Friday, 25 November 2011

God is very emancipated

You have said that You’ll once would devote a blog to the position of women ?

So be it.
It is a strange phenomenon that in many religions women are suppressed. Even in a lot of New Age movements conservatism is common, saying a woman should know her place.
Indeed, a woman should know her place: namely being special, and equivalent to a man and having her rights and standing beside the man and in no way deserving any oppression and discrimination.
Concerning countries and people, religions and movements suppressing women and their talents, God says loud and clear, it’s had his day. The right road of mankind is the one on which men and women join equally and beside each other for the benefit of humanity.

There is no other way. God is telling you this. There is no other way.
I will refer to some salient points in the history of mankind. And of course We do not make a scientific exercise out of it.
God isn’t a theologian.

  • Is the woman made out of a rib or made out of the side of the man? The symbolism of this is essential: the woman is not made out of a rib, this is implying the man was earlier. And there we get fairytales. The rib is just a part of the body of the man, so to say inferior.
    It is an allegory: in the beginning there was the image of the human and from that image, the man and the woman are made. And of course side by side, so beside each other. Beside each other. Actually co-evolved. So let it be said: simultaneously and equally, the primacy is not for the man. In nature, it happens quite often the male is dominant, but not all the time. Often couples have been around together, working together. The variation in nature does exist among humans as well: there have been matriarchies, and nowadays there are a lot of patriarchies. It is now time for equality.
  • Judaism: Conservative groups are still acquainted with the dominance of men over women. Liberal movements have grown familiar with female rabbis and these rabbis are doing great. God likes this a lot: a female rabbi leading a group of men. It was about time for some correction and nuance. Orthodox groups, as in Israel, will be past one’s prime, this can’t last much longer.
  • Hinduism: in this religion the feminine aspect has always gotten much leeway. Variation, colorfulness, emotion and imagination of Hinduism correspond more with the spiritual world than other religions do realize. Tara of Compassion and Durga the Goddess are Hindu Goddesses/Maria’s. But the practice of Hinduism has long been colored by partly primitive, undeveloped and disadvantaged people. The repression, the contempt for women, the suffering of women are great. But that is mainly a matter of social determination. The religion isn’t really causing this. Karma is misused for a fatalistic attitude to life. The gap between the ideal of religion and the practical reality is large in Hinduism. Better education and access to healthcare will generate female-friendly practice.
  • Buddhism: Here is the male-female relation considerable quiet, it has flourished particularly among people with more development and civilization. Female Buddhas came, for example Kuan Yin (She who hears the cries of the world, a Buddhist Mary) and relatively many female pastors. A liberal movement on this field is Zen, a more orthodox variant is the Tibetan Buddhism. Furthermore is the practical reality often recalcitrant. But the philosophy of Buddhist religion in principle doesn’t prevent women's emancipation. More often the traditional society is imprisoning for debt a religion, maybe for long, but not for ever.
  • Christianity: the first Christian communities were exceedingly emancipated. Specially because they still remembered the both holy Mary's. The Mary’s persisted at Christ's side, where the brethren, except John, had fled. The Mother Mary and the loving Magdalene. What a hymn, they have earned. These holy women, one always remaining holy, the other becoming holy in lifetime, their courage, their heart, their openness, their strength, their confidence, their leadership, their inspiration, their imitation of Christ. But the later patriarchy has brushed aside the women and has purged their stories, so the New Testament has many gaps. Orthodox Christian tendencies, including Catholic, have created in this manner institutions, where the woman doesn’t exist. But God will find a way to express the female element. To the Catholics it is Mary, the Mother, the eternal image of the Goddess, the feminine aspect of God, the Guardian, the loving One. And to the Protestants it is the Holy Spirit as feminine element, the Pigeon. Or practically through female ministers. A really bad reputation, in terms of the emancipation of women, do have, the orthodox Protestant tendencies: God is asking them: "where is the female aspect in your teachings?" Isn't God not the Father-Mother God?
  • Islam: Important to notify is the setting of a misogynistic time and society in which the Quran has written. There are pretty respectful sutra's on women, and the Quran has contributed a lot to the emancipation of women in a misogynistic environment. But the picture nowadays is: too little, too poor emancipation, too much patriarchy and misogyny. The woman as a threat to the morality of the man. That’s not in the bargain. I therefore prefer to look at liberal tendencies. Female Soefie’s are pleasing God a lot. The Enlightenment must have his influence on the Islam. But this will happen the next 25 years.
  • New age and spiritual movements: it is amazing to be seen how in this modern time a lot of tendencies among spiritual secularists and new agers come up based upon conservative and misogynistic lyrics. God is liberal, woman friendly and righteous. Eventually, only the emancipated currents will survive. The rest will become extinct like the dinosaurs. That’s how We “upstairs” consider tendencies. They really will be out of date. We encourage the development of spiritual tendencies where women give the key, go for the inspiration, if only as an overtaking maneuver.
  • The secularization / the present: it is remarkable that the emancipation of women has progressed most in very secularized societies. God is supporting this. And I refer to previous blogs, where God is making a difference between Form and Content and is stating that Sacred Books are only guidelines, no codes of law. Without Enlightenment, without the Declaration of the Rights of Man, without the United Nations as the guardian of a new morality, without secular institutions without science you would have a misogynistic world. Be aware of the fact that exactly these institutions are designed and encouraged and helped by God. Sometimes even more than religions.
  • The future: misogyny has had its day and will disappear in the future. Your world will only florish among cosmic, spiritual people, when the equality between women and men has been established fully on earth. And this time is closer than you think, even if this will ghappen unwillingly. But that is a topic for another blog.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 34


