Saturday, 31 December 2016

There is always hope

My God, I wondered at the gangway of  the new year, if You would have had a nice perspective for us. To be honest, I just Googled on the major problems of the world. Sure to get appetite I was wondering whether if You have handled all the problems of mankind, and on I found the following list:

10. Drug abuse, 9. Refugee problems, 8. Political and social instability, 7. Spread of infectious diseases, 6. Climatic change, 5. War and  terrorism, 4. Unequal distribution of financial resources 3. High unemployment or underemployment 2. Population growth and 1. Poverty, hunger and water crisis.

Well, let’s running, mankind!
I have just googled on beautiful proverbs about hope, because we could use some hope right now, and I found the following:

There was never an night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope (Bernard Williams)

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My son, we discussed a lot of those problems over the years. And to continue the metaphor at the same time, I'll give you ten promising developments, because after the night always comes dawn and after a problem always comes a solution.

10. The empowerment of women continues to increase, 9. More and better and more available education for all, 8. Decreased independent thinking of man, 7. New technologies and inventions against diseases and environmental pollution, 6. There will be an alternative to democracy, shod along the lines of village councils from Africa and Asia, but within the framework of international laws. 5. The bond with the inner Spark of God will be more important than religions, 4. Mankind will feel  more and more connected with nature, 3. The world consciousness (mankind and mother earth) will because of all crises  make a big step 2. A new economic system will free mankind from the power of money and provide a lot of free time and 1. Mankind becomes worldwide increasingly interconnected.

In short, there is hope, because the way of man through the massive lane of problems  is almost at an end.
Bernard Williams is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 366

Monday, 26 December 2016

The intactness, the spiritual perspective of chastity (2)

My God, I'm curious about this blog.

Be curious, my son.
Intactness, harmlessness, wholeness are the spiritual deeper meaning of chastity. I take intactness because it is purer experienced by you than harmlessness is (after an accident) or wholeness is (a little too New Age-like).
Chastity has in the spiritual world, from the perspective of God, the meaning of intactness. Someone is so to speak not harmed, not hit, not violated by life, by imperfections, by mistakes, by weaknesses, by ignorance.
Someone who is intact starts something without reserves, in big openness, pure, uninhibited and totally fresh. Someone who is intact, is so to speak in colours white, which is all full colours together.
And now comes the big secret message of the loving God to man on earth. God looks at man as he was and how he will be.
Every day, your worry and anxiety and mistakes are taken away from you, if you want to. Every day you can start again freshly, no matter what happened, no matter what went wrong, no matter how violated you are. When you are understanding, what went wrong, and when you want to try again in all sincerity, then find God this okay, then you are forgiven everything for a thousand times to a thousand times, then you start in the eyes of God again,  completely with a clean slate, then you are in the eyes of God intact again .

So simple proves the love of God for man to be. Every day you can start over again intactly, untouchedly again, completely chastely. In any case, and what has happened. This is forgiveness, this is the sinless state that God gives to man, this is the incarnate love of God for Its creation.
Therefore you stay in the eyes of God intact, because God looks back and looks ahead and does not conceive your temporary state of tactness, of unchastity too heavily.
God accepts you and loves you in completely the same way before, during and after you have flopped.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 365

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Innocence, the earthly significance of chastity (1)

My God, I'm especially with Christmas reading a book from Maria Valtorta * and I am reading now about the birth of Mary by the old Anna and Joachim. According to Catholic tradition, they are at an advanced age still blessed with the birth of child, Mary. And when I read the passages preceding the pregnancy of Anna, the birth of Mary and her growing up in the first years before she will be offered to the temple for further education in the temple, without her parents, I notice the next thing so to speak:

Chastity is a key concept in this whole story and as I look around in the world, it seems that this virtue has gone. Except in the behavior of Catholic nuns and Muslim women with headscarves, who seem to cover their femininity for the outside world.
Does chastity actually still consist? Or is it an old-fashioned and outdated concept?
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My son, don’t you think this is a nice Christmas Topic?
You asked me for a topic for this Christmas to be at least reflective on fundamental spiritual values as opposed to the issues of the day with gifts and dinners. And I have brought you to this topic.

