Sunday, 20 November 2011

God says: use your mind as well !

I had a dream: someone of distinction is organizing a huge event, but this person showes me a closet full of coffee and beer. I think "that's crazy, and if all those people want soda or water or tea? From some stuff there is too much, and there is a complete lack of the rest of the requirements. This is not well organized.
This person in my dream does not want to listen to reason.
I wake up and ask:
Does this dream suppose to mean something?

I have given you this dream, to indicate that you always should use your mind in life, even in our dialogues. Never do something if it’s not consistent with your mind. What ever you can’t “defend” , is not for you to play, or is not correct, or is not meant to be.

Especially the mind is distinguishing you men from all the other living beings.
So whether you read a holy book, or hear a silly person say something, or see something on TV, always ask your own mind: do they have a point? What does this mean to me? Do I understand it? Do I find it plausible?
Because if you do not use your mind anymore, so to speak if you do not allow the spirit of reason to be omnipresent in your life anymore , bigotry and stupidity comes quickly into play.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 30