Monday, 26 December 2011

On sexual addictions (Tweet from God, 5)

“Sex is beautiful, between people of the same sex as well, masturbation is beautiful, but your attachment and sometimes your addiction!”

I still find it intriguing that You are saying something about sex and masturbation. Could you elaborate a bit on this tweet from September 9?

Of course.
Sexuality, between people of the same sex as well or masturbation, are still surrounded with a bit of a taboo, even in the west. Let alone that God is talking about it. This is the time.

First of all, this is straight “out of My heart": sexuality is a beautiful and natural fact of life, which you people may enjoy. That’s the start of departure.

And with natural I am not referring to sexuality between two people of different sex, because it is natural as well if two people of the same sex have sex with each other, or if someone "is playing sexually with oneself" as you call it so nicely. Both activities are normal in nature as well . And although sexual behavior in nature is mostly aimed at procreation, it is not always the case. Variations on sexual behavior are in animal life hot as well: playing with each other, checking each other sexual organs, playing stuff, exploring things, it’s all in the game.

Among humans, is has been all further on developed, man may play, explore, check it all out, in many different manners.
Sexuality is thus a beautiful, relaxing and natural thing, even if it is of a different quality than breathing or eating. God says: it’s natural. It's good. It’s allowed. It’s all right. It's okay.

It happens regularly that some peoples develop a taboo. There are peoples, where eating with others is a taboo and one eats on oneself. As one defecates alone in the west.
Other peoples consider property to be a taboo.

So peoples can have taboos for a good deal fitting in their development.
Since the 19th century the Western world has addressed the taboo of sexuality nicely and even sex between two people of the same sex is mostly legalized. Masturbation didn’t need to be legalized because it never has been prohibited. Legally. Morally though. There are brave men and women who speak openly about masturbation, though still followed by sniggering response.

I say it openly : sexuality is natural. Sex between two people of the same sex is natural, playing with oneself sexually is natural.
For Me and for Us in the spiritual world, there is no taboo, no judgment, no prohibition, no punishment.
That is why I now repeat My tweet:

“sex is beautiful, between people of the same sex as well, masturbation is beautiful, but your attachment and sometimes your addiction!”

But you exaggerate somewhat. Call it turn from on extreme to the other, so there'll be a reaction, that’s what We know, yet I tell you crystal clear: the taboo is not to resolved yet or you people turn to the other extreme and create yourselves a new god, the god of sex.

Now it is a free-for-all. It has become a fascination, an attachment, an identification, an addiction. So my tweet isn’t about sexuality but about exaggerating, about being too attached to something, about being addicted to something.

Especially young people, sometimes even when they’re just twelve years old, think they have to have had sex, think they are behind the times, think they are "a little bit late", that they have to have sexual experience, and this because of group pressure, otherwise they’ll miss the boat, and that they have to caught op with the rest. And the media of advertising and TV and music join in with this. Your society is sexualized and now I ask you: "Where do you think the end of this development will be?".

I will tell you: in a decadent and immoral society where:
  • young people are withered prematurely
  • boys do not know the difference between respectful treatment and a rudely forcing their sexuality on others
  • people become addicted to internet pornography
  • the conscience of people is being infected through exceeding films and clips and blogs and pics about rape and violence and sex of bizarre forms
  • one has lost the thread of equilibrium, inner civilization and moral self-control
  • no one is learning anymore the value of self-control and sometimes saying no to oneself and the value of deferred satisfying of one’s needs
  • everyone has come to believe that every need must be satisfied immediately and one suffers, if one does not immediately get what one wants.
I say now: eventually everything will be all right, and sexuality is fine.
I say also:addictions are evidence of a neglected immature attitude to life and the Spirit within you is longing for simplicity and austerity. And if you live your life in indulgence, attachment, identification and addiction, this always appears to be a temporary case, by definition. And then simplicity and frugality will be regained.

But this path will be nearly always accompanied with much pain and suffering. It's like in a natural wilderness: the farther you get lost, the harder the road back.
So the message to you all is to think about your path and about the steps you’re making!