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Do I want God to come more close to me?

Why is it You are investing in me in this way?

Because of our cooperation and dialogue I learn to know more intensely the mechanisms of the human condition.
God wants to come more close to man.
My question to you is: “do you want to come more close to God”?

I do not even dare to say yes, when I realize others are reading this. They will think a lot, on their behalf. Isn’t it pride thinking to come more close to You?
But if it’s possible, and You are asking it: I should say, yes please!

It does not take place in one single day. We have all the time in the world. So we go on and faster on the road together. And you will, as you become more experienced, be able to share more inspiration with others.
Be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 33

Monday, 21 November 2011

The earthly personality can experience "paradisical" feelings

I drive along a canal and get overwhelmed by a feeling of great happiness, as if I have contact with something heavenly. It does not look like any earthly happiness but I càn’t compare it with something else either. Am I having contact with my soul, did I undergo a glimpse of what we will experience in the spiritual realms, a kind of spiritual happiness? I ask: "would You like to say something on what happened to me? Is this the normal thing in heaven? Is my soul giving me this feelings?"

I have given you this feelings. I've  pulled you up somewhat to My sphere. Just a bit, so you can experience the promise waiting for mankind. And it is a reward for your efforts, because you have got quite a burden on your shoulders, We will not get into it here.
Rejoice in it and remember in other difficult or sad moments this will be once your true state, not only yours, but also of your fellow men, ultimately of all.
This is the promise of God to you all.

Meanwhile, you have to live on earth, with your head in the clouds, and at the same time with your feet in the mud. Does a tree not obtain nutrition out of the ground, isn’t he more able-bodied to storms, with his roots deeply clung "to the rocks and clods of earth" ?

Mankind is too focused on the roots in the earth, on her earthly ties. The personality is so much directed to what happens on earth. Because of this he doesn’t feel enough, he has forgotten his great companion, his partner in life, his connection with the spiritual world, namely the soul. And occasionally the soul reminds you of its existence. The soul operates and inspires and cherishes and is passionately concerned with the fate of
"his/her" personality.

The state, the appearance, the radiation of the soul and of the spiritual body are finer, more impressive and heavenly, when the earthly personality abstains himself from depraved, unconscious and hopeless behavior.

Christ said to Vassula Ryder: "" if you knew what suffering of the personality meant to the state of your soul than you asked for more".

So earthly personalities often do not see how difficulties, crises, problems, illnesses or worse can change the life of the personality, and often clean everything up on spiritual level, and contain a great promise.
Didn’t your own mother say "a man who never experienced anything, you’ll give him a wide berth".

So, be pleased with your heavenly happiness, but be even more pleased with a problem.

The first is only a promise, the second is a chance.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 32

Sunday, 20 November 2011

One is not muddling alone in the world

Can you say anything on the spiritual beings maintaining my body?

Yes, please.
The deva/spirit of your body is supported by 116 large and small spiritual beings, working together in a team, contributing to the maintenance of your physical body.

Beside this, we have the emotional body and mental body as well. And connected with your personality there is the astral or spiritual body, which will survive after physical death.
408-493 spiritual beings are involved with this whole. And this number varies depending on how the person is living and till how far his/her spiritual development is reaching .

There are 117 beings for the physical, about 125 for the emotional body and 138 for the mental body, in total 380 beings.

