My God, I read the following in a column by Welmoed Vlieger*. She draws Arendt's vision from the last book by Hannah Arendt "The Life of the Mind". "The roots of evil are not a bad will or a moral depravity but thoughtlessness." She saw this not only in totalitarian regimes but also in Western culture where individualism ignores the other. 

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, there is much to be said about the causes of evil, and certainly that there is not one cause or right of evil to exist but there are many. Still, Hannah Arendt has a point. For bad will or moral depravity are clear and understandable causes of evil. But thoughtlessness is a hidden and veiled cause for a lot of unconscious and malicious behaviour and therefore for a lot of evil and a lot of suffering.

What is thoughtlessness else than that a person does not think about something or does something casual or without paying attention. And certainly then man does not pay attention to the consequences of his actions, for himself and for others. And isn't indifference a twin brother of thoughtlessness?

Thoughtlessness means that a man is without thoughts, is not reasonable, does not listen to his conscience, does not look after his fellow man, does not listen to his inner voice, is not interested in the suffering that results from this. 

But above all, thoughtlessness is a root of evil because God is excluded and the devil can go about his business. For your thinking thank you to God, your suffering to the exclusion of God.

So beware of thoughtlessness.

Hannah Arendt and Welmoed Vlieger are blessed. 


My blessings to you all

No 507


*Trouw 1st of June 2021

Saturday, 22 May 2021

We have a great need for mildness

In the newspaper there was an interview with the theologian and professor Peter Nissen. He said more or less: "During the lockdown and especially on the internet, there appears to be a great need for mildness. Performance drive and getting each other's measure seem prevalent on the internet. Whereas as humans we need mildness."

Would You like to comment on this?

I'd love to. God is a god of love. And mildness is one of the most beautiful manifestations of love. And on the internet, easy opinions, gut feelings and condemnation seem to have become bon ton. There is indeed a great need for mildness.

But I'm telling you this. This mildness must first of all be applied to oneself. Because the foraging and swearing internet users do not realize that they have become edgy, are on edge, are overloaded emotionally . They can no longer cope all the information and all the signals and all the knowledge that comes at them and is bombed into their parlour and bedroom.

One is overloaded, does not protect oneself and therefore out of nerves and out of inability one does everything except experiencing mildness and expressing mildness.

That's why My advice is: protect yourself, internet users, distance yourself from the requested and unsolicited internet noise of especially disturbing mess. Sit under a tree, listen to a bird or listen your own feelings, experience consciously a chronic lack of peace and room in yourself. And from this insight one becomes calmer, more tolerant, more laconic. And milder. And to mildness  every fellow human being included yourself there is an intense, intense need for. 

This is a real message for Pentecost.

Peter Nissen is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 506

Thursday, 6 May 2021

The devil suffers from our prayers

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it (Guy H. King)

My God, I think this quote is very special, would You like to comment on this? 

My good son, this is also a favourite subject for me. Why?

Because the devil stands for everything man does without God or for everything he does when he thinks God doesn't exist. And that is not painful for God but for man. 

We do not comment at the moment on what the best prayers look like and who the devil is actually. These are topics covered in other blogs.

When man does not pray, his actions are more at risk of being influenced by lower forces, primitive drives or even evil and destructive energies. That's what the devil stands for. That's what the devil's doing. There the devil finds his power, which is then taken over by man to the maximum. That's where pernicious and disturbing and worrying things happen. There, the devil can go about his business without any significant resistance.

But then prayers. Woe the devil when man is praying.  For the man who prays opens a door or window to God. He reaches out to God, and God and Its helpers can then get to work. Prayer blurs the devil, chases him back to the pits of hell, weakens his grip on man, makes it difficult for him to seduce man into negative deeds. Prayers weaken the devil's influence while he was already at it and prevent the devil from getting closer and drive him away from man. Prayers torment the devil. Prayers weaken the devil. Prayers therefore allow for greater deeds, and more loving acts and acts of compassion and affection. And the devil can also do his thing if people don't believe at all that he exists.

If more people would pray, the transformation of the world and the Great Correction would be less painful, people would suffer less, and diseases and destruction, wars and natural disasters would be less powerful. This has to be said.

