Saturday, 29 April 2017

The tempter of man (The ape of God, 2)

Whether Lucifer has fallen, or devils are fallen angels and whether the devil tries to chop God is really not what it's all about. It's about this.
Man learns to know the contradictions of life, man finds his way in matter, man lets his free will work around in the dark corners of existence. In short, the negative is the other side of the good, evil is the backside of the good, the ugly is on earth inextricably united with the beauty, and man seeks his way, and God gives him space.

And the devil has his role in this. The role of deliverer of possibilities, the role of tester of man, the role of examiner or man will succeed in his test. The role of challenger, the ungrateful task of seducer. Doesn’t the examiner test the beginning driver during the driving exam? Does he not investigate whether one is capable of independent driving?
This is how the devil works, the tester, the judge, the confronter, the challenger, but there is more. And that's what the devil finds okay, for he really fits in the big plan.

The devil has also the task of seducing. And that's where man stumbles across in his image of the devil. Seducing is wrong, does the devil not try to bring man to the wrong path, to deduce man from God, to bring him away from the right path, to resist God?
Yes, that’s what the devil is doing, hindering God, but what's wrong with that? God is not a sissy, and Its work is the divine work on all planets and the work is proceeding according to the plan.

The devil brings man to the wrong path, and man becomes wise by all the shame.
The devil makes man do evil deeds, and this man experiences the grief and the pain and the wrath of detours to God. But what will these people become major helpers of God after all!
The devil lets the innocent man derail, the fundamentalist kill, let’s rape the innocent girl, torture the victim, pollute nature. In short, the ugly, the dirty and the evil become flesh on earth.

And God, who knows that the devil is doing this, let his ape do his thing, but never for long, never forever, never for nothing, never pointless.
For do know that evil is not there for the sake of evil, but for the sake of the good.

Thus, in crime salvation is included, in destruction is liberation included, in the negative is the positive included, in the temporal is the eternal included, and in evil the good.
It can not be otherwise.
Man beholds the moment of destruction and complains and doubts and draws false conclusions about what he experiences and what the devil does to him.

But God sees the perspective, and the usefulness and meaning of this all.
And the devil, the ape of God knows this all too well, knows that he is only temporarily ape of God, that he is only temporarily tempting, that he is only temporarily examining. And the devil knows that God knows it's all good.
The devil is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 383