The spiritual body is from conception built up through the soul, closely associated with the indwelling (Spark of) God. This spiritual body is composed by 28 to 113 creatures. It doesn’t happen often the spiritual body is not viable and is dying together with the personality a physical death. The conditions for this can be once subject for another blog.
In principle happily almost everyone will  survive physical death, and this is exactly the main purpose for the indwelling (Spark of) God, for the soul and the guardian angel.

We sometimes say as a greeting to each other: "May the earthly, evolutionary being always acquire eternity".

What is the explanation of the variaty of 28 to 113 beings who maintain the spiritual body? Why the different numbers?
In extremely primitive apelike humans the spiritual body is still underdeveloped and a smaller number of creatures is required for the design and upkeep and support and maintenance.
But much more "labor" is required for advanced very spiritual beings. So up to 113 beings are involved, at maximum development, concerning human being like saints, enlightened people, and people who have realized in their being the Kingdom of God on earth, for example St. Francis, Babaji, Gandhi and Confucius

Francis, for example, “used” the spirit of chastity, of love, of friendship for nature, of devotion, of miracles, of healing, of prayer, of surrender, of purity as well.

So resuming: between 408-493 larger and smaller creatures are involved, dependent on the spiritual development of the personality.

I recall you an event, many years ago. You had problems with your heart. This was almost physical distress and chest pressure, accompanied by fatigue, but the cause lay in the emotional body, you were overloaded and you forgot yourself completely and you did not come to rest. On this particular moment you had to stop biking, because of the confining pressure on your chest. You said out loud to yourself: My heart is troubling me, and you became aware of a thought I gave to you: "not my heart is troubling me, I am troubling my heart".
It was a revelation for you and at that special moment you promised your heart to mend the heart’s ways. You really wanted to step aside and take some rest.
The spirit of your heart replied then in sheer language:
"I do not believe you."
At that very moment you were extremely surprised to hear so clearly a voice from within.
It was the voice of the spirit of your heart.

You all would be surprised to get explained how frequently and how clearly your “personality beings” make themselves heard, while you do not listen.
What a wonderful instrument is the personality and what are you treating it badly.
Do you want to consider this blog please and at least regard it as possible and would you like to try listening to some of the many inner voices and signals?
It would be contributing to your physical and spiritual health and addictions would be reduced in considerable amount.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 31

God says: use your mind as well !

I had a dream: someone of distinction is organizing a huge event, but this person showes me a closet full of coffee and beer. I think "that's crazy, and if all those people want soda or water or tea? From some stuff there is too much, and there is a complete lack of the rest of the requirements. This is not well organized.
This person in my dream does not want to listen to reason.
I wake up and ask:
Does this dream suppose to mean something?

I have given you this dream, to indicate that you always should use your mind in life, even in our dialogues. Never do something if it’s not consistent with your mind. What ever you can’t “defend” , is not for you to play, or is not correct, or is not meant to be.

Especially the mind is distinguishing you men from all the other living beings.
So whether you read a holy book, or hear a silly person say something, or see something on TV, always ask your own mind: do they have a point? What does this mean to me? Do I understand it? Do I find it plausible?
Because if you do not use your mind anymore, so to speak if you do not allow the spirit of reason to be omnipresent in your life anymore , bigotry and stupidity comes quickly into play.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 30

Monday, 14 November 2011

Is your life from you or from God?

During my life a friend of mine (via her guru Babaji, a Kriya Yogi) learned me to entrust. That is to say, I am saying to God: "God, I've done this and that. I acknowledge that everything belongs to You. And I let go everything, whatever I am trying, whatever how it's running, whatever it works out, whatever succesfull or not. I’ll give it back to life, I give it back to You, in short, I entrust it to You. You’ll better know how everything works and how to proceed and what everything means, you’ll better know than me.
Why is it it important to entrust it all, all the time?

All the time entrusting everything makes the personality acknowledg you have got everything. You haven’t done anything, but it all has done to you. You do not act, but are being acted. It is living in truth. The ego demands everything so easily and fast, and is thinking he/she is the center of the universe and is considering oneself an autonomous and independent being, and having everything in control.

We think this is always touching, were it is actually ridiculous. Man proclaming from the house-tops that he/she has nothing to do with someone else, figuring it out for oneself, believing nothing, wanting to be left alone, staying independent.
the spiritual world one is having fun then, with some head-shaking: if hundreds of spiritual beings are maintaining a personality on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and helping and caring and repairing everything possible and at the same this personality is claiming loudly ”there is no God, and man is all alone in the universe”. Funny and ridiculous.

