Saturday, 10 December 2011

On the waiting soul (Tweet from God, 2)

“Everything is important: looks, the world, your friends, but inside your soul is waiting for attention and recognition, start a conversation” 

Could You explain Your second tweet of August 31, 2011?

With pleasure.

The earth and its mankind (fourth realm), animals (third realm), plants (second realm) and minerals (first realm), are a wonderful evolving creation. Not the most developed one in the cosmos. Indeed, in terms of human evolution We (the fifth realm) with you, mankind, are in the elementary school, and in fact, not even the highest classes. And a child in group 4 (your cosmic level), would love to go to the next group. We observe your impatience and need and desire to grow. But as to those kids I have to say, being your Teacher, you can not skip one single step. It is what it is, in the here and now. But I gladly take you along for a glance behind the scenes.

An evolving creation is not perfect. This is particularly noticeable in the realm of animals (eating and being eaten) and mankind (wars, famine, disease, refugees, etc). Even though much suffering is caused by man himself, out of his free will, this is the case: a still imperfect creation in the making.
We, from the fifth realm, reach out in every possible way to mitigate the imperfect, to reduce it or to complete it.

Especially the soul has a major role in this.
But many "suggestions of the soul" are not addressed.

For the practice, especially in the affluent and materialistic Western world is that you people are very focused on the outside world.
Jobs, money, consumption, alcohol, luxury, physical pleasure, fuss, noise, too many people in close proximity, and nowadays with the internet your cell phones, Blackberries, iPads draw your attention fully outwardly.

And inside is your soul, created by God, waiting. A wonderful being of spiritual substance, a beautiful creation full of gifts and opportunities is waiting for you. And some of you do not even remember that the soul is waiting for your attention.

Too much focused on the outside world, you hardly hear the soft, loving voice of your conscience, your spiritual Brother / Sister, your spiritual future, your connection with God, your promise, your foundation, your origin, your being.

 God sent you this tweet on behalf of your soul.

"“Everything is important: looks, the world, your friends, but inside your soul is waiting for attention and recognition, start a conversation”

And I already observe how those who visit My blogs, read them, sometimes ponder on them, and are touched and are more than before dwelling on this question of God.
I do not diminish the importance of your attention to the external world. For I know that one's life is where his/her heart is clinging to, We from the spiritual world support this process as well. Your soul is happy with the goals of your heart. That is a good thing.
But there is more to life. So therefore I’ll give some practical advice for those who dwell on my message:

  • Consider the possibility that in your heart a being of pure spiritual substance is dwelling
  • Take twice a day just a few minutes to talk to your Inner self / Soul / God / guardian, while you are sitting quietly, silently, relaxed, or while you are walking in nature, or maybe in a car or on a bike on your way to important business. It doesn’t matter to Us, how you call Us, if you only would recognize Us. Your soul is begging for your attention, if only for a few minutes
  • Talk to Us, say something to Us, recognize Us, consider Our presence as a possibility and you will experience wonderful things
  • God tells you what Christ has said: "Knock, and unto you shall be opened. Ask, and you will be given."
  • Be in the beginning modest in your prayers and questions. It is for Us easier to send the spirit of humor, when you go to a boring meeting or birthday (you will have to admit afterwards that there was more laughter than before). That's easier than when you ask to be cured from cancer, or you may win the lottery. Big questions are not always impossible, but start small, indeed: piano lessons for beginners do not aime too fast at a concert of Bach and the first language lessons start with simple grammar. Start simple and modest, and you will find that We, from the fifth realm, are waiting and eager to accommodate you. Because if you do only one step to God, God’s team will do five steps to you. Try it out! 
  • If you’re going to a difficult conversation, ask for the spirit or angel of relaxation. Are you going to a cold person, ask for the spirit of friendliness. Are you going to a job interview, ask for the spirits of inspiration and confidence. Are you going to a busy mall, ask for the spirit of inner peace. If you are asking, then We will answer. All support can be asked, almost every spiritual support in any degree will be given.
  • Finally, consider Us as very close. Not somewhere high in the sky, what is true as well, but in your heart. Very close, available, present, willing, loving and patiently waiting for your conversation with Us. Because that is so, truthfully.
Are you going to try it out?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 38