On earth there is much innocence as well and even though chastity has especially got the meaning of sexual abstinence and virginity, we will comment on it in the meaning of innocence. We lift it so at a higher level than the understanding of the people.
In the spiritual world chastity has the meaning of intactness, I will go into it the next blog.
So for now the earthly chastity.

Indeed, it seems that only Catholic nuns, shaved Buddhist monks, naked Indian sadhus and Muslim women with headscarves do something about chastity. But they are not alone.
Among all peoples, races, all religions, all ages and genders there are chaste innocents who refrain from words and actions concerning sexuality. And there is also a very large group, which admittedly has sex in the circumstances, but  is deep within recurring again and again to the innocent state.

So, my son, do not look too superficially to society. Even in the West, where materialism and commercialism do cause that even men behave erotically, chastity is a living and cherished and powerful virtue.
The earthly chastity represents an inner attitude of purity and innocence, which if you look carefully is everywhere.
Look around and see the innocence everywhere, in thousand forms.

I recall you a few to open your eyes:

  • Catholic nuns, shaved Buddhist monks, naked Indian sadhus and Muslim women with headscarves so to speak, not as a group but among them there are true pure ones
  • a mother of children who is "liberated" from sexuality by old age or by the death of her husband and is regaining her innocence gradually and acquiring forth the old state of inner virginity
  • an oversexed man who through a combination of experience, a changed attitude and new insights decides to a conscious celibate abstinence out of conviction
  • and then there is a chaste moment for still many people, for example a person who stops smoking, or one following a serious diet, or someone who starts a new life and leaves the parental home or is going to live in another city or in another country
  • or you, for example, when you've showered, you just became physically clean, but sometimes you feel also spiritually reborn, as if you were baptized. That's chastity as well.

So please do not make chastity too exclusive and too big and too inaccessible, as is done with God, but get it close in your life, cherish the moments and rejoice at the next moment of chastity. For even the most sensuous whore can experience chaste moments.
And look around you and see the chastity alive and full of power even in the materialistic and sensual societies of our time.

My blessings to you all
*Maria Valtorta, The Poem of the Man-God

No. 364

Sunday, 18 December 2016

A free being thinks differently about good and evil (Baruch Spinoza, 3)

If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no  conception of good and evil (Baruch Spinoza)
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My son, you have chosen a very special quote, not easily to understand for man with his strong opinion of white and black, of good and evil, of what is wrong and what is right. But let one hear what one can hear.

An animal and plant live without the concept of good and evil. When a gazelle is being knocked down by a lion and his last minutes are there, he does not think the lion is the devil, or I'm good and that lion is evil. Even when the gazelle could think, she would not think it, but she would know that this is it, this is part of life, without judgment and without confusion, only a moment of fear of death but in a large resignation, with an unconditional acceptance.

And should this not apply to man as well?
Spinoza was thinking, thinking through and free-thinking, independently of moral and religious concepts and came so to this great realization.

If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no  conception of good and evil

The man who is free, and who looks in great freedom to life, will say yes to everything for it is as it is, there will be complete acceptance and there will be no judgment. The concepts of good and evil have become empty words. Spinoza has expressed it well.

How can this be said with so much crime? And with what men does to each other? And the ape of God, what about him? That good and evil not count makes certainly no sense, ordinary men will say. Evil acts must be condemned otherwise we are no longer in an ordered society, then we can stop all together. And ordinary people are so right. But this is not the point.

What is it all about?
Not about a practical society with laws and morals.
It is about the truth, about the perspective of the spiritual world, who sees what is really happening on Earth, who is looking behind the scenes of life and is perceiving completely different things than what is apparently happening on earth.

Behind the scenes it appears to be that:
  • a person who does good, sometimes has other motives, or rather is only but choking the other
  • someone who does evil, is causing a lot of life experience for the other and unintentionally is helping the other to evolve
  • a malignant disease eliminates weak individuals and creates a stronger species, among men as well
  • good things can have bad consequences, and bad things can have good results.