The personality easily thinks oneself to be really something, is putting oneself on the inner throne, and on deeper level is only relying on own talents and will and capacities. Unprecedented pride and hidden uncertainty accompany the self-conceit of the ego. This is a source of confusion and unhappiness, in the long run.
The Buddha has rightly said on the ego:
"your cruel master does not exist".

By asking beforehand for the blessing of an activity and the subsequent entrusting, you enlarge the chance your personality is realizing God is doing everything in you, God is making everything possible in you and herewith you will realize our true relation.
God is becoming more Man in you, you are becoming stronger by staying in God.

This attitude of entrusting is making you increasingly recognize and feel that God is the Creator, the Doer, and you the creature, the instrument of God acting on earth. If you want, you can become a perfect and transparent instrument, a real persona (mask), and behind this mask God is in charge. What you call a real personality is in fact evidence of a large degree of impersonality.
In this manner you are taking a turn for the better, heading to the direction of God.
That is your destination.

The Mother Mary was knowing this already in Her early years. She accepted this method of entrusting to God as her one and only true lifestyle, that’s why she progressed harder than most people.
Saul changed into Paul on his way to Damascus, Christ "helped" him here on the path of surrender, the path of true life, the realization and fulfillment of the First Commandment: I am thy God and thou shalt have no other gods.
Learn to entrust, again and again, and everything in your life will flow.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 29

Saturday, 12 November 2011

What a happiness to be with God

Do you want to tell your fellowmen what it means to stay in My arms, how much love you experiences from Me, how you are supported?

My God, yes, of course, I’ll love to.

Imagine a child has fallen and is crying and is calling for his mother and then the moment when the mother takes the child in her arms and comforts it, and cherishes it and gives the child the feeling that everything will be alright. That’s the way I often feel if I, dented by life, turn myself to God and I receive consequently consolation and warmth and energy and the feeling everything will be allright, and I can be reassured.

Imagine a man who is struggling with an addiction, for example take me with my coffee. I drink in moderation but sometimes too much by the pressure of my work. I feel shaky then from the caffeine and strained, and curse myself that I can not control myself. I pity myself in front of God how a weakling I am, having God as coach, and still not being able at all to say no to too much coffee.

Notify that any one else can have his 100 cups, but me personally, I can not stand when I drink too much coffee. So I'm trying to be moderate in this field.
And God says:
Do not worry, you are complaining yourself all those times you find yourself too weak, but I see all the times you are succeeding, all the times you are saying no, all the times you are overcoming it, all the times you are mastering yourself.
And I see the whole process, how you gradually bend this coffee habit into the right direction and you increasingly do the right thing for your body.
But you do look at the few times you are failing, out of habit, by social pressure or by setbacks or by your need to be comforted.
I am more loving to you than you are to yourself.
Do not worry, My son, you're doing well.

Imagine you've had a tough day, and experienced misunderstanding and derailment of communication among people, hassles, frustrations of people, problems and conflicts. You sigh to yourself, if I was retired! What a hassle on my work, thank God they are paying me for it.
And you get into conversation with God, treating you as a Father/Mother, and listening to you, giving you again a good perspective. God touching you in your heart, making you feel it is all temporary, or soluble. Showing you you did your best and even more than you thought you did. Pointing you to those bright spots, or helping you to understand and be compassionate to the actual situation. And then there is you, seeing suddenly it is not that bad. And God making you understand your fellow men so you can put stuff into perspective again.

Imagine you're dealing with the death of your beloved one, and God is showing you the other side of the disease. Giving you another view of the untimely death, of the spiritual situation of the deceased. Explaining you as surviving relative the meaning of death related to your situation, pointing out the effect of grief to your attitude to life, and what it will bring you in the long run. Giving you a different perspective on suffering and misfortune, considering your limited experience at that moment.

Imagine you could experience this all with God and could discuss this and could get clear answers. Could have a real conversation.

This is happening to me.

I feel blessed and privileged, and obliged to tell you. To tell you there is hope, and love around us, everything is meaning something, we are carried in the spirit, we are not alone on this beautiful but harsh planet, we are having a future, anyway, life is a miracle, really a miracle, a gift from God to us. An opportunity to acquire eternity.

My son, thank you for your candor.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 28

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

a Catholic church and what is happening there

I visit a Catholic service. Other places of worship will be described in other blogs in due course.
Sitting in the Catholic chapel of R. I ask God what  is happening exactly.