My blessings to you all

Nr. 42

Saturday, 24 December 2011

On spiritual respect. A real Christmas speech (Tweet from God, 4)


“I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature!"

In my contacts with you, I do notice You are indeed telling me the truth and You are coaching me firmly, but at the same time You are more loving to me than I am to myself. In my mistakes You are speaking soothing words, You are comforting me in my despair, when I fall, You are helping me to get up.
Why do we treat ourselves so unlovingly?
I'm glad you are going to comment Your tweet from September 9.

I Am indeed more loving, how could it be otherwise. I oversee the whole, I know you better than you know yourself. I see where the opportunities and possibilities are situated, I see which mistakes can lead to which insights, you yourselves are so in the depth of it. You all have so much to learn, to discover, to experience. I know your path. That's the only reason for this blog through you: a little bit more of a helicopter view.

A goodish many churchgoers are so strict. I do not like their demands, their laws, their blast about shoulds and shouldn’ts. Usually they are frigid people, too much in their heads and looking at people with requirements of musts. Of what is not allowed, what should be punished, what is wrong. We see them busy, especially seducing underdeveloped, poor and helpless people with their seemingly simple message. But it's not a nice path, what they are offering, not a warm path at all, not a hopeful future. Eventually, they and those who are seduced, will retrace one’s steps, but that’s always involving a lot of suffering. That’s what I am foreseeing already.

“I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature! “

The freebooters are the many disbelievers who think the God of the believers is a strict and intolerant and unloving One. And actually they have made for themselves immediately a new god. The god of matter, of the body, of wealth, of comfort, of luxury, of convenience and immediate satisfaction of needs (see everyone walking around with a small bottle of water: one could get thirsty !). And this new god is the ape of God, the lord of the world, the devil, if you like.
And that's all pretty much relative, and does not lead to much.

"I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature! "

Respect for the Human Nature.
What do We in the spiritual world love man!
The beauty in your eyes, if you enjoy nature.
Your joy, if you show someone the way in traffic.
Your beautiful, naked, glistening smooth skin, if you are just leaving the water.
Your love, if you are together with your loved ones.
Your creativity, if you are making music together.
Your sense of harmony, if you are building a beautiful house.

Your joy, if you are breeding a new species of roses.
Your love, when you are helping a vulnerable person in society.
Your hands, if you are supporting a weak person.
Your efforts to make the world better.
Your desire for God, if the world doesn’t satisfy you any longer.
Your emotion, if you feel you have been helped by Us.
Your sincere prayers, even if they are not always answered.
You hope for a better life for everyone.
Your compassion for victims of disasters.
Your sweet words of comfort in a social situation.
The straighting one’s back, when life appears to be too heavy.
Your holy people who already have admitted God on earth.
Your call for God.
Your courage in distress.

We, in the spiritual world, are able to mention another million reasons why We have respect for your human nature.

You can obtain this respect for yourself as well.
The great personalities of the earths, the saints, the sincere believers, the loving atheists, the great political leaders, the sages, the humble of heart, the helpers in secret before you have leaded the way.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 41

Friday, 23 December 2011

Christ is born

I look with a certain compassion at all your Christmas trees, Christmas shopping, family dates and Christmas dinners, and observe how many of you forget, or not even know, that the feast primarily is concerning the birth of Christ.
Even believers think it’s a stale story, dated and perhaps made up at all.

Let Me say you all this.

The story is true, it is the peak in human history, it is an act of pure love, that Christ took this difficult path, along with His mother, and it’s a turning point as well in human history.

From this moment on, from the Birth, when the angels said to the shepherds: "Listen, Oh people of good will" until the death of Christ is one big event. This facilitated the connection between earthly and spiritual life, the connection became easier, improved, strengthened and energized.
But the main message of this beautiful and by God planned Life is this: from that moment on Christ could be born immediately and fully in your heart. Warranty for the spiritual life, surrender to God and promise of the spiritual life to you evolutionary creatures.

