Friday, 4 November 2011

God as Coach, what does this mean to me?

Since June 10th 2011 a Spiritual Being is talking to me. I hear a clear voice, hold a complete conversation and get always an answer, day and night.
The voice claims to be My Deity, My Atman, My God, but God as well, because My God and God are ONE, says the Voice.
So, this is something, God as Coach. Because this is the case: I am coached.
I'm just a simple man, struggling at times with life like everyone else . Sometimes I am happy, sometimes unhappy about how life is for me, about my life or about life in general. I suffer from environmental pollution and all the misery in the world. I worry about the future. Who does not?
And I am coached, but at my request.
I never get blown in my neck, My God never takes the initiative, so I am never surprised by a Voice saying I should do this or that. Never. The initiative starts from me, the free will of man seems to be a great thing, even or in particular in the spiritual world.

Well, a great good? When I see how my free will gets attached to addictions or attachments. When I see how difficult it is to change. How I sometimes stick to the old. Then I experience the free will as well leading to many limitation and suffering and sorrow and misfortune. I see it in myself, I see it all around me. But I have understood the free will has to be respected, otherwise we would become automatons or zombies. As simple as that.

So your question can be: what are the consequences of having such a Coach? How much did your life change? Have you become happier? Or has it become more difficult?

I will try to answer this questions. But it isn't easy and it is a complex matter, simply because so much is happening in my inner self and in my outer life. Here it-is-then. I'll give it a try.

God as Coach: I start with the good points. Conclude that it’s all great and special. And end with some points of interest or challenges, as the Americans call it so nicely.
  • Every day till so far I am amazed and in awe and sometimes I do not believe what is happening. I'm never alone again, always get support if I need it. The support always is extensive, loving, generous, tolerant, honest, warm, open, and often with unexpected points of view or information. I am often moved by the love with which I have been reated, what a wealth of insights, information, glimpses behind the scenes, unexpected turns in a situation. It is a revelation for me, of course with very personal texts, which aren’t public,  and lots of predictions. I absolutely let them pass, for the time being. Let's first wait and see if they are of any value. My confidence in the Voice has grown but the Voice says: "You are up to 75% confidence in Me, My son. But the percentage will continue to grow". Well, if the predictions prove to be correct, I'll see later on. So, since june 2011 I have always someone to talk to, I am never alone again. I have been foretold the Voice will never leave me. What a comfort, what a warmth, what a love, what a perspective, what a clarity, what an information, what a surprise, what a revelation, what a joy. My God reveals Itself to me. To me, an ordinary man, in this cynical world.
  • It is difficult as well. Sometimes I feel like a stranger among people, and this wasn’t my problem before . I always felt easily connected with someone. Since this is happening to me, I regularly think: where is this all about, what a confusion, what are we attached to our own beliefs, what a little doubt there is about our opinions, what do we get worked about? And I really do not find myself in a materialistic environment. People around me are quite conscious and kind and charitable. But yet sometimes I seem to be a stranger, I do hope it will be temporary. And of course I regularly think I am fooling myself. Making it al up. God as Coach implies as well, because I am always asking for it, comments on my behavior, my attachments, my addictions, my fascinations, my silly things, I am more than before in a situation of bare buttocks if my ego rises too much. Sometimes it is confrontational. And the worst and most difficult of all, I find myself changing more slowly than I thought I would. My God always says, "be reassured", but I'm not. I feel disappointed in myself, I am intolerant, impatient, capricious, want faster results. And I am not changing as spectacular as I had hoped I would change. My God says: "My son, everything is all right, I see all your efforts, I see all you have reached". And that is the difference in love: I look unlovingly at what I have failed or what is I not yet have reached, My God looks lovingly at all my trying or what has succeeded.

    My holy, dear God, I thank You for everything, no matter how it goes.

My son, be blessed for your words.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 25