I visit a Catholic service. Other places of worship will be described in other blogs in due course.
Sitting in the Catholic chapel of R. I ask God what is happening exactly.
You see about 40 people. Their guardian angels and their souls of course are present as well. That makes 80 spiritual beings.
For each person in a chapel or church service about 3 angels are present, in general, to assist in the spirit every prayer and every song. This support by angels shows respect for the higher beings present as Christ and His Mother and the saints invoked. Their angelic voices contribute to the strength and beauty of the prayers and hymns, rising to heaven . So this 40 churchgoers are accompanied by 120 angels.
In addition, a number of angels is present, contributing to the organization and structure of the spiritual chapel. The chapel you see is dwarfed by the beauty, character and beauty of its spiritual counterpart. In this spiritual chapel the full support of the whole affairs of the chapel on earth is realized.
A number of angels is present supporting the actual coming of Jesus Christ and Mary and the invoked saints. Mary, the Mother, always accompanies the sanctification and worship of Jesus Christ and contributes to the blessing of the congregation and the blessing of all others present in the mind. For the spiritual chapel attracts deceased persons, still earthbound and pulling oneselves up by the spiritual atmosphere.
In a Catholic service Mary and the saints are more manifest present than in a Protestant, but where Christ is honored, the mother is always present.
In a Protestant church Mary and the saints keep Themselves a low profile, out of respect for the Protestant morality.
The number of angels supporting a service varies from the size of the church from 20 to hundreds of angels. So totally, in this chapel about 250 spiritual beings are present.
During the consecration the bread and wine are uplifted from material to spiritual level, so they attain literally the energy level of Christ. They are now His Body and Blood. The blessing of this for anyone who receives the wafer and wine are unmatched in the world, they are of high quality and impact and a catharsis for the whole human personality.
Simultaneously, the whole surroundings are blessed, for the offered energy radiates outward forcefully for the service in the chapel or church house is actually a transformer kiosk.
Throughout the "descent of Christ" in the bread and wine, Mary, the Mother, is very personally and really present and asks God to bless everyone. She recommends to God in particular personalities, who are the squandering, lost and at drift ones (which are called sinners, but We in the spirit do not like this word). She correctly is the Mother, the Godddess, the female God, cherishing the lost souls. We rather say the "squandering personalities on earth and in the spirit."
The souls, associated with these personalities, are not lost, but connected and committed.
In this mass you were deeply moved by My explanation. Your tears were tears of happiness, excitement, gratitude and amazement: you as a simple being, experiencing this.
Your tears are tears of reverence for Jesus for His love for you and for Mary for her compassion to all. They are also tears for Me for My justice and goodness. Every tear has been offered to Me by your guardian angel as a real pearl. All spiritual beings are witness of this event and are all excited to see an earthly man, bowing before his Creator.
One considers this spiritual reverence as if experiencing a spiritual feast. It is in their eyes of larger caliber than when a king would marry a queen.
Tears of joy of an earthly creature for the love of His God are still a miracle in Our eyes.
Be blessed, My Son. We All embrace you with love.