Sunday, 29 December 2013

Buying a lottery ticket is distrusting life

Would you like to comment on buying lottery tickets, as spiritual act. Does it make sense ?

Buying a lottery ticket is distrusting life .
Why ?

People do not realize what really the influence is of buying a lottery ticket on their peace of mind , and which anxiety it generates.

They fantasize on what they will do if they win the grand prize , quit their jobs , pay off their debts , buy a car , a nicer house , a thousand and one things will be different. And it does not happen, because the chance is bigger to be struck by lightning.  One is taken out of context and the here and now, and swallows in a world of fantasy that does not cope with reality .
It looks so innocent , but the mental impact is still big: it feeds the dissatisfaction with life , one really gets unjustified hope and actually commercialism is turning influence on the emotional life: if you do this and do that, only then you will be happy.

In short, buying a lottery ticket is not innocent .
Buying a lottery ticket is succumbing to commercialism.
Buying a lottery ticket is selling your soul to the devil.
And the monkey enjoys every injury of peace of state, of any contamination of silence, of any destruction of trust.

When the spiritual world is beholding man in his attempt to win the lottery, he will always be blessed. But not for his act , but to minimize the consequences of his unconscious and immature and thoughtless act.
Buying a lottery ticket is feeding mistrust in life.

And consequently is deliberately refraining from participating in a lottery a wise, silent act of a man with spiritual peace , a man in silence , a truly spiritual person.

My blessings to you all

Friday, 27 December 2013

We think every human being is vulnerable, even a criminal one

We consider man and see his greatness , his potential and his ability to grow to Us. And we see his limitations and wrong choices and his too great willingness to lose oneself in the wrong direction.
We see the vulnerability of man.
We see in every human being merely his vulnerability .
We look upon him without judgment , full of love and compassion .
We see in the most hardened blunted derailed criminal just a human being, just a vulnerable man.

And we see what he is calling over himself in confusion and ignorance.
And We foresee how he once has to justify all his actions.
And We foresee how each wound, inflicted on another human being, must be heeled by his own flesh.
And We foresee how every unloving deed will thrown back in his own lap.

And we foresee how such a man creates his own suffering , causes his own downfall and We lament him.
And We foresee that this must be his way.

For some learn by love and gentleness , with patience and dedication .
But others learn just by being thrown by live with their heads against a wall and stand up afterwards bleeding and moaning but with a changed attitude .
But ultimately all roads are leading one way to God , even though some ways are long and tortuous detours .

Every human being is precious to Us .
Christ has lived life with such ideas.
Blessed be His example .

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The only real present in life is the present

“The only real present in life is the present”

This popped into my head in response of a poem. I think that it is not mine, but maybe I 've read it somewhere. I do not know the origin. But would You like to comment on it?

It's a beautiful thought to consider.
Life is a gift.
You existence on earth is supported by thousands of beings .
God Itself is keeping you up.
Everything is given without conditions .
Everyone is entitled to this gift .
Nobody should contest or condemn this gift to his fellowmen, this only because one is existing.
It is meant to be.

If you absorb this knowledge a lot will disappear :
  • Fear ( for the future)
  • Depression (out of the past)
  • Discrimination ( for the present lets everyone and everything exist)
  • Stress ( for worrying on the future)
  • Restlessness ( for this is what it is).
“The only real present in life is the present”

And you end up in :

  • The present
  • The here and now
  • In peace
  • In the silence
  • In surrender
  • In relaxation
  • In confidence in life.
 My blessings to you all

Nr. 197

Saturday, 14 December 2013

A wise person sees only the good in all religions (Srimad Bhagavatam)


Like the collecting of honey by the bee from various flowers, the wise accepts the essence of different scriptures and sees in all religions only the good” (Srimad Bhagavatam, Hindu spiritual text)

My God, would you like to comment on this quote, which I got from the book from Donna Virtue "The Lightworker’s Way"?

