The evil in the world can be viewed in thousands of ways, now then in My way.
The ape of God, the devil, Satan, Lucifer, whatever you call him, really exists.
It is even one of the devil's works that parts of mankind no longer believe in God, and no longer believe in the devil at all.
And We in the spiritual world behold this with great mercy. It generates in this way so many detours to God.
The devil exists, and he affects you all, and
you are not aware of him.
Oh, knowingly, because unknowingly one still
recognizes the tree in its fruits. Man will not be very happy under influence
of the devil. One does not become very happy by following him.Why does the devil exist, how did it all happen and will human life not be possible without such an abomination? Did God deliberately create the devil?
Here the story.
The spiritual world only knew angels created by
God.And the earth only knew death and destruction as long as it served the evolution. Is a lion evil when he kills for living? Is an earthquake destroying thousands of lives not just an episode in the development of the planet?
And the free will of man is also an item in this story. How will God not cherish this free will? God wants spiritual beings, no robots.
The cocktail of these three happenings is in
every creation in the cosmos predictably explosive and always interesting .
God lets creatures evolve from clay, who
will become potentially new gods. And
man with his free will has to try out this all. So with falling and rising, by
harm and shame, and by losing himself completely in all that’s interesting.
This same cocktail will lead in the spiritual
world into a new power, a new greatness, a new influence, a temporary creation
of all that God is not: darkness, misfortune, limitation, sadness and despair.
On earth, hell is the detached inner self of man and around him the world of crime
and war as in a derailed society. And in the spiritual world as a temporary
place of opposition and destruction.
Thus, Lucifer, the light bearer, temporarily fallen
angel, becomes thus the opponent of God.May the devil be blessed for this burden.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 382