Saturday, 15 October 2011

The devil, ape of God (Religion, 5)

Fifth part of a monologue on religion.

How the places of worship are doing, has to do with a number of things: 
  • The nature of man is underestimated
  • Build-up energy, influences in places of worship
  • Free will of the personality and the distortion of God's message
  • The devil and his role in the distortion.
The free will of man is sacred to Us.
And with this free will, one can grow towards God or away from God, but only temporarily, for there is ultimately only one way to go ; the return to God. However almost always involving detours, making a longer way, but always back to God (says Hindu religion).
The devil is concerning this detour playing an important part, a very big part, he is the seducer, and a great one.
The devil plays a part in all the crime on the planet, in all the derailments of the personality, in all addictions, torture, rape, and negative emotions like hate, envy, rage. In western modern society his tricks are so convincing that he even has accomplished man no longer has faith in God, and doesn't know anymore there is a devil at work in their lives.
A really secret seducer and impostor.

And God allows everything, and apparently do not intervene. But know this is deceptive. In reality, in truth, the devil and his demons are no more than tools in God's hands to push man in his free will towards God.

And this is the truth:

"The evil doesn't exist in favour of the evil, but in favour of the Good" *

Do remember this allways!
God is never leaving you, even if it feels like. And when the great impostor and his demons have a hold over you and your personality is totally lost on earth, than God and Its helpers are already involved in your future, your rescue and the best approach to lead you back to God's guidance.

For you have to know: God is the Creator, God is the Truth, God is in charge.
And the devil is only God's ape and can only tempt you temporary.
Somewhere within you is a place, untouched, where God is residing and awaiting the time which is right for you to let you grow towards God. The ape and his demons only have temporary power.

Once, and I restrict Myself to this planet,  this planet and mankind will have evolved so far nobody will get lost on the way anymore and everyone will live in Light and Love. Earth will be transformed into a spiritual planet and all the lower realms/spheres will be totally depopulated, empty, and the ape will have nothing to do anymore. God will give him and his little friends the opportunity than, to give up their rebellion and begin the long way back to God's Home.

God is aware of the suffering of the world, the murder, rape, torture, hunger, the suffering of man, and God does everything possible to alleviate or solve this.
But the free will of man which God gave to him is holy to God. Otherwise you, as God's beings, would be mere machines or puppets on a string. And God is more up to you.
So you do pay a high price while you exercise your free will. And out of this free will man makes choices which not only prolong his way to God but deepen it as well. Deepen? How can that be?

Is hanging out with the devil, for example drinking excessively, being egocentric and living out of control a deepening? In some way it is.

Because you do have to know: God is with you in an evolutionary process, God is in the process of forming, becoming. God can make mistakes together with you, and those mistakes contribute to the development of life, of creation, of the personality.
When you climb on top of the piles of mistakes you have made, there is a great vantage point there; a beautiful view. You will evolve from beast to spirit.
And in the mistakes of the criminal, the murders of the dictator, in the pain of his victims, in the challenges and difficulties of life are embedded the hope, the perspective, the solution, the retrieval, the healing, the options of repair, the possibilities to turn things around.
In God's spiritual realms and for instance around the planet, the former murderers and rapists become, after a long period of suffering, God's loving servants and helpers.

They grow eventually from squandering and wasting personalities to bitterly regretters of their choices, and after all into loving beings. And as loving beings they will help their fellowmen, in spiritual realms as on earth. And thanks to their long way of crimes en suffering afterwards they will guide more humbly, more understandingly, more lovingly than many righteous and so called decent personalities.

The former victim of the ape will always become God's great and useful helper.

You may remember: "The evil doesn't exist in favour of the evil, but in favour of the Good"

I would rather see a personality be on the right and short road towards God, but unfortunately that is an exception.
But do know that God will adjust every mistake and every detour into God's advantage.
And when your places of worship turn into rigid institutions, into hotbeds of terrorism, into dwellings of hate and intolerance, it only happens as long as people reside there, out of free will, and abide there, captured in the claws of the apes.
But this happens always temporarily, because once these corrupt places of worship will, when they are empty and dilapidated. make place for meetings of love and respect for humanity and for God.

There is no other way and eventually no other choice.

My blessing to you all

* Jacob Boehme

Nr. 19