I love to, My son.
This is the way.
When you all accept the essence of different scriptures, and when you all will just behold  the good in all religions, the spirit of love and the spirit of tolerance will obtain a bigger foothold on earth.

The spiritual world sees it as in this way, or even more.
We do not get worked about the differences between religions.
We do not get worked about the pretensions of religious ministers.
We do not get worked about contradictions and falsehoods and subjective interpretations within religions.

We do not get worked about the age of religions.
We do not get worked about the number of followers of a religion.

We are very interested in how believers are inspired by their faith.

We are very interested in how one acts in life.
In short, We are very interested in how great the love through faith is in the life of a believer.

My b
lessings to you all

Nr. 196

Saturday, 7 December 2013

People of good and strong will



I 'm reading a book from Doreen Virtue on communicating with angels .
She says you sometimes have to command angels, so to speak instead of asking them. They will response better on commands, she says. I do not think this is nice to do. Would you like to comment on it?

Doreen Virtue is coming from the American culture where one is dealing with authority more primitively than in Europe. So where in the USA a manager is giving commands, without discussion, in Europe everything will be discussed and clarified with staff what has to be done. So it is about how people are communicating.
One definitely doesn’t want to command  angels. The spiritual world loves a respectful treatment.
Aren’t We doing the same to you all?

However, Doreen Virtue really touches a very important thing. So to speak the strength, the willpower , the determination which one can use to perform things and to achieve more. Actually, she is saying, be men of good ànd strong will .

When Christ was born , the angel told the shepherds :
Listen , people of good will.

The spiritual world can work better through men, when one is not only from good will, but also strong-willed. Men can be then a powerful instrument.
Therefore I say, listen men of good ànd strong will.

When you are calling upon an angel or spirit, when you are praying to God for something , when you are opening up to the solution of a problem, the spiritual world can respond to your request much better, work better with your request , and use more powerful energy to solve a problem if you :
  • concentrate better
  • ask it more determinedly
  • ask it with more conviction
  • ask it with more faith
  • ask it with more hope
  • ask it with more feeling
  • ask it with more willpower. 
Therefore if you are communicating with the spiritual world, be you all as much as possible men of good will ànd strong-willed.

In the meantime may all weak-minded, vulnerable and confused men be very blessed.
Doreen Virtue may be blessed .

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Man seems to be alone

I'm in a monastery and several psalm texts are touching me deeply.
They are about the struggle of man, the moments when he feels abandoned , and seems to be at the mercy of pain of the world or of the harsh judgment of fellowmen.
Would You like to comment on this?

Psalm 42

I say to God, my rock:
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why do I go mourning
because of the oppression of the enemy?”

As with a deadly wound in my bones,
my adversaries taunt me,
while they say to me all the day long,
“Where is your God?”

Psalm 44

Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?
Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever!
Why do you hide your face?
Why do you forget our affliction and oppression?

For our soul is bowed down to the dust;
our belly clings to the ground.
Rise up; come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!

My son , these words are expressing the loneliness of man. As you describe , in his difficult moments , as he seems abandoned by God . And at the mercy of pain of the body , of the loneliness of the mind or of being alone in the cosmos .
Do know you all, this is not the case.
Know when you are experiencing pain and loneliness and desolation, you are surrounded and cherished by the spiritual world. Do know all is observed, and all is offered so far it is possible.

But ..... there are these moments you are on your one.
Due to the course of evolution .
Due to the independence of the body.
Due to the fixation of the mind .
Due to moments of confusion .
Due to illusion of superficiality .
Due to the ordeal of the moment .
Due to the exaggeration of emotion .
Due to the pride of the ego .
Due to the price of causality .
Due to the oblivion of the individual.

But do know you are cherished and cared for in these moments .
By your guardian angel.
By your spiritual body.
By your soul.
By God.
By your loved ones in the spirit.
By the angels of comfort , love and healing.

It is always temporary.
It will cease once.
You will be saved for sure.

