Can I ask you something about nature?
Yes, be blessed for all your questions.
They say in nature as well are living all sorts of (spiritual) creatures. What about our own backyard? We have done our best to cooperate with nature. In all those years we have never once hoed. We try to give space to all plants. We sometimes clip rampant plants, when one plant overgrows the other. We have removed dozens of tiles from our garden. In short, our garden is an oasis of tranquility, natural order of things, a garden with many plant species. We think it’s nice staying with us.
In your back yard approximately live 22,000 spiritual beings. As in your body a group of spiritual beings is working together to make everything function, in this same way is a single plant species well-kept by a variety of creatures. And the well-keeping concerns the nutrition, waterbalance, growth, fertilization, fruiting, the plant as a whole, the well-keeping of every single specimen. And each species has a leading spiritual deity, a deva.
So with òne single plant dozens of creatures are involved.
In short, in your big backyard 22,000 spiritual beings are living.
And our front yard?
11,000 creatures.
If I translate it to the number of meters square then I come to approximately 375 beings per square meter. And what about the poor designed gardens of many neighbors, with too many tiles, a lot of hoeing, and between each individual plant too much space and spaded ground, where beetles and toads and bumblebees and voles can not hide?
Then you don’t find more than 50/60 creatures per meter squared.
So this implies that people like us, who provide nature as much as possible life space in their garden, make room for at least six times as many creatures to live and linger and to exist?
That's right. A lot of people do treat nature in this horrible manner. With little real attention, without knowledge, without compassion, without empathy, without a sense of what is important in nature, without creativity, without love.
They treat their gardens as an extension of their windowsill. And instead the ravaged earth needs air and space. But they have reduced this little piece of ground, having actually on loan from their Creator, into a desert of stone tiles and goodies from garden centers. This can not continue. Mother Earth is the greatest earthly creature and suffers extremely under these circumstances. But the Great Correction is on the horizon. But this is a blog for later on.
My blessings to you all
Readingtip. Marko Pogaĉnik, for example Gaia's Quantum Leap.
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Nr. 26