Sunday, 30 October 2011

You are giving more attention to the baker than to God


My God, Vassula Ryder has been told by Christ, that He likes it a lot if we, visiting places of worship, stay a while after the meeting . Instead of leaving immediately afterwards. Is this the case?

Yes. We All welcome believers, who use to come early. In this way they leave behind more easily the worries of everyday life. They prepare themselves much better for the service, spiritually and energetically.
For pressure, tension, worries, thoughts about everything in this manner flow away better, before you open for Us.

We are All very happy, really happy, when you stay on in the house of worship, because you’ll have more benefit by the accumulated energy and in grace distributed spiritual forces. We sometimes feel rushed through by your late arrival and your prompt departure.
It seems to be the case you all are giving more attention to a conversation at the bakery, and for sure more attention to a job interview.

You do not know with Whom you are dealing with. We offer you in the houses of worship so much love, so much comfort, so much power, so much inspiration, so much help, and you seem to neglect so much. It would be great, when you all showed a little bit more of respect.
Your guardian angel itself, the Roman-Catholics do cherish this big truth, you have all got from God a guardian angel, this faithful and good comrade. The Guardian itself counts every second  you are staying longer in the house of worship, every second.

Be blessed for your question. Tell your fellow man. You all require it so desperately. But so far the believers who go to the houses of worship.

I see you walking today in the center, on Sunday shopping: how crowded were the shops, and how empty was this house of worship you visited!
But We'll save this for another blog.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 24

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Why don’t You perform a miracle?

Aren’t You God and omniscient? Why can’t I ask You: what is the cause of a disease or so? Or what is the number of the main prize in the lottery or what did Aunt M. do on her last day on earth? And so on. This to reinforce my trust in You, and to convince my conversation partners.

I think it's good you bring up this issue.
I recall you the experiences of Jesus Christ, God's Realised Son, Lord of love and of the earth. People didn’t believed him even while he performed miracles before their eyes.
Would they believe you, a simple man in this incredulous time, if you showed up with personal anecdotes or facts? Would you convince them? They would remain incredulous.

I bring you a message of hope and love and a look behind the worldly scenes. The people who hear you will need to refer to themselves whether they believe you or think it’s true or possible and whether they want to consider it as a possible element of truth.
They themselves will have to examine their own personal lives. they will have to consider their lives, as a result of their experiences, skills and limitations.
They will have to ask themselves what they understand, what their intuition tells them, they have to listen to their own hearts, to the extent they are capable of.
They themselves will have to try out possible behaviour and prayers and so experience for themselves what kind of fruit this brings into their own lives.

Simply persuade and convince is the small road.
The major road is inspiring and holding out hope and demonstrating them how their life is embedded in love and insight and justice. With God's help you can demonstrate them how hope and love can grow and increase in their lives, when they tread a path of openness and candor and devotion and prayer.

God is offering them many ways and channels, so here and now through you, as long as they still aren’t able to hear their "My God", We give them opportunity to sow Our seed in their lives. Seed that can germinate in their time, in their development, to their ability, their destination.
We do not give them bite-size chunks which doesn’t can go down well.
Be therefore reassured. It is good in this way.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 23

Son or child of God

Why do You call me often son, and sometimes child?

My son, 

when you are thinking of an other being, 
when you are praying,
when you are dedicating everything to Me, 
when you are trusting Me, 
when you are letting go, 
when you are renouncing your worldly nature for Me, 
when you are loving,
when you are meditating, 
when you are still,
when you are suffering for Me, 
when you are enjoying My earthly nature, 
when you are grateful to Me, 
then I call you My son.

When you are in your little attachments, 
when you are suspicious, 
when you are afraid, 
when you are losing yourself in your little addictions,
when your body is charged with improper conduct,
when you are considering your fellow men loveless, 
when you are restless, 
then I call you My child.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 22

Friday, 28 October 2011

Prayer always works.The ONE God hears everything

Can you say something about prayer?