Please skim the issues of the day.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Zen and obeying God are looking like eachother


I was recently in a monastery and went one day to the regular morning Zen meditation.
While walking through the dimly lit, historical colonnade to the meditation room , my mind is realizing the following.
I know Zen especially is propagating the here and now. And consider man so often struggling with what ought to be and what doesn’t. What he likes and accepts and what he does not like and what he does not accept.
And thus he says yes to one thing and no to the other thing. How can one really be in the here and now in this way?

Suddenly I realize saying yes to everything, stopping fighting with what ought to be and what is not, thus unconditionally saying yes, accepting everything, is actually the same as obeying life, obeying God . Saying to life, to God, " You know better, I accept everything, please show me the way."
I realize obedience to God is actually the same as living in the here and now , as living Zen .
Zen is actually surrendering to life itself .
Obeying God is : surrendering to life itself .
If you believe, you surrender to God.
If you do not believe , you surrender to life .

But it is all the same.
In both cases, you end up in the here and now.


I take my meditation sit in the room , the gong goes after a while and meditation starts.
I fall into silence and feel absorbed in a soft, loving atmosphere of acceptance, of Being, of Silence .
It speaks for itself I am having a wonderful meditation, of which the silence and the power is sticking to me the whole day on.
And God is telling me afterwards :

Be Blessed, My son.
You are always welcome to My bosom. You are always welcome to the Here and Now.
Everybody is always welcome to the bosom of God.
Everybody is always welcome to the Here and Now .

My blessings to you all


Saturday, 16 November 2013

A monk is having less of an ego

I am staying a few days at a monastery .
I am always very impressed by the appearance of the monks .
They seem to have so little ego *. They seem to have given up so many things of which we, laymen, are still concerned about, is this right?

They have chosen for God and they have given up much of the world.
They have already forsaken a lot.
A private home, a partner, a sex life, kids, a career , status, a position, power, material stuff.
They are not all yet free, but much freer than laymen.
They have forsaken much compared to laymen.
They are forsaking a lot.

So they have learned to say often no to the ego , to say no to his wishes and desires and fascinations. And they help each other to choose for God over and over.
It’s all about a clear perspective , a clear choice, a main purpose to which all the rest is ​​subordinate.
So basically the ego does not get much chance to grow and their personality has become more an instrument of God, of the whole.

AND I want to emphasize their prayers for the world and their care for retreat visitors are contributing to a great spiritual credit. They are saving for eternity. Every time they are opening all windows for God to come in. So their " My God" is getting plenty of opportunity to express Itself in the earthy reality.

Laymen must not  think: oh , this is not my peace of cake”. Because each person is following his own path, and every day is providing new opportunities to ask oneself:
Am I choosing for God or for His opponent , the monkey of God?
Am I choosing for the whole or for the separation?
Am I choosing for the good or for the evil?
So please be inspired by the example of the monks .

My blessings to you all

* See

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The death of a child


Would You like to comment on this issue?

It seems to be unnatural when a child passes away and parents have to commit their child to the earth.
Great sorrow and the big question: why?

However , it is quite natural .
A mother duck loses sometimes 11 of her 12 siblings. A couple of birds of prey are losing one of the two siblings to drought and food shortage, while they bring forth young ones once in the four years. A young zebra falls prey to a group of lionesses who at the same time have experienced a new dominant male having killed their young ones, because they are not his.
But this topic is not on grief and the why question? Not on chance and fate. Not on cause and effect. Not on the meaning of life and earthy suffering.
This topic is on life after death of a child dying young , let’s say Hans , a boy of 10 years old.

His parents and older sister are sitting next to his bed while he is succumbing to exhaustion by a terminal cancer in his blood . His mind has been shrunk into oneself, because the body could not contain and express any longer the vibrancy of the inner self. When his body dies and the parents and his sister are overcome by grief , his spiritual body is consciously put into sleep.
The body of Hans is taken away to a special sphere.
Spiritualists are going to lap up, but it is all truthfully .
This sphere is consisting of an immense defined area in the spiritual world , not even too far from the earth, where children until 16 years are brought up. You have four spheres: 0-2 years , 3-7 , 8-12 and finally from 13-16 years. The sphere of Hans is special for children aged 8-12 years.

