Sunday, 9 April 2017

Meditating means listening to God or the cosmos

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ~Diana Robinson

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It is not entirely correct.
Aren’t you regularly listening while you pray? And as many of you.
And God has a lot of experience with men who meditate and are at the same time very much attaining or wanting  or desiring something, that is not much of listening.

But Diana Robinson has a point to be considered.
If man talks with God or the cosmos, let Us include the humanists, the agnostics, the Zen Buddhists in this story, then there is the simple question to every man: are you sending or receiving?
Are you asking and talking and hoping, or have you become quiet and are you listening? For a man can, and this is the case in a normal conversation between two people, only really listen when he has become quiet and when he is really willing to be open, then it really has become  listening. And then everything will be possible, one could just be able to hear the voice of God or the voice of silence.
Diana Robinson is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 380