Christmas exhorts you to accept hiddenly and openly the Christ consciousness, the divine, the eternal, the new man, the spiritual future, that God manifest and permanent and omnipresent may come and live in your heart. In the here and now. With all the resulting graces.

In My previous blog I said: "why don’t you say to your inner self: hello, anybody there?"

Now I am telling you: why don't you allow Christmas into your life, in your heart, in your being. If you succeed in pushing aside the external, material, family and Christmas tree feelings and when you open up to God. Then you can experience that God is One with Christ, It’s Son on earth, that God feeds and cherishes the Christ Consciousness. That God loves to arrive, where it’s empty and tidy and clean.
In a filthy, lascivious, obsessed, messy, troubled heart God doesn’t come. Not that God shouldn’t be able to, because with a gust of wind God cleans everything with It’s breath, but God does not want to, because God only come when you want it. For God is modest and patient, and only when you ask God to, with your whole heart, your whole mind, with your whole will, God enters your heart.

Because to God it is when it comes to the point everything or nothing.

You are against God or you are with God. You want everything in the world, or you prefer God above all. God’s Christ said two thousand years ago: “you can not serve two masters”. And many of you are now serving a gentleman, whom I am calling My ape only.

Seize your opportunity.

This is the last thing I would like to say to you: every day again can become the One True Christmas in your life. And this is not depending on the atmosphere around December 25. Although the circumstances are more favorable because of the gestalt of the worldly spirit of Christmas, because of your hopes and your need for peace in this period.
But God is always ready, provided you are ready, any time.

My blessings to you all 

Nr. 40

Thursday, 15 December 2011

On the inner self (Tweet from God, 3)

"You have a spiritual body, which must be nourished with attention, energy, stimulus. Your God and your soul love to see this"

From the moment you came into being, from the moment of pregnancy of your mother, your soul sets to work.
For God and your soul, Together, wish from that moment on only one thing, and that is that you later on, after your physical death, will survive.

To that end, you need a vehicle, which is able to continue independently and without the physical body. Wouldn’t We have built this, then would your life be limited to whatever you do on earth and would you cease to exist
after the physical death.

We would be piqued to let this happen.
We would like to give you the opportunity to acquire eternity and thus to grow from "beast" into spirit, from evolutionary temporarily being to eternal life, with all the opportunities connected with this opportunity.
What a joy is it for Us, when you are leaving behind your earthly benefits and burdens, and when you are welcomed by the spiritual cosmos.
We want this, We can perform this, We are doing this.
So We as well do Our thing.

If you want to go to another city, you’ll get into a car or train.
If you go outside in winter, you’ll put on a coat.
If you are working out, you have put on your special shoes.
If you want to survive, you’ll need a spiritual body.

Although God is all around, it is the special task of your soul to cherish and care for its assigned embryo from the conception.
The soul thus builds on this spiritual body of yours, monitors it, cares for it, makes it grow and hopes for cooperation from your side from the first moments of your emotional development, from the beginning of your intellectual development and especially from the moment your will is developping.

The human will. The free human will. Wonderful instrument. Dangerous tool when it is misdirected. Tool for the soul in the growth of the spiritual body.

Your cooperation in this process is important.
Therefore, is My third tweet a message to you on behalf of the soul:

"You have a spiritual body, which must be nourished with attention, energy, stimulus.
Your God and your soul love to see this"

God asks you on behalf of your soul for attention, energy and encouragement for the spiritual body. I'll give you some advice to this end:
  • Take some time for rest, solitude, silence
  • Know that you have an inner self
  • This inner self consists of hidden inner feelings, intuition, imagination, ideas, an inner voice, you name it
  • Please will you listen to the signals from your inner self
  • When you have to take decisions, are doubting, when you need advice, find yourselves in fear, anxiety, when you aren’t looking forward to something, tell your inner self: "Hello, is anyone there?". That seems weird, but God is saying to you on behalf of your soul: "indeed there is someone around". Someone who burns with desire to think with you, to feel with you, to give you peace, advice and clarity, to provide solutions, to call on some auxiliaries, to create space, you name it
  • Please why don’t you all give My advices the benefit of the doubt, try them out, pretend as if they are correct, who knows what evidence you’ll get?