The concept of this children's spheres is the same, and contains the following ingredients:
  • Recovery Houses
  • Group Homes
  • Schools
  • Sports facilities
  • Many parks and nature areas with waterholes , streams , tall trees , flower fields and lawns
  • Coaches.
All properties are decorated with warm colors and are light and atmospheric.
The children are living in groups of six children with two adult coaches. The coaches do not need to be a couple. Particularly quickly the newly arrived children are developing an intense friendship and love band with their new family. The children are in every possible way helped to overcome the sorrow and nostalgia concerning their earthy life.
High demands are made on the coaches: not in terms of pedagogy and educational experience , because they are often personalities , who have not had children on earth. Are earthly parents not getting children without any experience ?
The coaches are not necessarily a man and a woman, that depends entirely on what the children have experienced on earth, their character , their needs and their life goals.
But .... what demands must the coaches obey in the children's sphere ?
  • They must be teachable and open: they themselves have supervision when they meet questions and problems
  • They have a well-developed emotional life
  • They have to have an exceptionally big heart and to be very loving
  • They themselves have experienced on earth grief and the death of beloved ones,  for the sake of great empathy
  • And finally, they must have an exceptional big sense of humor.

Main goal is offering the children a protected , loving and painless life for the sake of overcoming completely the old grief and the causes of their early death.

Little Hans again.
Hans is staying a short time in a recovery house , where his guardian angel, his soul and his deceased grandmother (she has special temporary permission) take care of him and guide him to a physical (astral) and mental health.
Only when he is fully recovered , and this took place within two weeks , his grandmother and his guardian are accompanying him to his new family. Until he is fully accustomed, meetings are arranged between him and his great mother. This is a special construction, because she has no permission to dwell in the children's sphere.
Hans as ten year old boy is entering a group home with two coaches who were in their earthy life brother and sister . He is getting a room with a " brother" of 11 . The family is having six children again and is living the normal life of earthly parents, which consists of work and school periods , leisure and relaxation, sports and sleep .
Everything is done to make Hans grow up happily and carefreely until he is up to a life task at the age of sixteen years.
Here are no further details given on what is taught in schools , how the villages are composed , how children grow in other than earthy time standards , how Hans gets permission occasionally to " visit " his earthy family and how the new family composition in children's spheres can change when one moves from one sphere to another.
An early death of a child will be in the spiritual world in thousand ways coped and cured.
For God is love .

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 2 November 2013

It looks like morning sickness

May I ask you something?

I experience regularly waking up in the morning , so between 4-6 hours , and really feeling quite horrible. Sometimes sad, sometimes I'm afraid , sometimes I am not looking forward at all facing the day, sometimes I feel lonely and wonder what life is all about.
I am not experiencing it always, but it can be quite vehement, all kinds of negative emotions are pouncing upon me , and sometimes I'm surprised at the vehemence .

And almost always the feelings disappear completely during the first hours of the day.
I wonder then : what was this all about? Why are they completely disappeared? Where are they coming from? Can You comment on this please? I assume more people do have this troubles?

Many people will recognize this. The more one gives feelings a proper attention in life, the stronger they will be experienced . People who suppress their feelings a lot , will not have this experience , but they probably will face a suddenly depression or a physical disease.
And then there is a group suffering no problems at all, because they are superficial, or because they do not have any problems (yet).

It's a simple cleansing, you are facing, and in this manner.
On the day you are experiencing all kind of stuff, and it is not possible to process this all emotionally during the day.
The reactions , the involved emotions , the processing of what happened, that all is done overnight. Everything is, by the human consciousness , and with help from the spiritual world, organized , relived , expressed in dreams , cleared away or cured.
And the depth of the emotions you are experiencing in the early morning are just the fine particles in the air after vacuuming , the leftover filth on the bottom of a washing-up bowl.