In short, the backgrounds of life are showing different things than man can observe in his bewilderment about the suffering of that moment.
It's very zen, in order to let it all, to say yes, to accept everything, and even saying at the worst experiences this is what it is, what is there else to think about? I let the judgement to the spiritual world.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all
Nr. 363

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Happiness is a virtue, not its reward (Baruch Spinoza, 2)

Spinoza sees it well.
Happiness is a choice, a talent, something you can develop,  something that needs special attention and energy and effort. And happiness is not the result of good virtues, what you deserve when you're friendly, when you are helping others, making beautiful music, or performing your job well.
Happiness has its own power, its own greatness and deserves its own attention.
For example, people who are having gorgeous virtues can still be unhappy.
For example, people who do not seem to have any virtues can be just happy.

Spinoza recognizes happiness as being a special virtue.
And creating a virtue, or strengthening a weak virtue or developing a virtue are demanding human effort, energy, focus and hard work.
Therefore, you can say that a happy person is not just happy, but that he has worked hard for it.
Spinoza removes happiness out of the black books of which is happenings to you and gives it the place it deserves, namely that happiness is makeable.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 362

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Will and intellect are one and the same thing (Baruch Spinoza, 1)

This statement of Spinoza is reaching quite farly. We tend to think that the will and intellect are two completely different things, but in fact the more I think about it the more I realize that man and the development of his intelligence might coincide with the development of his will. And so man distincts from animals by this individual not by instinct but by intelligence driven will.
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When the ancestors of man took their first decision based on their own will, not out of instinct and habits of the group, then the planet Earth has been recognized by the spiritual world as a spiritual-evolutionary planet. The dignity of will was born * and that could only be developed by individual intelligence.
But Spinoza's too easy to say that intellect and will are the same. They are certainly not. Earthly evolution shows many examples of primitive bloodlust and evil-intelligent expressions of will. Apparently, too much.

But Spinoza has a point with regard to the higher will.
In addition, the following equation might help.
The will can be directed by the intellect as strength comes from muscles and water will cook by fire. The intellect is then the cause, one sees something, one understands something, one realizes something, different from the other creatures in the area, and then the will will follow to do something with that insight. The one can not exist without the other. Without the will one lives in an ivory tower and the intelligence is useless. Without intellect the will is not more than action-driven instinct. But together they are the realizers of human destiny and the builders of future spiritual worlds.

So you have a point that they walk part of the way as you call it. Should walk part of the way,  I should say. If not so, it will bring evolutionary noise.
But Spinoza shows great insight by stating that they together are very important, almost indispensable to each other and in the spiritual human development they are actually one and the same.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all

* See: the urantiaboek, p. 710

Nr. 361


Monday, 28 November 2016

A little understanding for the other is everything

I want to ask You. It strikes me that sometimes people can easily have their mind set on everything, on the other and at the same time make very little effort and patience and spend time on the other for just asking a little bit, for just listening, for just showing a little understanding.
Well, You will go into this for sure?

My son, how can I not? Understanding is a manifestation of love.
Understanding is openness, understanding is willing to listen. Understanding is putting the ego aside and willing to see the other.
Understanding is finally really purely and lovingly grasping, holding, namely: getting a grip on reality, but not the own reality, but that of the other. The spiritual world is always and everywhere ready to send into the world the spirit of understanding. But there is a small thing needed, namely the willingness of man to see beyond his own nose. No more. The rest will come naturally.
Understanding is our passion. Understanding from man for man is our desire, our preference. Understanding is your future, your approach of many earthly problems.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 360

Friday, 18 November 2016

You’ll achieve more with questions than with answers

I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.-Wilson Mizner

I want to ask You. This quote made me realize doubting, not knowing and asking will bring you a lot more than all that knowledge, and that knowing exactly how things are. And I think that fundamentalists are doing this. They are too fascinated by knowing exactly how everything is and by boxing others ears with a book, how sad can you get it.
Would You like to comment on this quote?

My son, I would love to.
This quote says doubt is contributing more to education than faith does.
And in a sense this is true.
Will all good religious books and all websites and also this blogs be thrown away? Let's not do that. Because this all can help if someone is doubting or is looking for answers.

But ...... .it would be very nice, if someone somewhere has found an answer, he will realize very, very, very well that it really is only his answer in his life. And further on are his answers  completely worthless for another. For another might need different answers, and is perhaps asking other questions.