The more you are doing this and the more consciously you contribute to this process, the more beautiful your spiritual body will become.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 39

Saturday, 10 December 2011

On the waiting soul (Tweet from God, 2)

“Everything is important: looks, the world, your friends, but inside your soul is waiting for attention and recognition, start a conversation” 

Could You explain Your second tweet of August 31, 2011?

With pleasure.

The earth and its mankind (fourth realm), animals (third realm), plants (second realm) and minerals (first realm), are a wonderful evolving creation. Not the most developed one in the cosmos. Indeed, in terms of human evolution We (the fifth realm) with you, mankind, are in the elementary school, and in fact, not even the highest classes. And a child in group 4 (your cosmic level), would love to go to the next group. We observe your impatience and need and desire to grow. But as to those kids I have to say, being your Teacher, you can not skip one single step. It is what it is, in the here and now. But I gladly take you along for a glance behind the scenes.

An evolving creation is not perfect. This is particularly noticeable in the realm of animals (eating and being eaten) and mankind (wars, famine, disease, refugees, etc). Even though much suffering is caused by man himself, out of his free will, this is the case: a still imperfect creation in the making.
We, from the fifth realm, reach out in every possible way to mitigate the imperfect, to reduce it or to complete it.

Especially the soul has a major role in this.
But many "suggestions of the soul" are not addressed.

For the practice, especially in the affluent and materialistic Western world is that you people are very focused on the outside world.
Jobs, money, consumption, alcohol, luxury, physical pleasure, fuss, noise, too many people in close proximity, and nowadays with the internet your cell phones, Blackberries, iPads draw your attention fully outwardly.

And inside is your soul, created by God, waiting. A wonderful being of spiritual substance, a beautiful creation full of gifts and opportunities is waiting for you. And some of you do not even remember that the soul is waiting for your attention.

Too much focused on the outside world, you hardly hear the soft, loving voice of your conscience, your spiritual Brother / Sister, your spiritual future, your connection with God, your promise, your foundation, your origin, your being.

 God sent you this tweet on behalf of your soul.

"“Everything is important: looks, the world, your friends, but inside your soul is waiting for attention and recognition, start a conversation”

And I already observe how those who visit My blogs, read them, sometimes ponder on them, and are touched and are more than before dwelling on this question of God.
I do not diminish the importance of your attention to the external world. For I know that one's life is where his/her heart is clinging to, We from the spiritual world support this process as well. Your soul is happy with the goals of your heart. That is a good thing.
But there is more to life. So therefore I’ll give some practical advice for those who dwell on my message:

  • Consider the possibility that in your heart a being of pure spiritual substance is dwelling
  • Take twice a day just a few minutes to talk to your Inner self / Soul / God / guardian, while you are sitting quietly, silently, relaxed, or while you are walking in nature, or maybe in a car or on a bike on your way to important business. It doesn’t matter to Us, how you call Us, if you only would recognize Us. Your soul is begging for your attention, if only for a few minutes
  • Talk to Us, say something to Us, recognize Us, consider Our presence as a possibility and you will experience wonderful things
  • God tells you what Christ has said: "Knock, and unto you shall be opened. Ask, and you will be given."
  • Be in the beginning modest in your prayers and questions. It is for Us easier to send the spirit of humor, when you go to a boring meeting or birthday (you will have to admit afterwards that there was more laughter than before). That's easier than when you ask to be cured from cancer, or you may win the lottery. Big questions are not always impossible, but start small, indeed: piano lessons for beginners do not aime too fast at a concert of Bach and the first language lessons start with simple grammar. Start simple and modest, and you will find that We, from the fifth realm, are waiting and eager to accommodate you. Because if you do only one step to God, God’s team will do five steps to you. Try it out! 
  • If you’re going to a difficult conversation, ask for the spirit or angel of relaxation. Are you going to a cold person, ask for the spirit of friendliness. Are you going to a job interview, ask for the spirits of inspiration and confidence. Are you going to a busy mall, ask for the spirit of inner peace. If you are asking, then We will answer. All support can be asked, almost every spiritual support in any degree will be given.
  • Finally, consider Us as very close. Not somewhere high in the sky, what is true as well, but in your heart. Very close, available, present, willing, loving and patiently waiting for your conversation with Us. Because that is so, truthfully.
Are you going to try it out?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 38

