Sunday, 20 November 2011

One is not muddling alone in the world

Can you say anything on the spiritual beings maintaining my body?

Yes, please.
The deva/spirit of your body is supported by 116 large and small spiritual beings, working together in a team, contributing to the maintenance of your physical body.

Beside this, we have the emotional body and mental body as well. And connected with your personality there is the astral or spiritual body, which will survive after physical death.
408-493 spiritual beings are involved with this whole. And this number varies depending on how the person is living and till how far his/her spiritual development is reaching .

There are 117 beings for the physical, about 125 for the emotional body and 138 for the mental body, in total 380 beings.

The spiritual body is from conception built up through the soul, closely associated with the indwelling (Spark of) God. This spiritual body is composed by 28 to 113 creatures. It doesn’t happen often the spiritual body is not viable and is dying together with the personality a physical death. The conditions for this can be once subject for another blog.
In principle happily almost everyone will  survive physical death, and this is exactly the main purpose for the indwelling (Spark of) God, for the soul and the guardian angel.

We sometimes say as a greeting to each other: "May the earthly, evolutionary being always acquire eternity".

What is the explanation of the variaty of 28 to 113 beings who maintain the spiritual body? Why the different numbers?
In extremely primitive apelike humans the spiritual body is still underdeveloped and a smaller number of creatures is required for the design and upkeep and support and maintenance.
But much more "labor" is required for advanced very spiritual beings. So up to 113 beings are involved, at maximum development, concerning human being like saints, enlightened people, and people who have realized in their being the Kingdom of God on earth, for example St. Francis, Babaji, Gandhi and Confucius

Francis, for example, “used” the spirit of chastity, of love, of friendship for nature, of devotion, of miracles, of healing, of prayer, of surrender, of purity as well.

So resuming: between 408-493 larger and smaller creatures are involved, dependent on the spiritual development of the personality.

I recall you an event, many years ago. You had problems with your heart. This was almost physical distress and chest pressure, accompanied by fatigue, but the cause lay in the emotional body, you were overloaded and you forgot yourself completely and you did not come to rest. On this particular moment you had to stop biking, because of the confining pressure on your chest. You said out loud to yourself: My heart is troubling me, and you became aware of a thought I gave to you: "not my heart is troubling me, I am troubling my heart".
It was a revelation for you and at that special moment you promised your heart to mend the heart’s ways. You really wanted to step aside and take some rest.
The spirit of your heart replied then in sheer language:
"I do not believe you."
At that very moment you were extremely surprised to hear so clearly a voice from within.
It was the voice of the spirit of your heart.

You all would be surprised to get explained how frequently and how clearly your “personality beings” make themselves heard, while you do not listen.
What a wonderful instrument is the personality and what are you treating it badly.
Do you want to consider this blog please and at least regard it as possible and would you like to try listening to some of the many inner voices and signals?
It would be contributing to your physical and spiritual health and addictions would be reduced in considerable amount.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 31