If that is cleared away, you're ready , you can go on cheerfully.

Vacuumed , having washed the dishes, having processed the day.
And then you can start with a next job , start a brand new day .
And the ego really loves to loose itself in that awful hour exaggerating the emotions and drawing conclusions . Stop it.
Just go on, and then everything will be cleared away. That’s that and Bob is your uncle.
My blessings to you all 

Sunday, 27 October 2013

By their fruits ye shall know them


 Would You like to comment on this?

I want to make a distinction between a belief and a religious community / believers .

Concerning a belief: ah, a belief may be very true , very pure , very idealistic . Sometimes it got started with a mighty prophet , sometimes with a single sacred event , sometimes God has initiated this belief on earth, sometimes a holy man , but in all cases it is the past , it's over, it's just theory.
I prefer to look with you at the practice .

Therefore we restrict ourselves to a religious community / believers .
That is an active practice on earth. There you can see people getting going, there are the results of the religious community visible. There outsiders can get an impression of the effect on the outside world . There you can ask the believers what their participation in this religious community has brought them.

So there we have to deal with objective effects .
There we can see the fruits of this religious community.
And therefore this is a handy guide :

“By their fruits ye shall know them”

Is one separating fellowmen, or bringing them together ?
Is one spreading lover or rather hate?
Is one giving man freedom or is one sowing anxiety?
Is one helping sick or sad fellowmen or is one making attempts?
Is one spreading tolerance or is one judging ?
Is one inspiring fellowmen or is one causing fear ?
Is one speaking about a world of beauty or about a world of ugliness?
Is one giving hope or is one discouraging fellowmen?
And above all is one speaking of a loving God or of a resentful God ?

In this manner one can discriminate if one is dealing with a good religious community / believers or with deluded ones.
In the first case , God is the source of inspiration .
In the second case, the devil, the monkey of God .
In the first case, man is progressing spiritually.
In the second case, man is getting in arrears.
So look at the deeds , not the words.

“By their fruits ye shall know them”

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Count your blessings


“The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for”

Would You like to comment on this tweet?

Quiet so.
It should be a mantra , this tweet.
Man is inclined to look at what he hasn’t and his fellowman has.
In this way he is cherishing an attitude of dissatisfaction and frustration and victimization .And know the world of commerce and advertising and luxury really likes to cherish this attitude.
It's bad for mankind.
And the spiritual world feels compassion for this narrow and immature attitude .

Man can turn around his  perspective 180 °  and look at what he has and his fellowman hasn’t.
What will happen then ?
Then the world of desire will be stilled.
Then one arrives in the here and now .
Then one will experience a sense of blessing .
Then one will make contact with gratitude .
And do know the world of spirituality and religion should cherish this attitude. Then she would cherish among man inner peace and surrender.
That's better for mankind.
Then the spiritual world will welcome this wise attitude to life.

May the one who twittered this be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 188

Monday, 14 October 2013

We pray , God does the rest


“If everything you're praying for came to you right now, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Trust in God's perfect timing”

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Man can not have a proper understanding of how to pray .
Actually he is just playing around.
He does not know for what he is praying.
He does not know if  it could be asked.
He does not know what the effect is of his prayer.
He does not know how long to pray.
He does not know what the energetic consequences of his prayer are for the one he is praying.
He does not know the impact of his prayer on himself.
He does not know what time it stands for his prayer to be heard.

But….. the spiritual world is always happy with every prayer.
Each prayer is cherished.
To each prayer is listened.
Each prayer is heard as much as possible.
Each prayer has a powerful effect on the one who is praying.
Each prayer is an opening to the spiritual world.
To each prayer will be listened with attention and care.

From the perspective of the spiritual world is each prayer worth his weight in gold.
Each prayer is useful.
Each prayer has an effect , even if it is not heard.