The power of prayer is overwhelming.
Asking for something or at least
asking for God's blessing means:
  1. An opening up.  
  2. An immediate granting of certain parts of the prayer, sometimes of the whole prayer.
  3. The spiritual world gets the opportunity to make an additional connection between the spiritual world and the earthly world. This gives the spiritual world more influence in matter. You can compare it literally with opening a window for fresh air.
  4. It is a strengthening of cooperation and connection and contact and communication between the person who prays and the spiritual being to whom one prays.
  5. This last aspect I would like to explain: there is only ONE God. But God has created many servants, beings, angels, agents, intermediaries to bring the case to run. God is dealing with Its fellow Deities on good terms. I am nowadays on earth dwelling with 7 billion Deities (there are now around 7 billion people on earth, incidentally is the multiple of mankind in the spiritual worlds). We Deities are ONE with God. We are God. We are indivisible. We are the I Am. Let everyone always realize this in his/her prayer, whoever you in the spiritual world ask for help, all of them work for ONE God, and are part of ONE God, The One I Am.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 21

Saturday, 22 October 2011

From bible to Urantiabook. 95% truth, more is not possible

I would like to ask You: how much influence does the subjective factor have in our situation, like, between a higher being and an earthbound human? You are undoubtedly 100% pure, but everything is channelled through me. Well, we know what is happening then: interpretation, subjectiveness and misunderstanding will certainly have an influence on the correctness of the texts?

Yes, they have. All reflections, inspiration, prophecies, channelled books and texts, loose phrases and thoughts. Plans and ideas are always coloured, minimized, misinterpreted and limited. More than 95 % truth is not existing in spiritual books.
This is what We know. And man likes to take it in his own hands and frame it as an absolute truth, and even strike out left and right with it.
We would rather see that the personality works with what is channelled, as a source of inspiration, and in this way it is meant to be.

I will give you some examples to illustrate:
  • The bible is a centuries old guide for many people. In the old testament the sun gyrates somewhere around the earth. By now you know this is not true, but one falsehood shows us the limitations of the book. I do want to remark the new testament is more accurate and less an accumulation of historic traditions than the old testament but still: it is a book of humans, but about very special occurrences and so a very special contribution to humanity and òf humanity. 
  • The so far unknown Urantiabook is a very complex one with many revelations and new insights for man. In this book evolution and creation melt beautifully together. It dates back to the fifties, channelled with inspiration in a white protestant middle-class social background. It hardly pays any attention to the Islam as a world religion, denies contact between the earthly humans and their beloved deceased ones and gives a very false picture of Mary's life. But in the future it will become a very important contribution to and for man. And preferable as a guide, not as truth, but that is in the future for mankind to decide.
  • The modern mystic Vassula Ryder is a humble and inspiring messenger. Many people are touched by her beautiful and inspired meetings and conversations. This is so important in the western society of now. Her texts, however, are, considered from theological perspective, coloured by her relatively simple, maybe even unknowing attitude towards life. Her visit with Jesus Christ to souls eternally living in hell, is incorrect because there is no hell ( damned for ever is a concept made up by man). The urgent wish of Jesus to get together Christian and Greek-orthodox Easter on the same date is not urgent. In the sense of energy, it would certainly generate perspective, but seen from God's perspective there are others matters which require more attention. Still, she is a great support for God and therefore she is suffering a great deal.
  • In your bookcase there is a precious channelled booklet on the spiritual worlds, it's title is not very important because nowadays there are thousands of this kind of revelations on earth. They have brought closer to mankind a sense of the divine and the spiritual realm. This book is meant to be here as an example; in it is said that man should have a healthy defecation. What so ever.
Back to you: our communication is disturbed as well and that is because of your limitations. We have to be reasonable here and we can not say: this part is objective, subjective, total truth, near truth, reasonably true, and this about every single item. This is not how these processes work. Time will tell, as time always does.
In the mean time we can find hope in My conversations with you, in My information, because what you tell the people are really the words of a God, your My God, who:
  • connects, not separates
  • does not judge
  • is loving
  • is open
  • is flexible
  • has a big heart
  • is inspiring
  • gives hope
  • is clear
  • leaves the free will of man intact
  • appreciates all religions and life-philosophies

So feel confident, My son. The texts are worthwile and let everyone gets something out what he/she wants to.
Blessings to you all

Nr. 20

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The devil, ape of God (Religion, 5)

Fifth part of a monologue on religion.