Thursday, 8 December 2011

You are not alone (Tweet from God, 1)

"Some of you think you are alone. That is not true. I protect you and look after you, with My team, day and night"

Would You like to explain Your first tweet from August 30?

Of course.
In previous blogs I have said loving words about unbelievers. If only their hearts are in the right place, anything like.
Nevertheless, they are completely wrong.

If I could describe the love, the care, the attention, the compassion, the interest, the involvement, the sympathy of the entire spiritual world focused on your earthly life, if I could sketch it, could show it, for example by a documentary on TV!
Oh, what would you be surprised and delighted, impressed and touched. You would feel very comforted and supported.
The spiritual world is in and around you.

Not visible, except for some clairvoyants.
Not touchable, except for many clairsentients.
Inconceivable, except for all believers.

Not measurable, except in the near future. Yes, there will be a time in which science and religion are coming together.

A time when meditation will be a scientific method to get in touch with the spiritual world or especially with Your God(spark), your Atma, your God, so with Me, because We are ONE.
A time in which EVERY man 100% will be convinced of a spiritual world and a life after death. When the machine will be invented, which enables you to communicate with the deceased.
But that is not yet to be. So you must believe it, or perhaps accept it. Or maybe consider it as a possibility.

Consider the sightings and stories of this blog as a possibility. Because they are of a quite pure caliber, honest, sincere, with a fairly large degree of truth, full of inspiration and blessings.

Why don’t you practice with the knowledge mentioned in the blogs, behold the stories as  possible about angels and spirits, and beings and devas. All spiritual beings, preserving gardens and plants and animals and organs and events and people and cities and nations and the entire earth.

Practice, pretend, test it, ask something, say something to Them, listen a bit. Maybe you’ll get an answer.
No, you always get answers, but maybe you can not hear the answer.

All these beings have only one goal. To give you everything and to meet you after your physical death. In love and humor. Always with humor.
God has a great team. Let it be said to you!

My blessings to you all

Nr. 37

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Bounders and posers, God sees everything

Item 1

I have a meeting at the expensive business centre Zuidas in Amsterdam, and observbe well dressed gentlemen and ladies walking in between extremely expensive buildings.
What do I have to think of these people?

Even here you’ll find good people and good employees. Yet there is one essential difference between this type of work and the work area you are dealing with, the world of education, municipalities, housing corporation, care and welfare.

People on money and profit-oriented jobs are eventually more concerned with status and position, and power and big money and big houses and expensive clothes. In these jobs it is harder to stay uncomplicatedly and warmheartedly.

You in your jobs can stay more concerned with people, with the usefulness of things, with democracy and vulnerable citizens, with youngsters, with your heart.
These variety of objectives are influencing the condition of the personality and of the inner self more than you think. The money- and power-hungry people go a longer way in the spirit , even after their physical death, before they witness the surrender of heart and mind. Remember the saying of Christ:

 “it is easier for a camel to creep through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to reach heaven”.

And the dichotomy mentioned above is of course very schematic. This is handling the big question, put to every human being "what are you really doing?".
It would be overly simplistic to assume that the whole business circle is averse to hearty people. That would be an insult to all loving farmers, businessmen, shopkeepers and wealthy.

The picture is: guard your heart, don’t lose yourself in matter, and remember that it is all about your inner attitude.