“If everything you're praying for came to you right now, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Trust in God's perfect timing”

May you all be blessed for your praying .

My blessings to you all
See also :

Saturday, 5 October 2013

The silence in the inner self


Man is leading a life full of impressions , most impressions storm from the outer into the inner world. And the ego is creating then as many reactions from the inner world into the outer world. Just to survive and to secure itself. And this securing itself has become a new source of vulnerability and confusion

Give it all up.
Give thinking up.
Give feeling up.
Give desires up.
Give the body up.
Do what is necessary or what is good or what is fun.

But be guardian of your inner self.
Take distance from the troubled world of thought.
Let all feelings come and go again.
Let the desire life raging, it is less important than it appears to be.
Have a body, do not be a body.

How will man manage this ?
Create a special place in your inner self. And be taciturn on it. So the place will stay protected.
A lovely place, make it yourself, give it shape, exactly as you like it.
One chooses a spot on a mountain , the other nearby a fast flowing river, a third under a tree , a fourth in a gazebo surrounded by roses.
And know this place will actually be retained in the spirit and will appear to be retained after death. It will be your sanctuary .
Create your own place . And refine the place , give attention to it, cherish it as your place of peace and tranquility . And imagine a protection around this place where all the turmoil of life can not come through. It can be the silence of a mountain , or the power of a flowing river , or the grass around a tree or a hedge of roses around a gazebo . But with protection from all worries and problems and woes of life .
And if you're in your place and you will experience the turmoil of life , you breathe it out and outside protection . Because your place remains quiet and peaceful.
And breath quietness in again.
And do it as long as you feel the anxiety has been removed by you , by you alone.
And then stay at this place . And retreat to this place when life is plaguing you. When life is getting too heavy.

And the place will become a new force in your life , in your inner self.
And the place will then be connected by God with the spirit.
With the power of silence.
With the power of quietness.
With the power of being alone.
With the power of the spirit.
With the power of Being.
With the power of trust.

Practice , and you will experience.
Imagine and it will become reality .
Create and it will come into being.

Who else than you is capable of creating such a place? Didn’t God give you free will?
With this free will you are grasping the restlessness.
And with this free will you can release this restlessness.
And then God will be pictured.
And the soothing hands of your guardian angel will rest on your shoulders .
And the power of the spiritual world will be able to flow into you even more than before.
And finally if you have released all, you’ll have become this safe place for yourself.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 186

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Do not underestimate too quickly a difficult life !

I find it difficult to reconcile Your stories on evolution with “everything is all right”.
You have said in previous blogs "some" people are having a miserable and difficult life, just because they are standing at the wrong side of evolution.

And at the same time You seem to radiate in all blogs we can have confidence, all is well,  we are kept in love and in eternity.
Sometimes I can’t combine it all. Would You like to comment on this?

A lot of death, disease, suffering and sorrow is all around in the world .
This is part of the convulsions of evolution. The creation of a perfect transparent world of light and love is really taking some time. And this time is used by the method of evolution. In this process mankind, the animal and plant world as well, are going through terrible things, such as premature death, serious diseases and painful dying. This is a hard fact . Yust look around.

I have explained in many blogs the ways you all are supported by the spiritual world day and night, just to endure everything.
One aspect has not been mentioned before, and this I will do right now.
And this will resolve your dilemma .

In the whole spiritual world, where plants, animals, man, angels , gods , and many other to you unknown spiritual beings are dwelling, one general truth is well known . It can easily be seen if an evolutionary creature (man etc ) has had on an evolutionary planet much or little suffering. Those who have suffered a lot, are generally spoken more powerful , more beautiful , more loving and more open-minded than their fellowmen, who "have been in luck".

And this short little start of between 0 till 90 years evolutionary, physical life, in all its efforts, revenues, depth, life experience is bored in eternity for thousands of years. Such a intensely, harshly and rigorously polished diamond will shine for eternity . What a difference with the soft , simmering , sagging start of all others. With all respect.
So the spiritual world is observing behind all the suffering the magnificent consequences for the Inner Life.

