Friday, 28 October 2011

Prayer always works.The ONE God hears everything

Can you say something about prayer?

The power of prayer is overwhelming.
Asking for something or at least
asking for God's blessing means:
  1. An opening up.  
  2. An immediate granting of certain parts of the prayer, sometimes of the whole prayer.
  3. The spiritual world gets the opportunity to make an additional connection between the spiritual world and the earthly world. This gives the spiritual world more influence in matter. You can compare it literally with opening a window for fresh air.
  4. It is a strengthening of cooperation and connection and contact and communication between the person who prays and the spiritual being to whom one prays.
  5. This last aspect I would like to explain: there is only ONE God. But God has created many servants, beings, angels, agents, intermediaries to bring the case to run. God is dealing with Its fellow Deities on good terms. I am nowadays on earth dwelling with 7 billion Deities (there are now around 7 billion people on earth, incidentally is the multiple of mankind in the spiritual worlds). We Deities are ONE with God. We are God. We are indivisible. We are the I Am. Let everyone always realize this in his/her prayer, whoever you in the spiritual world ask for help, all of them work for ONE God, and are part of ONE God, The One I Am.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 21