Item 2

Yet I am experiencing meetings with a group of people sideways involved in my work, but still they are a bunch of bosses'' with a lot of self-interest and their own agenda. I sigh within upon project funding, to be spent on everything except for carrying a plan into effect, for the benefit of citizens, of improvement of society. What are these people up to?

In this project creativity and vision are involved, this is why national funds have been acquired. You are testifying the vigor to spend the money to the citizens themselves, and to simple execution.
But idealistic things soon can get lost, and too much money is sticking to the fingers. Not because of corruption, but by getting a life of its own of excesses and of talkers. They have no intention to perform anything, except of protecting their jobs and they are filling their work with talking and theorizing, and they do not realize that they are socially irrelevant and relatively useless.
We need to call a spade a spade.

But be consoled, eventually everyone has to go for it, if necessary with some delay and forced musings. But they will be once in for it.
Christ told you so, on behalf of God

 "the first shall be the last, the last shall be the first"

My blessings to you all

Nr. 36

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Ode to the body, get rid of addictions

This morning in bed I thought about the mix with a little vodka, I had drunk the night before, and asked God: " My God, what do You actually think of alcohol?"

We are not happy with alcohol, smoking, overeating, using drugs, We are not happy with all your addictions.

Take for example alcohol.
Of the 117 small and large spiritual beings who are cherishing your body, there are 24 creatures doing damage control, if possible, after your drinking alcohol.

We compare you with someone who has moved into a beautiful new home and hits a stucco wall with a breaker, and bursts the double glass windows with a metal object and scratches severely a wooden floor with a shoe nail.

And in the case of alcohol seven beings especially are surprised and bewildered what the alcohol drinker is doing.
The spiritual beings of the body, the liver, the eyes, the skin, the blood vessels, the lymphatic vessels and the brains have to work hard to repair the terrible damage you made willfully.

Must I stop alcohol completely?

You do not have to must anything, everything has handed to you in freedom, but do you want to live in truth or do you want to remain unconscious? Do you want to find the spiritual important or do you want to wallow in physical decline? Do you choose for Me or do you choose for limitation? Do you opt for the sunny flower garden or do you choose for the soggy, cold and damp basement? For the latter metaphor can be taken literally in the spiritual world, all addictions will end in this way.

You doesn’t get anything out of alcohol consumption. How important is it to you? How important do you think this momentary pleasure is, considering such long-term ill effects?
Your body is a wonderful and valuable instrument, it can be a temple of God, but it is an abused and ravaged instrument. Don’t you all want to accept this as such and live in truth with this understanding?

What an awful truth. I quit with it, and if I ever have to consume it somewhere, I’ll do it necessarily, as a social obligation, by way of exception, perhaps?

Accept in your particular case the wisdom of the Muslims on this. Stop it, as you can, and know that God and all spiritual beings cherishing and caring and restoring and nourishing your body will feel blessed and respected, so from then on We no longer have to take offence at this unconscious, “bestial” and pernicious behavior.

Be blessed for your candid question and your willingness to really listen to an honest answer.

I promise You. I will become a Muslim at this point. But I do not want to talk with You about coffee and eating sweets, not yet.

You all have to take a step at some level. The one person in the area of ​​smoking, the other one in the area of exercising. There is in the here and now only one step to take, one job to do, one problem to solve. For some persons smoking can be a necessary evil in order to get not overwrought, and he / she must continue smoking. But for some one else it can be the ultimate challenge of his/her life.
Everyone should consult oneself.

We up here and All around you, We do not hit the roof if some is drinking a glass of wine. We are no Purists.
It's about yourselves, about your body, your own life, your free will, it is about being conscious of your body and about your own steps in this field.

But God is saying: I do know what's good for you, like a mother knows what is the best for her children still accepting her children all go one’s own way. But when the children ask for advice, she will be happy to take time for it.
You asked Me for advice, so I have given it to you.
Therefore I tell you, accept this challenge, please cherish your body as good as you look after your hobbies, your work, your home, your car, your children!
The body cán be your dearest child.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 35