There is nothing more to say.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Awakening as a consistent choice

Would You like to comment on awakening of man?
I am noticing I actually have to pay attention the whole day on. My ego with his feelings and thoughts and desires and physical experiences is constantly entangling my consciousness. I had the idea  liberation was a state , but it seems to be a kind of alert attention . It is an again and again choosing for observing instead of getting sucked into all the fussy stuff of life . As if I am relaxed moving in the traffic but at the same time always paying attention. Anything like?

You are hitting the mark excellently. Being in the traffic relaxedly but always paying attention.
This is the state of a liberated consciousness. Simultaneously observing how the ego, the world, the ape of God are always trying to keelhaul you. Always challenging. Man may fall. Man may step out of his awakened state. Especially on earth .

It is a better perspective just considering the ego as if you are observing the weather in the Netherlands. Weather affects you much less than actions of the ego . These actions are continuing influencing you day and night. Always constant vigilance, as in traffic.

The gurus and religious ministers who derailed always have underestimated the actions and the presence of the ego . And they have overestimated their liberation. Too bad they did not seek in this process the help from God, or life, or both. Or from their fellow man. Because without criticism nobody is doing well. One needs the environment and the other, especially to check whether one is still having a keen perspective, if one still is living properly, if one is still acting properly.

Does this seem contradictory? Needing the environment and simultaneously not being seduced by the environment?
No, not at all. Actively participating in traffic, mingling into traffic without fear , behaving properly in traffic with respect and love, and having an eye for all life . And at the same time considering traffic just as a means, not an end .
And this is what the ego and the ape of God are doing: making means into the goal. This is all. But it is not correct.

Keeping an eye on the ego as you keep an eye in the traffic. That’s all.
Always paying attention, an attentive vigilance , keeping up the perspective of eternity, cherishing life from the perspective of God, not from the perspective of the ego .
Then you will stay awakened. Then you are free. Then everything will stay well. Then all is well.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Is man not willing to give something for eternity?

I would really like to ask You something.
The world shows so much suffering,  among man is so much sadness, I observe in man so many troublesome influences and feelings and difficulties. And I do tend to say to You: “Why is it in this way,  isn’t it  inevitable? Couldn’t You create a world in which we are happy? In which we are a kind of angel?
And right afterwards I do realize it all.
We can and must become gods. And practicing is the way.
How can man ever become a cosmic being if he has not learned to organize his own small cosmos?

In his thought life?
In his emotional life?
In his lust life?
In his physical life?
How can man become a godlike creature if he has not first unlearned to be a slave?
Well, You are giving me of course this all, so I actually want to ask you: did I understand it all correctly?

You have understood everything correctly.
Man is a insignificant creature and will return to dust.
But at the same time earth has been created for man.
It is a line, a continuum, a process, a wonderful life ahead.
The beautiful but difficult path of man.

From dust to God.
From temporality to eternity.
From beast to spirit.
From nothing to everything.
From suffering to happiness.
From slave to freedom.
From ignorance to enlightedness.

Is man not willing to give something for it?

For man will be saved.
Saved from his temporality.
Saved from his dead ahead.
Saved from his lost state.

And this process is not an automatic one.
The man will be rescued and guided and encouraged and cherished and directed by God.
And God is dwelling for this purpose in his inner self.
And is Adjuster of his thoughts.
And is Guardian of his feelings.
And is Keeper of his body.
And is Inspirer of his spiritual body.
An is Creator of his soul.

Is man not prepared to suffer just a little bit for this?
Man is doing it for his eternity.
Isn’t this well worth the effort?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 183

Monday, 9 September 2013

The personality and the ego

Actually there is a big difference between the ego and the personality .
Would You like to comment on this issue?

Why don’t you first go into it?