So the key of this saying is: be open, ask questions, doubt, and if you have found an inspiring answer, that's really just your truth, and nothing but interesting for you. And your answer is only interesting for another, if he has the same questions and really tends to find interesting the same answers. That’s it, that’s it. You can not force another to the same questions, and certainly not to the same answers. That is the epitome of spiritual primitiveness, so to speak spiritual behaviour of apes.
Wilson Mizner is therefore very blessed for this saying.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 359

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Who is actually in control in my life?

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot (Michael Althsuler)

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Man is not a victim of time.
All day long he is choosing, he is responding, he is selecting. Man is in control in his life and when he reaches the end of his life, he sighs: "What has my life flied by." But it has not flied by, it was a long string of seconds and minutes, in which he made choices, and accepted things or avoided things.

Perhaps time has flied by, but man was rather very regularly waiting for something of struggling with something. And in the meantime God cherished the free and own will of man.

The bad news is that time does not fly by, but only afterwards in the memory of man.
The good news is that he indeed is the pilot of his life.
Michael Althsuler is blessed.

My blessings for you all

Nr. 358

Sunday, 6 November 2016

How easy is it to bother someone else with own ideals

It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them (Alfred Adler)

My God, would You like to comment on this quote?

My son, does this text not fit perfectly with fundamentalism? So to speak for all men bothering fellowmen with their own ideals?
One would become quiet and modest when one looked carefully at oneself. If one  at least honestly scrutinized if one was living one’s own ideals. Than pride and conceit will fade away. One will see than one has still a long path ahead.
Then one will be busy with own stuff. Then one will bother others anymore.
This is My comment.
Alfred Adler is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 357

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Empty your head

You have to release yourself from the clutter that hangs around in your head (* Isabel Allende)

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How does one empties his head when the thinking is running around all the time?
By simply finding it not that important what one is thinking. Then random thoughts will not inflated to opinions, but one lets them go.
A room will be cleaned, the dishes in the kitchen will be done every day, the garbage will be regularly brought out of the house. But thinking has become a major gathering of too many prejudices, opinions, half-truths and hassle.
It helps man immensely when he remembers quite regularly that it’s all about just an opinion, that it is all about just a thought, that it quite simply might be different tomorrow, that thinking not too often is based on wisdom and truth, but on subjective experiences and misguided opinions.

Wise is the man who says: this is what I am thinking, but maybe I'm missing something?
Wise is the man who remembers that the opinion of others may also be truthful.
Wise is the man who is not indulging in his thoughts, but will let them go or will put them in perspective.
Wise is the man, who permits the consideration in his thinking that there might be too much clutter in his head.
Isabel Allende is blessed.

My blessings to you all

* Interview newspaper “Trouw”, October 24, 2015

Nr. 356

Saturday, 22 October 2016

To love many things, brings you closer to God

But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things (Vincent van Gogh)

Would  You like to comment on this quote?

My son, you have touched My big passion. How can I not comment on  this quote?
This quote stands above all other quotes.

Because it touches the essence of My existence on earth.
Because it concerns the elixir of life.
Because this is the path for man.
Because this feeds My will in you.
Because this realizes your salvation.

The love for the world brings you closer to God.
The love for life heals your pain.
The love for nature reduces pollution.
The love for your fellow man brings you closer to Me.
The love for yourself brings you closer to the oneness.

The more you love, the closer I am with you.
The more you love, the more powerful your prayers are answered.
The more you love, the sooner the Kingdom of God will be established on earth.
Vincent van Gogh is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 355

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Cursing is really a thing

My God, recently two men passed me and one sighed: "Jesus, what a hassle".
I wondered then “what will the spiritual world think of all this consciously and unconsciously cursing?” Some curses set my teeth on edge, like "Goddamned”. I always think then immediately "not at all". And sometimes I say it as well: "Do you know what you're saying, God damn"! Sometimes one really apologizes.
But I do the same, sometimes, shouting Jesus, without really realizing it.
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It's immature behavior and the spiritual world will not stop with calling this human being child of God after such behavior. A son or daughter of God does not do this. Never. Jesus, the great son of God, in the first place.
And recently you were doing this, shouting vehemently Jesus and you didn’t have intentions to talk to Jesus at all but you were just struggling with something what was disappointing you.
Then I sighed "alas, my child" but you didn’t hear Me.
Blessed are those who never curse.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 354

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The good is slow but has prospects

My God, I read an interview with the Patriarch of Babylon from Baghdad, Louis Raphael I Sako. He says at the end of the interview:

One day the war will stop. Evil is fast but has no prospects. The good is slow, but has prospects.