You see about 40 people. Their guardian angels and their souls of course are present as well. That makes 80 spiritual beings.
For each person in a chapel or church service about 3 angels are present, in general, to assist in the spirit every prayer and every song. This support by angels shows respect for the higher beings present as Christ and His Mother and the saints invoked. Their angelic voices contribute to the strength and beauty of the prayers and hymns, rising to heaven . So this 40 churchgoers are accompanied by 120 angels.
In addition, a number of angels is present, contributing to the organization and structure of the spiritual chapel. The chapel you see is dwarfed by the beauty, character and beauty of its spiritual counterpart. In this spiritual chapel the full support of the whole affairs of the chapel on earth is realized.

A number of angels is present supporting the actual coming of Jesus Christ and Mary and the invoked saints. Mary, the Mother, always accompanies the sanctification and worship of Jesus Christ and contributes to the blessing of the congregation and the blessing of all others present in the mind. For the spiritual chapel attracts deceased persons, still earthbound and pulling oneselves up by the spiritual atmosphere.
In a Catholic service Mary and the saints are more manifest present than in a Protestant, but where Christ is honored, the mother is always present.

In a Protestant church Mary and the saints keep Themselves a low profile, out of respect for the Protestant morality.
The number of angels supporting a service varies from the size of the church from 20 to hundreds of angels. So totally, in this chapel about 250 spiritual beings are present.
During the consecration the bread and wine are uplifted from material to spiritual level, so they attain literally the energy level of Christ. They are now His Body and Blood. The blessing of this for anyone who receives the wafer and wine are unmatched in the world, they are of high quality and impact and a catharsis for the whole human personality.
Simultaneously, the whole surroundings are blessed, for the offered energy radiates outward forcefully for the service in the chapel or church house is actually a transformer kiosk.

Throughout the "descent of Christ" in the bread and wine, Mary, the Mother, is very personally and really present and asks God to bless everyone. She recommends to God in particular personalities, who are the squandering, lost and at drift ones (which are called sinners, but We in the spirit do not like this word). She correctly is the Mother, the Godddess, the female God, cherishing the lost souls. We rather say the "squandering personalities on earth and in the spirit."

The souls, associated with these personalities, are not lost, but connected and committed.

In this mass you were deeply moved by My explanation. Your tears were tears of happiness, excitement, gratitude and amazement: you as a simple being, experiencing this.
Your tears are tears of reverence for Jesus for His love for you and for Mary for her compassion to all. They are also tears for Me for My justice and goodness. Every tear has
been offered to Me by your guardian angel as a real pearl. All spiritual beings are witness of this event and are all excited to see an earthly man, bowing before his Creator.

One considers this spiritual reverence as if experiencing a spiritual feast. It is in their eyes of larger caliber than when a king would marry a queen.
Tears of joy of an earthly creature for the love of His God are still a miracle in Our eyes.

We expect more miracles to come and expect it to happen to more people to come.
Be blessed, My Son. We All embrace you with love.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 27


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Thousands of beings in nature, all around us

Can I ask you something about nature?

Yes, be blessed for all your questions.

They say in nature as well are living all sorts of (spiritual) creatures. What about our own backyard? We have done our best to cooperate with nature. In all those years we have never once hoed. We try to give space to all plants. We sometimes clip rampant plants, when one plant overgrows the other. We have removed dozens of tiles from our garden. In short, our garden is an oasis of tranquility, natural order of things, a garden with many plant species. We think it’s nice staying with us.

In your back yard approximately live 22,000 spiritual beings. As in your body a group of spiritual beings is working together to make everything function, in this same way is a single plant species well-kept by a variety of creatures. And the well-keeping concerns the nutrition, waterbalance, growth, fertilization, fruiting, the plant as a whole, the well-keeping of every single specimen. And each species has a leading spiritual deity, a deva.
So with òne single plant dozens of creatures are involved.
In short, in your big backyard 22,000 spiritual beings are living

And our front yard?

11,000 creatures.


If I translate it to the number of meters square then I come to approximately 375 beings per square meter. And what about the poor designed gardens of many neighbors, with too many tiles, a lot of hoeing, and between each individual plant too much space and spaded ground, where beetles and toads and bumblebees and voles can not hide?

Then you don’t find more than 50/60 creatures per meter squared.

So this implies that people like us, who provide nature as much as possible life space in their garden, make room for at least six times as many creatures to live and linger and to exist?

