robert pease
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From Our perspective somebody is not good and loving and spiritual and an other criminal and evil and sinful. We are seeing the background of someone's life and are knowing what life has given to this person in terms of fortune or misfortune. And so it is obvious from Our perspective that some will give back to life and share with life everything life has given them. Quite obvious. Nothing special.
And that others having experienced many difficulties and shortcomings are just surviving, or derailing. Quite obvious. Nothing special.
“Don’t cheat the world of your contribution. Give it what you’ve got”
One person isn’t better than another one. We consider everyone with love and are knowing everyone's range. We are seeing what each person is capable of or not, from which abundance they are sharing or from which miserythey are acting and doing injustice.
All people are thus as equal from Our perspective, for it is perfectly understandable what they doing or not doing.
Still, We are sincerely rejoicing Ourselves if someone who has experienced many benefits, is not sharing the same with the world, but by attitude and consciousness doubling it. Then someone is lifting up the material world.
Or if someone who has experienced much suffering, is stopping this negative life and is bringing to others mere joy and love. And so destroying the misery. Then someone is lifting up the material world.
We are intensely blessing these two groups.
My blessings to you all