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Evil is indeed faster than the good, but evil harbors in itself destruction. And the good is indeed slower than evil, but harbors in itself her biggest secret, revealing it not at once, but after a while. The good has prospects because it harbors fruits of development and perspective. And how big evil seems to be, in itself is it already harboring its own destruction, its own demise.

And the entire history of mankind seems to witness injustice and suffering, but then one looks superficially. The entire history demonstrates steady progress and all the great evil appeared temporary, ultimately temporary. In the eyes of men who experience it, evil seemed big and many. But from the perspective of the spiritual world, We already saw its ruins and its demise and its creators ending gruesomely. There is no other way. The good will prevail, eventually.
The patriarch of Babylon is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 353

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Lack of love in the shower

I stood under the shower and felt very inadequately. I would get a busy day, didn’t sleep well and felt quite depressed. I said to My God: "I'm such an idiot and what is everything a fuss. I don’t feel like the day, I am dissatisfied with myself, I find myself a clumsy scraper. Really wretchy little fuss. Of course You will like to give a reaction to this all?

My dear, beloved son, what are you back hard on yourself. What are you ruthless and intolerant again. Give love to yourself. Give love to yourself. Give love to yourself. And if you take this on for a year long, then you still will not approach the love that I am giving to you.

"Oh My God, I said, the message is received. So much love from You and so little I am giving to myself. Thank you for the message. I actually feel better now.

Be blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 352

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Religion is the art of the impossible (Peter Calvay)

My God, I read the following quote:

Politics is only the art of the possible, religion is the art of the impossible. Only religion or a relationship with God will change the hearts of the people from within. *

Would You like to comment on this?

It will be My pleasure.
28 years ago, I have put this book on your path and you over read this truth, and now the time has come to go into it. You are understanding the quote now. Would you therefore first like to comment on it?

Oh yes.
Politics is still more often concerned about what here and now can be achieved, socially, even though there are great ideals. But they are more difficult to grasp in terms of realization. And religion is actually an ideal difficult to achieve as well, but by Your presence within it's as if this ideal is always calling, always confronting, can be close always, and very personal, because of the call of my conscience, Your voice so to speak.
So my experience says: politics is promising it and religion is making it possible.
In the here and now You are beckoning: a gesture from us, a kind word, the realization that we are all children of God, that brings it so intensely close, again and again. So tangible, Your call. So close, Your presence. So helpful, Your strength. So simple, Your energy. Something like that?

Something like that, my son, you're closer than thirty years ago. And the most important part  I will mention you yet.
Politicians are only human, and live their ideals not all the time.
And God is within you the incarnate Christ, the imitable Mohamed, the life of Buddha, the beauty of Krishna.
God is WITHIN you and always available, always traceable, always subservient, always loving.
So your guide is not a political leader, a human being, someone on TV.
Your guide is a great presence, who will guide you, who will designate you a direction, who will touch you in the heart, not for a while, but day and night. God is your changer, and a highly reliable presence, IN YOU.

My blessings to you all
*See Peter Calvay Prophet, Rayner Torkington

Nr. 351

Monday, 19 September 2016

Why predictions not always appear to be true (Fate, 3)

My God, and now I am quite curious about the punch line of these three blogs. Why have I experienced recently that a prediction of You did not appear to be true? Just to come straight out with it. Even though I have to admit that many other predictions from Thee appeared to be true, and I always thank you very much for this, but now it has gone wrong, I do need an explanation. Did I not listen, was I struggling with my ego too much, are these predictions more difficult to listen to objectively when I am personally involved or is there another reason? Would You like to comment on this?

My son, there is indeed another reason. But let's make it really personal. That helps your fellow men when they are reading this. For who has not experienced this, that something not happened when it seemed to happen so terribly. And it actually doesn’t matter for this story if what would happen was based on reasonableness, on wisdom, on logic, on a probability or on a prediction of a very reputable psychic. In all cases something very different from what was expected happened. In your example, it is all about a prediction and not just from anybody but from your Spark of God. Can you get it higher and better? Yet something else happened.

