Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Bounders and posers, God sees everything

Item 1

I have a meeting at the expensive business centre Zuidas in Amsterdam, and observbe well dressed gentlemen and ladies walking in between extremely expensive buildings.
What do I have to think of these people?

Even here you’ll find good people and good employees. Yet there is one essential difference between this type of work and the work area you are dealing with, the world of education, municipalities, housing corporation, care and welfare.

People on money and profit-oriented jobs are eventually more concerned with status and position, and power and big money and big houses and expensive clothes. In these jobs it is harder to stay uncomplicatedly and warmheartedly.

You in your jobs can stay more concerned with people, with the usefulness of things, with democracy and vulnerable citizens, with youngsters, with your heart.
These variety of objectives are influencing the condition of the personality and of the inner self more than you think. The money- and power-hungry people go a longer way in the spirit , even after their physical death, before they witness the surrender of heart and mind. Remember the saying of Christ:

 “it is easier for a camel to creep through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to reach heaven”.

And the dichotomy mentioned above is of course very schematic. This is handling the big question, put to every human being "what are you really doing?".
It would be overly simplistic to assume that the whole business circle is averse to hearty people. That would be an insult to all loving farmers, businessmen, shopkeepers and wealthy.

The picture is: guard your heart, don’t lose yourself in matter, and remember that it is all about your inner attitude.


Item 2

Yet I am experiencing meetings with a group of people sideways involved in my work, but still they are a bunch of bosses'' with a lot of self-interest and their own agenda. I sigh within upon project funding, to be spent on everything except for carrying a plan into effect, for the benefit of citizens, of improvement of society. What are these people up to?

In this project creativity and vision are involved, this is why national funds have been acquired. You are testifying the vigor to spend the money to the citizens themselves, and to simple execution.
But idealistic things soon can get lost, and too much money is sticking to the fingers. Not because of corruption, but by getting a life of its own of excesses and of talkers. They have no intention to perform anything, except of protecting their jobs and they are filling their work with talking and theorizing, and they do not realize that they are socially irrelevant and relatively useless.
We need to call a spade a spade.

But be consoled, eventually everyone has to go for it, if necessary with some delay and forced musings. But they will be once in for it.
Christ told you so, on behalf of God

 "the first shall be the last, the last shall be the first"

My blessings to you all

Nr. 36