Saturday, 24 December 2011

On spiritual respect. A real Christmas speech (Tweet from God, 4)


“I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature!"

In my contacts with you, I do notice You are indeed telling me the truth and You are coaching me firmly, but at the same time You are more loving to me than I am to myself. In my mistakes You are speaking soothing words, You are comforting me in my despair, when I fall, You are helping me to get up.
Why do we treat ourselves so unlovingly?
I'm glad you are going to comment Your tweet from September 9.

I Am indeed more loving, how could it be otherwise. I oversee the whole, I know you better than you know yourself. I see where the opportunities and possibilities are situated, I see which mistakes can lead to which insights, you yourselves are so in the depth of it. You all have so much to learn, to discover, to experience. I know your path. That's the only reason for this blog through you: a little bit more of a helicopter view.

A goodish many churchgoers are so strict. I do not like their demands, their laws, their blast about shoulds and shouldn’ts. Usually they are frigid people, too much in their heads and looking at people with requirements of musts. Of what is not allowed, what should be punished, what is wrong. We see them busy, especially seducing underdeveloped, poor and helpless people with their seemingly simple message. But it's not a nice path, what they are offering, not a warm path at all, not a hopeful future. Eventually, they and those who are seduced, will retrace one’s steps, but that’s always involving a lot of suffering. That’s what I am foreseeing already.

“I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature! “

The freebooters are the many disbelievers who think the God of the believers is a strict and intolerant and unloving One. And actually they have made for themselves immediately a new god. The god of matter, of the body, of wealth, of comfort, of luxury, of convenience and immediate satisfaction of needs (see everyone walking around with a small bottle of water: one could get thirsty !). And this new god is the ape of God, the lord of the world, the devil, if you like.
And that's all pretty much relative, and does not lead to much.

"I am not a God of strict laws. I feel more love for you than churchgoers and freebooters think. Respect for the Human Nature! "

Respect for the Human Nature.
What do We in the spiritual world love man!
The beauty in your eyes, if you enjoy nature.
Your joy, if you show someone the way in traffic.
Your beautiful, naked, glistening smooth skin, if you are just leaving the water.
Your love, if you are together with your loved ones.
Your creativity, if you are making music together.
Your sense of harmony, if you are building a beautiful house.

Your joy, if you are breeding a new species of roses.
Your love, when you are helping a vulnerable person in society.
Your hands, if you are supporting a weak person.
Your efforts to make the world better.
Your desire for God, if the world doesn’t satisfy you any longer.
Your emotion, if you feel you have been helped by Us.
Your sincere prayers, even if they are not always answered.
You hope for a better life for everyone.
Your compassion for victims of disasters.
Your sweet words of comfort in a social situation.
The straighting one’s back, when life appears to be too heavy.
Your holy people who already have admitted God on earth.
Your call for God.
Your courage in distress.

We, in the spiritual world, are able to mention another million reasons why We have respect for your human nature.

You can obtain this respect for yourself as well.
The great personalities of the earths, the saints, the sincere believers, the loving atheists, the great political leaders, the sages, the humble of heart, the helpers in secret before you have leaded the way.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 41