How the places of worship are doing, has to do with a number of things: 
  • The nature of man is underestimated
  • Build-up energy, influences in places of worship
  • Free will of the personality and the distortion of God's message
  • The devil and his role in the distortion.
The free will of man is sacred to Us.
And with this free will, one can grow towards God or away from God, but only temporarily, for there is ultimately only one way to go ; the return to God. However almost always involving detours, making a longer way, but always back to God (says Hindu religion).
The devil is concerning this detour playing an important part, a very big part, he is the seducer, and a great one.
The devil plays a part in all the crime on the planet, in all the derailments of the personality, in all addictions, torture, rape, and negative emotions like hate, envy, rage. In western modern society his tricks are so convincing that he even has accomplished man no longer has faith in God, and doesn't know anymore there is a devil at work in their lives.
A really secret seducer and impostor.

And God allows everything, and apparently do not intervene. But know this is deceptive. In reality, in truth, the devil and his demons are no more than tools in God's hands to push man in his free will towards God.

And this is the truth:

"The evil doesn't exist in favour of the evil, but in favour of the Good" *

Do remember this allways!
God is never leaving you, even if it feels like. And when the great impostor and his demons have a hold over you and your personality is totally lost on earth, than God and Its helpers are already involved in your future, your rescue and the best approach to lead you back to God's guidance.

For you have to know: God is the Creator, God is the Truth, God is in charge.
And the devil is only God's ape and can only tempt you temporary.
Somewhere within you is a place, untouched, where God is residing and awaiting the time which is right for you to let you grow towards God. The ape and his demons only have temporary power.

Once, and I restrict Myself to this planet,  this planet and mankind will have evolved so far nobody will get lost on the way anymore and everyone will live in Light and Love. Earth will be transformed into a spiritual planet and all the lower realms/spheres will be totally depopulated, empty, and the ape will have nothing to do anymore. God will give him and his little friends the opportunity than, to give up their rebellion and begin the long way back to God's Home.

God is aware of the suffering of the world, the murder, rape, torture, hunger, the suffering of man, and God does everything possible to alleviate or solve this.
But the free will of man which God gave to him is holy to God. Otherwise you, as God's beings, would be mere machines or puppets on a string. And God is more up to you.
So you do pay a high price while you exercise your free will. And out of this free will man makes choices which not only prolong his way to God but deepen it as well. Deepen? How can that be?

Is hanging out with the devil, for example drinking excessively, being egocentric and living out of control a deepening? In some way it is.

Because you do have to know: God is with you in an evolutionary process, God is in the process of forming, becoming. God can make mistakes together with you, and those mistakes contribute to the development of life, of creation, of the personality.
When you climb on top of the piles of mistakes you have made, there is a great vantage point there; a beautiful view. You will evolve from beast to spirit.
And in the mistakes of the criminal, the murders of the dictator, in the pain of his victims, in the challenges and difficulties of life are embedded the hope, the perspective, the solution, the retrieval, the healing, the options of repair, the possibilities to turn things around.
In God's spiritual realms and for instance around the planet, the former murderers and rapists become, after a long period of suffering, God's loving servants and helpers.

They grow eventually from squandering and wasting personalities to bitterly regretters of their choices, and after all into loving beings. And as loving beings they will help their fellowmen, in spiritual realms as on earth. And thanks to their long way of crimes en suffering afterwards they will guide more humbly, more understandingly, more lovingly than many righteous and so called decent personalities.

The former victim of the ape will always become God's great and useful helper.

You may remember: "The evil doesn't exist in favour of the evil, but in favour of the Good"

I would rather see a personality be on the right and short road towards God, but unfortunately that is an exception.
But do know that God will adjust every mistake and every detour into God's advantage.
And when your places of worship turn into rigid institutions, into hotbeds of terrorism, into dwellings of hate and intolerance, it only happens as long as people reside there, out of free will, and abide there, captured in the claws of the apes.
But this happens always temporarily, because once these corrupt places of worship will, when they are empty and dilapidated. make place for meetings of love and respect for humanity and for God.

