Saturday, 29 April 2017

The tempter of man (The ape of God, 2)

Whether Lucifer has fallen, or devils are fallen angels and whether the devil tries to chop God is really not what it's all about. It's about this.
Man learns to know the contradictions of life, man finds his way in matter, man lets his free will work around in the dark corners of existence. In short, the negative is the other side of the good, evil is the backside of the good, the ugly is on earth inextricably united with the beauty, and man seeks his way, and God gives him space.

And the devil has his role in this. The role of deliverer of possibilities, the role of tester of man, the role of examiner or man will succeed in his test. The role of challenger, the ungrateful task of seducer. Doesn’t the examiner test the beginning driver during the driving exam? Does he not investigate whether one is capable of independent driving?
This is how the devil works, the tester, the judge, the confronter, the challenger, but there is more. And that's what the devil finds okay, for he really fits in the big plan.

The devil has also the task of seducing. And that's where man stumbles across in his image of the devil. Seducing is wrong, does the devil not try to bring man to the wrong path, to deduce man from God, to bring him away from the right path, to resist God?
Yes, that’s what the devil is doing, hindering God, but what's wrong with that? God is not a sissy, and Its work is the divine work on all planets and the work is proceeding according to the plan.

The devil brings man to the wrong path, and man becomes wise by all the shame.
The devil makes man do evil deeds, and this man experiences the grief and the pain and the wrath of detours to God. But what will these people become major helpers of God after all!
The devil lets the innocent man derail, the fundamentalist kill, let’s rape the innocent girl, torture the victim, pollute nature. In short, the ugly, the dirty and the evil become flesh on earth.

And God, who knows that the devil is doing this, let his ape do his thing, but never for long, never forever, never for nothing, never pointless.
For do know that evil is not there for the sake of evil, but for the sake of the good.

Thus, in crime salvation is included, in destruction is liberation included, in the negative is the positive included, in the temporal is the eternal included, and in evil the good.
It can not be otherwise.
Man beholds the moment of destruction and complains and doubts and draws false conclusions about what he experiences and what the devil does to him.

But God sees the perspective, and the usefulness and meaning of this all.
And the devil, the ape of God knows this all too well, knows that he is only temporarily ape of God, that he is only temporarily tempting, that he is only temporarily examining. And the devil knows that God knows it's all good.
The devil is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 383

Sunday, 23 April 2017

How it all started? (The ape of God,1)

The evil in the world can be viewed in thousands of ways, now then in My way.
The ape of God, the devil, Satan, Lucifer, whatever you call him, really exists.
It is even one of the devil's works that parts of mankind no longer believe in God, and no longer believe in the devil at all.
And We in the spiritual world behold  this with great mercy. It generates in this way so many detours to God.

The devil exists, and he affects you all, and you are not aware of him.
Oh, knowingly, because unknowingly one still recognizes the tree in its fruits. Man will not be very happy under influence of the devil. One does not become very happy by following him.
Why does the devil exist, how did it all happen and will human life not be possible without such an abomination? Did God deliberately create the devil?

Here the story.
The spiritual world only knew angels created by God.
And the earth only knew death and destruction as long as it served the evolution. Is a lion evil when he kills for living? Is an earthquake destroying thousands of lives not just an episode in the development of the planet?
And the free will of man is also an item in this story. How will God not cherish this free will? God wants spiritual beings, no robots.

The cocktail of these three happenings is in every creation in the cosmos predictably explosive and always interesting .
God lets creatures evolve from clay, who will  become potentially new gods. And man with his free will has to try out this all. So with falling and rising, by harm and shame, and by losing himself completely in all that’s interesting.

This same cocktail will lead in the spiritual world into a new power, a new greatness, a new influence, a temporary creation of all that God is not: darkness, misfortune, limitation, sadness and despair. On earth, hell is the detached inner self of man and around him the world of crime and war as in a derailed society. And in the spiritual world as a temporary place of opposition and destruction.
Thus, Lucifer, the light bearer, temporarily fallen angel, becomes thus the opponent of God.
May the devil be blessed for this burden.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 382

Sunday, 16 April 2017

ONE step towards Us and W’ll take ten steps towards you

When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you. ~Morihei Ueshiba

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I love too.
This is an Easter message, this is a message of hope.
And it is really the real truth.
When man directs to the universe, when the attention of man is focused on the universe, the universe will do everything that is possible to lift this man up to the power and strength and hope and eternity of the universe.

And if God's name is pronounced thoughtfully, God responds immediately, unconditionally and lovingly. Do it and feel it, it can not miss feeling it.
Morihei Ueshiba is blessed.

My blessings to you all


Sunday, 9 April 2017

Meditating means listening to God or the cosmos

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ~Diana Robinson

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It is not entirely correct.
Aren’t you regularly listening while you pray? And as many of you.
And God has a lot of experience with men who meditate and are at the same time very much attaining or wanting  or desiring something, that is not much of listening.

But Diana Robinson has a point to be considered.
If man talks with God or the cosmos, let Us include the humanists, the agnostics, the Zen Buddhists in this story, then there is the simple question to every man: are you sending or receiving?
Are you asking and talking and hoping, or have you become quiet and are you listening? For a man can, and this is the case in a normal conversation between two people, only really listen when he has become quiet and when he is really willing to be open, then it really has become  listening. And then everything will be possible, one could just be able to hear the voice of God or the voice of silence.
Diana Robinson is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 380

Sunday, 2 April 2017

The creature consoles the Creator

My God, though all religions may be what they are, so before Easter I would like like to go the Catholic way. I came across this sentence which Mother Mary is saying against Jesus her son just before he is facing his torture and his death:

“Because we know that our obedience comforts the eternal father. Oh! For me in particular what that thought is! I, a creature, have been granted, to console my creator!”*

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My son, how could I not comment on this, the great subject for God Who has mankind under Its care? This is the fascination of every Spark of God Who is working day and night for the spiritual development of Its earthly creature. I will love to go into this.

You console Me when you
  • think of Me
  • your heart opens up to the suffering of a fellow man
  • lighten a person's life by your affection and jokes
  • become silent at the beauty of a flower
  • acknowledge My power and strength, when you think about life
  • you nourish and cherish and protect your beautiful body from decay and addiction
  • read in a conversation with someone between the lines of his words and suspect the hidden suffering and secret vulnerability
  • forsake your ego
  • you feed your personality by letting Me on the throne of your inner self
  • behold My will and laws of more importance than the world with its allurements
In short, if you diligently listen to Me and obeys Me.
You are blessed for bringing the world in memory of this phrase.

My blessings to you all
*MariaValtorta, The Poem of the Man-God, Vol 5 p. 232

Nr. 379