And it must also be said that this does not imply that people who do not pray are at the mercy of the devil and people who do pray against the devil are protected. Fortunately, the works of God are supreme and available to every living being, including unbelievers. But this blog is about a method that is available to everyone and would provide great support to every human being in his earthly life. This method is not being sufficiently applied nowadays.  Guy King is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No 505 

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Faith sees best in the dark (Kierkegaard)

My God, I read in a newspaper that Biden has this note hanging on his mirror. He lost his wife and child and later his adult son. Could You comment on this quote? 

My son, why don’t you start? 

Certainly, of course, as You prefer.

How can anyone disagree with this? If you are doing well, you will continue to believe in the outer world and take everything for granted and as a human being you will also believe that this is all thanks to your own ability and will. But by now, I know better.

When you are tempted as a human being, you are drawn into your inner self. And then you see a lot of suffering and sadness but also hope and you will feel more inner strength. Yet I have noticed, this will always be the case, sometimes even in the deep valleys of despair. And than it seems as if you are making more contact with your faith, with the spiritual support you receive, you are going to feel that too, a comfort and love that comes from a spiritual source. Is this what You meant?

This will do. Yet there is something more about it.

In the dark, you're going to use different senses than your eyes. And in physical terms you could say, with your eyes you see the world but with your ears you hear God. And this is even more true in the case of spiritual darkness. 

In the spiritual light, when you are happy, you see the beauty of life. But in the spiritual dark, you can't see that, and then you can hear the beauty of life. And that is the voice of God, the voice of the spiritual world, the voice of your inner self, the voice of the eternal. Then faith gets the best chance. That's why faith sees best in the dark.  

Kierkegaard is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 504

Saturday, 3 April 2021

The Mother God is in all suffering

3My God, may I ask you. Thus at Easter, the agony of Christ is central, mainly in the Christian churches. Could You relate to the suffering, including of mankind?

The Father-God knows what suffering will bring, the Mother God feels what this suffering is costing.  

The Father-God already saw the promise of the suffering Christ. And saw the transition from the earth to a new spiritual phase. The Mother God stood at the feet of the cross, so to speak, and suffered as well.

The Father God oversees the great whole, sees through suffering what the promise is, and is like the doctor who cleans the wound to heal, even if it hurts.

In every human being, the Father God cherishes the hope.

The Mother God suffers, supports the afflicted ones, is as close to man as his own heart, and makes man feel that he is being carried in his suffering.

In every human being, is the Mother God companion in suffering. 

And of course the Father God and the Mother God are one and work together fully and in great harmony to guide the children of mankind through their suffering to their enlightenment, that they may become Sons and Daughters.  Christ showed the way.

My blessings to you all

No 503

Saturday, 20 March 2021

In one's suffering you can show your love

One way to love people is to be concerned about what hurt them (a rabbi)

My association was with Christ's comment "What you have done the least of mine you have done to Me". Would You like to comment on this?

No, this is another subject, my son, even if there is common ground. We'll leave that alone. 

Here's what this is all about. Man suffers on earth, actually every human being, especially at times. And then his vulnerability is greatest, and his struggle. His self-image is severely compromised and certainly also his sense of security in life. And in fact, one is struck to the depths of his soul, tormented by great suffering. And one has the impression that one is on his own. And so, one very much needs the fellow man, in the form of support, love and understanding. And even if you talk to someone about this suffering years later, you will notice that the suffering is actually still life-size and one still suffers talking about it.

And isn't this a wonderful moment to be there for someone? So this rabbi has a great insight. When you are willing to listen to the suffering of your fellow man and show compassion, then you can really be there for someone. Then there is real love, then you can really help, then you can really be there as a fellow man. And even with strangers, this coming together is possible. Even with strangers, in one-off encounters. And you don't have to go rooting. Just talk to someone and be prepared and the suffering may come to the surface on its own.

And love gets her chance.

And then two more things happen there. Expressing suffering and being heard with love are working very healing. And where two people are together in understanding and love, there is God in full glory in their midst. And that is always felt by men, even if it is not always named as such. 

My blessings to you all

No 502