My son,
when you are thinking of an other being,
when you are praying,
when you are dedicating everything to Me,
when you are trusting Me,
when you are letting go,
when you are renouncing your worldly nature for Me,
when you are loving,
when you are meditating,
when you are still,
when you are suffering for Me,
when you are enjoying My earthly nature,
when you are grateful to Me,
then I call you My son.
When you are in your little attachments,
when you are suspicious,
when you are afraid,
when you are losing yourself in your little addictions,
when your body is charged with improper conduct,
when you are considering your fellow men loveless,
when you are restless,
then I call you My child.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 22
Nr. 22