That's right. A lot  of people do treat nature in this horrible manner. With little real attention, without knowledge, without compassion, without empathy, without a sense of what is important in nature, without creativity, without love.
They treat their gardens as an extension of their windowsill. And instead the ravaged earth needs air and space. But they have reduced this little piece of ground, having actually on loan from their Creator, into a desert of stone tiles and goodies from garden centers. This can not continue. Mother Earth is the greatest earthly creature and suffers extremely under these circumstances. But the Great Correction is on the horizon. But this is a blog for later on.

My blessings to you all

Readingtip. Marko Pogaĉnik, for example Gaia's Quantum Leap.
Check as well:

Nr. 26

Friday, 4 November 2011

God as Coach, what does this mean to me?

Since June 10th 2011 a Spiritual Being is talking to me. I hear a clear voice, hold a complete conversation and get always an answer, day and night.
The voice claims to be My Deity, My Atman, My God, but God as well, because My God and God are ONE, says the Voice.
So, this is something, God as Coach. Because this is the case: I am coached.
I'm just a simple man, struggling at times with life like everyone else . Sometimes I am happy, sometimes unhappy about how life is for me, about my life or about life in general. I suffer from environmental pollution and all the misery in the world. I worry about the future. Who does not?
And I am coached, but at my request.
I never get blown in my neck, My God never takes the initiative, so I am never surprised by a Voice saying I should do this or that. Never. The initiative starts from me, the free will of man seems to be a great thing, even or in particular in the spiritual world.

Well, a great good? When I see how my free will gets attached to addictions or attachments. When I see how difficult it is to change. How I sometimes stick to the old. Then I experience the free will as well leading to many limitation and suffering and sorrow and misfortune. I see it in myself, I see it all around me. But I have understood the free will has to be respected, otherwise we would become automatons or zombies. As simple as that.

So your question can be: what are the consequences of having such a Coach? How much did your life change? Have you become happier? Or has it become more difficult?

I will try to answer this questions. But it isn't easy and it is a complex matter, simply because so much is happening in my inner self and in my outer life. Here it-is-then. I'll give it a try.

God as Coach: I start with the good points. Conclude that it’s all great and special. And end with some points of interest or challenges, as the Americans call it so nicely.
  • Every day till so far I am amazed and in awe and sometimes I do not believe what is happening. I'm never alone again, always get support if I need it. The support always is extensive, loving, generous, tolerant, honest, warm, open, and often with unexpected points of view or information. I am often moved by the love with which I have been reated, what a wealth of insights, information, glimpses behind the scenes, unexpected turns in a situation. It is a revelation for me, of course with very personal texts, which aren’t public,  and lots of predictions. I absolutely let them pass, for the time being. Let's first wait and see if they are of any value. My confidence in the Voice has grown but the Voice says: "You are up to 75% confidence in Me, My son. But the percentage will continue to grow". Well, if the predictions prove to be correct, I'll see later on. So, since june 2011 I have always someone to talk to, I am never alone again. I have been foretold the Voice will never leave me. What a comfort, what a warmth, what a love, what a perspective, what a clarity, what an information, what a surprise, what a revelation, what a joy. My God reveals Itself to me. To me, an ordinary man, in this cynical world.
  • It is difficult as well. Sometimes I feel like a stranger among people, and this wasn’t my problem before . I always felt easily connected with someone. Since this is happening to me, I regularly think: where is this all about, what a confusion, what are we attached to our own beliefs, what a little doubt there is about our opinions, what do we get worked about? And I really do not find myself in a materialistic environment. People around me are quite conscious and kind and charitable. But yet sometimes I seem to be a stranger, I do hope it will be temporary. And of course I regularly think I am fooling myself. Making it al up. God as Coach implies as well, because I am always asking for it, comments on my behavior, my attachments, my addictions, my fascinations, my silly things, I am more than before in a situation of bare buttocks if my ego rises too much. Sometimes it is confrontational. And the worst and most difficult of all, I find myself changing more slowly than I thought I would. My God always says, "be reassured", but I'm not. I feel disappointed in myself, I am intolerant, impatient, capricious, want faster results. And I am not changing as spectacular as I had hoped I would change. My God says: "My son, everything is all right, I see all your efforts, I see all you have reached". And that is the difference in love: I look unlovingly at what I have failed or what is I not yet have reached, My God looks lovingly at all my trying or what has succeeded.

    My holy, dear God, I thank You for everything, no matter how it goes.

My son, be blessed for your words.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 25