There is no other way and eventually no other choice.

My blessing to you all

* Jacob Boehme

Nr. 19

Sunday, 9 October 2011

The personality and its tricks (Religion, 4)

Fourth part of a monologue on religion.

I told you in part 2 the nature of man is often underestimated and in part 3 there is a lot of energy to be felt in and around places of worship.
But why is the personality distorting everything? How is this possible?
The answer is short: because the personality is still in the making.
The personality is God's greatest creation, the crown on God's work, the most gifted being upon this earth/planet but in the making.
The personality, evolutionary being, is developing:
  • from beast to spirit
  • from earth to heaven 
  • from ape to spiritual son/daughter 
  • from imperfect to perfect. 
And We, who work with evolution as an instrument for man to grow towards perfection, are stating: We are not there yet. Man, the personality, is still an imperfect creature, We just need to observe the planet to conclude mankind is not there yet.
I want to emphasize two aspects in this matter:

  • Nature is neither perfect, it is also in the making, because the apparent harmony in nature is in fact a struggle for survival and eating or being eaten. Nature is in the making as well and many of My next blogs will elaborate on this: how nature rises to a higher level and passes through a transformationprocess too, in spite of all the trouble and destruction.
  • Man is part of nature, in the making as well, and when God as creator would comment on you, with love, God could say: how is it possible man has such a distorted way of acting so all what is happening is the opposite of what was meant to be? How can people kill in the name of Christ, the Peace-loving? How is it possible a communistic regime, in the name of the labourers, suppresses them? How can a country promoting and preaching freedom, take away that freedom?
Mankind should become more forbearing, broadminded, loving, reasonable, careful but those are words easily said but so hard to realize. The heart of the matter is man has an inner throne and it should be God sitting there or one of God's servants like Wisdom, Reasonableness or Love. But the free will of man has pushed God away and put himself there and his delusions.
Religious people who want to convince others in a pushy way, do the same. There they are on their throne, believing they are quite something. And thinking they can tell others to believe what they believe. Pride, arrogance, vanity are the reason for their behaviour.

In the word personality you can see the word persona (mask) from per sonare which means to sound through. The personality should be a mask through which God could sound or reverberate, but the only sounds are dissonants and deformations when a personality itself occupies the throne.

 Mankind sticks too easily to his own doing, his own actions, his own concepts, there is so much presumption and this is the cause of sorrow and abuse of energy. Pride is the biggest flaw of man, therefore God loves to see the opposite: meekness and humility. 
 In My next fifth blog I will get into who is eager to help man to sit on his own throne.
The devil, God's own ape, and does so with his sidekicks, his little apes.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 18

Friday, 7 October 2011

The energy in places of worship (Religion, 3)

Monologue on religion, part 3

God is favouring places of worship because one is together. Because one works on something, all together. Because one builds up an energy together, which everyone who goes to this place of worship feels and feels well by, and is lifted up spiritually. One can hardly accomplish this alone. This energy which is build up, gets bigger and stronger untill its power is grand, impressive. One can get a boost by it, as soon as the place of worship is entered. For example someone who is depressed, struggling with life. Or someone who is insecure or angry, seeking, desperate, restless, angry with life.
But even someone who is loving, big at heart and a joy to have around, can get recharged there. Also people who do not believe in anything or are atheist by choice, are immediately feeling something really special. Unless one has become totally anti-religion, then there is an inner resistance and one will not allow oneself to open up.

Usually one is consoled, nurtured and strengthened as soon as one enters. Such a place of worship has become a blessing despite dogmas, wrongly applied rituals, wrong ministers, sectarian thinking and so on.

Psychologists call it a gestalt, a form, a structure which is build up and got a life of its own. This form stands firmly.

  • Two people in a relationship build their own gestalt with a feeling of familiarity, homeliness, intimacy, their own vocabulary, own atmosphere and own energy.
  • Cities have build their gestalt, which is a collection of all of its inhabitants, all of their desires and plans, their houses, their streets, neighbourhoods, the landscape in which that city has been growing etc. Therefore a village at the seaside has another radiation than a village in a valley.

