Sunday, 9 October 2011

The personality and its tricks (Religion, 4)

Fourth part of a monologue on religion.

I told you in part 2 the nature of man is often underestimated and in part 3 there is a lot of energy to be felt in and around places of worship.
But why is the personality distorting everything? How is this possible?
The answer is short: because the personality is still in the making.
The personality is God's greatest creation, the crown on God's work, the most gifted being upon this earth/planet but in the making.
The personality, evolutionary being, is developing:
  • from beast to spirit
  • from earth to heaven 
  • from ape to spiritual son/daughter 
  • from imperfect to perfect. 
And We, who work with evolution as an instrument for man to grow towards perfection, are stating: We are not there yet. Man, the personality, is still an imperfect creature, We just need to observe the planet to conclude mankind is not there yet.
I want to emphasize two aspects in this matter:

  • Nature is neither perfect, it is also in the making, because the apparent harmony in nature is in fact a struggle for survival and eating or being eaten. Nature is in the making as well and many of My next blogs will elaborate on this: how nature rises to a higher level and passes through a transformationprocess too, in spite of all the trouble and destruction.
  • Man is part of nature, in the making as well, and when God as creator would comment on you, with love, God could say: how is it possible man has such a distorted way of acting so all what is happening is the opposite of what was meant to be? How can people kill in the name of Christ, the Peace-loving? How is it possible a communistic regime, in the name of the labourers, suppresses them? How can a country promoting and preaching freedom, take away that freedom?
Mankind should become more forbearing, broadminded, loving, reasonable, careful but those are words easily said but so hard to realize. The heart of the matter is man has an inner throne and it should be God sitting there or one of God's servants like Wisdom, Reasonableness or Love. But the free will of man has pushed God away and put himself there and his delusions.
Religious people who want to convince others in a pushy way, do the same. There they are on their throne, believing they are quite something. And thinking they can tell others to believe what they believe. Pride, arrogance, vanity are the reason for their behaviour.

In the word personality you can see the word persona (mask) from per sonare which means to sound through. The personality should be a mask through which God could sound or reverberate, but the only sounds are dissonants and deformations when a personality itself occupies the throne.

 Mankind sticks too easily to his own doing, his own actions, his own concepts, there is so much presumption and this is the cause of sorrow and abuse of energy. Pride is the biggest flaw of man, therefore God loves to see the opposite: meekness and humility. 
 In My next fifth blog I will get into who is eager to help man to sit on his own throne.
The devil, God's own ape, and does so with his sidekicks, his little apes.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 18