I have always thought they were pretty much the same, and when the ego would disappear, only Your will would be left over. And someone would have become loving and generous and "impersonal".
But in this last weeks while I 'm releasing all, my ego and all the fuss around it are indeed getting less attention from me . But who is this me ? Actually really somebody, a personality , but not so uptight and struggling. More of a quiet silent observer , though still a I-figure ,
a I-sayer, so to speak a personality.
Anything like.

The personality is a gift from God.
The personality becomes bigger when the ego is getting smaller.
What 's the difference ?

The ego is inflating emotions.
The personality let them flow.

The ego is clinging to emotions.
The personality lets them go.

The ego finds himself the center of the universe.
The personality experiences in a loving way his whole environment.

The ego wants to be the best.
The personality experiences mere equality.

The ego is deeply inside insecure.
The personality feels a confidence -inspiring stability.

The ego tries to possess everything.
The personality especially enjoys what he sees , not what he owns.

The ego tries to get everything.
The personality tries to give everything.

The ego lives in constant fear .
The personality is trusting.

The ego is dividing and ruling.
The personality is accepting and binding .

The ego thinks or feels at the wrong moments.
The personality feels and thinks at the right moments .

The ego acts or acts not at the wrong moments.
The personality acts or acts not at the right moments.

The ego talks or is silent at the wrong moments.
The personality talks or is silent at the right moments .

The ego acknowledges only the past.
The personality acknowledges only the future.

The ego is tempted by the devil , the monkey of God .
The personality is guided by God.

The ego makes everything personal.
The personality makes everything impersonal.

The ego is struggling with life.
The personality is saying yes to life.

My son, continue on the path of liberation .
Be blessed.

And you all, know every man is on the way from ego to personality.
And know every man is a mixture of this two variables. And the attention man is paying to one of the two variables is not paid to the other one.

Because it's one or the other.
You can not serve two masters.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Stopped with struggling

My God, what is happening to me?

Why don’t you tell yourself first ?

This week I experienced so much space , light in my consciousness and freedom in my actions.
It looks as if I have stopped struggling with life.
It looks as is I've stopped fighting.
It looks as if all the negative emotions and desires are treated by me with love , with acceptance.
It looks as if I can handle my inner life as I handle the weather in the Netherlands . Sun, rain, wind, cold, heat, I think everything is fine . My mood is not influenced by it.
I feel so free and spacious and loving inside.
It looks as if I am saying yes to life . Unconditional, loving yes to whatsoever.
And it looks as if everything is more flowing.
I am lolling less longly in negative emotions and I am laughing at my lust life , everything is as it is. I feel light instead of heavy, whatsoever is plaguing me shortly or longly. But the word plaguing is wrong, dark and light clouds are passing by and I am looking forward to the gravity of it, for it is all right. Aren’t dark clouds not beautiful too?
It looks as if I 'm liberated.

It does not look as if, you are liberated . You are humble , because you can not believe that this is continuing. But why should you ever step out of this state? Why should you make everything small and ugly again? Why should you not stay into the sunny backyard instead of going back to the dark basement? You don’t want it anymore. And your will is sacred to Us. And your will is sacred to you. But your new will is not resulting from forced attempting by the ego . It is resulting from insight. Insight which I have given to you.
You have conquered your inner life , such as a ruler is conquering a country. But without violence , without aggression . And with love and acceptance. You have blown away the ego and you have become more personality . You are giving Me the leeway to sit on the throne of your inner self instead of the ego .

And the consequences are already visible: aren’t you giving more leeway to life, aren’t you showing more love to life? Aren’t you giving leeway to suggestions from the spirit? Aren’t you listening better to Me, and to your guardian angel? Aren’t you happier this week? Didn’t you have the feeling: it is accomplished?
And even if you are stepping out of this state, because one of your "negative" motions or lusts will appear to be too strong , We know that you can not forget this all. And you 'll be even more horrified by the consequences of slavishly running after "negative" emotions or lusts. And you will even faster retrace your steps .
Because when you have once stood in the Light, you can’t and won’t settle for darkness anymore.

You are blessed , My son.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 181