Houses of worhips are gestalts. So your places of worship are always extremely precious.
This is because they are transmitters of spiritual energy, used by God here in the spiritual world. This energy which is delivered from the spirit, from above, is divided and transformed into the wordly wavelength in which people can receive it. (translator: it is as if a huge bite, too big, is cut into small digestable portions).

A catholic mass for instance, referring to My last blog, is a transmitting station for Us, the consecration as a climax. Not only the church-goer but the surroundings take in the energy that is transmitted there as well. First of all the church-goers receive the strong, high energy in that moment while they in their near and open attitude attend the mass. But a part of the released energy is distributed in the environment and contributes to a lot of aspects of life which are connected with this energy: spiritual motivation, hope, emotion, insight, intuition.
How this energy will be absorbed and how much her influence will be in someone's life, depends of course on the life-situation, the personality and the activities he or she has.

The bigger the house of worship, the more frequent the services, the purer the focus of the devotees, the more spiritual the minister, the stronger is the energydistribution and the blessing for everyone.

Often are the places of worship build on a location where there is by nature an energetic effect on the surroundings.

In the next blog I will get into a third aspect of how useful or useless forms of faith are. This is the personality of man. The personality of man is the cause why discrimination, separation, prejudice and intolerance can be cherished in a place of worship and this is the cause of abusing the collected and distributed energy present there.

One could state that the second aspect is mostly Our spiritual influence.
This aspect discusses the disfiguring of God's energy by man. But that is for the next session.

My blessing to you all

Nr. 17

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Buddha. A statue of Mary.

I am in my room and inform about the essence of Buddhism.

Buddha did not refer to God but to the inner core of man, the silence in his being, the potential of man; what he may realize in this world.
He referred to the greatest passion of the soul, which is surrender the personality to life, surrender to peace within himself. The form of religion that was established here on Earth out of His life and exampel has always brought a great deal of purety in the world.

It generated a religion with relatively little agression, war, competition, and with a lot of tolerance, space and love. It has therefore a very purifying effect on the personality. It has stretched the ability of the soul to reach her personality, who is involved in Buddhism.

I am asking where the statue of Mary, placed in my room, comes from.

This statue originates from a monastery of Franciscan nuns in Belgium and has always stood in the scent of great devotion.
Many prayers have been said in its presence, and from that holy location a lot of blessings by the holy Mary, Mother of the miserable, has been given to man, on earth and in the spiritual world.
The power and radiation and healing effects of this statue are strong. Be grateful that We brought it into your life.

I feel the beneficial influence of it and indeed I am very grateful to have it.

And know, that Mary the human being, always referred to God Only and never put something else first in her whole life. So someone who sees her image should not worship her but ask her to consign and dedicate his/her prayers to God. That is what she wants most, in all of her glory and majesty.
Continually she is shyly looking down, when someone puts her before God.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 16

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Man between beast and spirit (Religion, 2)

Monologue on faith part 2.

Man is a natural being and originates from nature. Since a few 100 years man only knows  evolution, which arises from God and is exercised by God, has brought forth a human being. I would love for you to feel as if you were in Heaven, but remember: "with one’s head in the clouds but with your feet in the mud. "

As in a big tree, were everything streams and moves from down below to above (like nourishment and water), and from above to down below (like sunlight and oxigen).

Nearly all the earthly institutions like religions forget, sooner or later, that one of God's Laws is: everything moves, streams, in nature, everything is changing and open to renewal, all is subject to an ending, most definitely when it is offering resistance to change! This is to be applied in God's nature but also in God's places of worship!

Why is this always forgotten? A church, a mosque or other place of worship is organized to keep the inspiration of a major or minor prophet alive, through whom this community was born. Then rules, laws, structure, procedures, ethics and values, traditions and do's and don'ts are installed. You bet, with all of the consequences. God doesn't really want this, but God understands an organization to inspire mankind and nations can not grow and thrive without a leader or leadership, or without some form of organization, without some structure.

I want to ask you  to make Always a distinction between form and contents, between inspiration and laws, between spiritualization and rules/books. Form needs to serve the contents, not the other way around. Even so, form can be a tool: look at the catholic church with its Pope and dogma's. Grown worldwide, established worldwide, inspiring worldwide for many people need some guidance.

I am pleased with it: form helps to transmit the message. The form of the mass, the prayers, the stories about saints, all this inspires the individual being to be something more and better than daily jobs and life can ever offer. The inspiration of the consecration, the energy that is emitted and emanated as in an energyplant, the emanation of holy images.

Please note: I could have given the examples of the Islam, the Protestants, the Buddhists, the Hindus, New Age or Jewish religion, but I'll just present the Catholic church for now.

Form however can become unnatural and limit man instead of nurture him. God is happy with the invention of the condom, with the accepting of homosexuality as a way of life, with emancipation of women as an important factor of society. Jesus sought after His death first for Mary His mother and Mary Magdalene because they were His most devoted followers and more worthy of encountering Him than all male followers, who, besides John, had taken flight or had belied and betrayed Him. Isn't that clear enough?
The nature of man requires with all of her creations of faith an enormous willingness to:
  • to use books not as laws but as guidance
  • to adjust procedures all the time along with the developments and time and scientific insights of society
  • to wonder again and again if form does not limit contents?
  • And most important: to respect all other creations of religion and faith, because in nature there is always a place and space for many forms, variations: a polar bear is not any better than a stick insect. The Islam is not better than the Jewish religion for instance. I hope nobody is offended now. A stick insect is a beautiful intricate being and We look at it with pleasure and admiration.
  • And when one form of religion wants to extinguish another, or wants to pursue, or injure, know that that form is behaving like any species of monkey who wants to chase others out of the aerea. That's nature as well, but the primitive version of the nature of a human being, not the sophisticated one accepting and respecting all. That is some aspect of the higher human spirit, which fits into evolution. Once it will be realized! 
  • The number of devotees/followers or a later form does not reveal anything about the greater value of that faith/religion.
  • And time will eventually break down creations of faith which are out of date, but that could be a process of thousands of years. The disturbed Breivik liked to return to Wodan, would you believe? We, above, have time, and are infinitely patient, because We can see beyond time and space. Trust reigns Here.

The next, second aspect of faith and her value is the hidden energy, the gestalt, the power of gathering, commented in the next blog.

Blessings to you all

Nr. 15

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Why houses of worship work (Religion, 1)


Monologue on faith: part 1

You asked me to comment on God's servants in various religions who are abusive. Take your time because this is a complex matter I would like to elaborate on.

First off, this is a leading question. What you actually say is God's servants are not doing their jobs right. Sometimes indeed they don't but also outside the realm of faith and religion there are workers who do wrong, like in politics, in the government and boards, in fact amongst all people. So now, be aware that I will only comment on priests, evangelists, pandits, prophets, pastors, whatever they call themselves.

First I want to make this statement: everything is fine your houses of worship, your diversity, your differences. And people who are consciously agnostic, and against institutions like churches. New agers, or people who go their own alternative ways.
God is agreeing with it all, it is okay, it is good, because it is born out of your free will, which We cherish, and it will contribute to your life-experiences.
Would you thus focus on this: it is all allright, We cooperate with everthing, we accept all things, as the Hindus say:

"every path leads to God, also the long way about"

Our trust in life, mankind, his makings and attempts to better his life, is great. And especially Our trust in the natural correction-mechanisms of spiritual and earthly existence is formidable. So eventually all will be fine. But we are talking on the human lamentation: 'but how? can't things be somewhat easier, couldn't life be more fair?'
Life, as it is, as it unfolds, your longing to be with God and to reach God could go faster and with less effort. Its is sad to see how you painfully and inevitably bang against your own wall with blinders on. Ouch, thats hurts of course.

So could it become less treacherous, and can God's servants on earth contribute more to this process?
This question consists of four factors, in My next blogs any further.
I mention them meanwhile.

First of all: nature, second: energy and gestalt, third: the human personality and last: God's special servant, the devil who I call God's ape, with all of its own apes.

My blessings for you all

Nr. 14