Didn’t you listen to Me well? Was there some static on the line? Did you colour it with your hidden desires and needs? I tell you, none of this. But first you may start with the quote to which I've led you.

In your realm of reality, there is no real freedom but the freedom of ideas, and there is no real bondage except for the bondage of ideas (intently), for your ideas form your private and mass reality. ………All of the time, the psychological reality is the primary one, that forms all of your events. *

My son, you have chosen in your contact with Me a reality waiting for you very clearly, very likely, very tangibly and very concretely. And I tell you, provided you were making a particular choice. And by circumstances another choice has been made which is unfolding for you another reality. And this other choice was more determined by others than you preferred to. Wasn’t I capable of foreseeing this? Isn’t God omniscient and omnipotent? God is, indeed, My son, and all Sparks of God are the same, inseparable and undivided connected to the ONE God. And I sketched you from your perspective, from your will,  from your fascination with the scenario that would surely ensue. And I knew of other possible scenarios, but you could not take these scenarios, they were too far away, or not realistic, from the perspective of your will.

And man is not on his one.
The will of someone else forced itself in your situation, so prevalent and so compelling that you became powerless. And so it happened that by a single volition of someone else, and by your powerlessness, which is in fact a decision, suddenly a different scenario came nearby. And I could have showed you in your mind, but you could and did not want to hear this, so you did not hear it.

In short, the future of man and the future of mankind have many probabilities, and not always the most likely is unfolding. Therefore, in the eyes of God even more than in the eyes of mankind this is true, "where there's a will, there's a way”. Even when it concerns the will of someone else.

My blessings to you all
* Jane Roberts, The individual and the nature of mass events, p. 234/235

Nr. 350

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Man determines his path, not God (Fate, 2)

I read this sentence in a book by Jane Roberts * " The future is in no way predetermined on basic levels. This does not mean that the future cannot be predicted sometimes, for in practical terms you will often continue with certain lines of probability which can be seen ‘ahead of time’."  It seems very contradictory with God knowing everything and having the destiny of man in Its hands. Would You like to comment on this?

My son, because of a recent experience in life you're really fascinated by this, is it not? I really love to comment on this. It concerns an issue, very important for mankind, namely the destiny of man and the will of God. And the question why one person is experiencing the most terrible things, and the other person is being in luck throughout life.

Since the allegorical fall of Lucifer, former King of angels and supreme ruler in the heavenly spheres, and since then in the eyes of man, Satan and ruler of darkness, this topic is relevant. Why since then? Because God then decided that the image of God on earth, man, should get free will and could bring about his own destiny, with all its consequences. Man may bring his own destiny, may follow his own free will and will make his own choices, become ruler in his own universe, follow his own path. And so it happened. Lucifer is still indignant that such a former ape was given by God more potential and future possibilities than what would ever be possible for other ranges of creatures, the angels. And so it is, still.

Man is at a fundamental level, the maker of his own destiny, master of his own universe. And this truth is much to the annoyance of many ministers of religion, is not understood by many loving men having an eye for earthly suffering.

Oh earthly suffering, so often misunderstood and wrongly interpreted.
Earthly suffering caused by the accidents of terrestrial evolution, by the conscious choices for the ego by human beings, for the lusts, for ephemeral happiness at the expense of others. Earthly suffering, so often caused by ill will, earthly misfortune and supported with a heavenly patience.

Earthly suffering, as often the result of the Earth's evolution and also regularly a situation of being on the wrong place and living in the wrong time, is not necessarily willed by God, but still happening in the gardens of God. Earthly suffering as often not intended by God’s will, but always subject to God’s laws, making this one thing always done: how horrible this suffering will be in magnitude and intensity, in its effects on man, it will always be subject to the one beautiful law of God: "the consequences of evil in the good sense are a thousand times bigger than the evil itself."

My blessings to you all
*Jane Roberts, The nature of personal reality, page 282

No. 349

Saturday, 3 September 2016

How can the existence of your exquisite consciousness possibly be the result of a conglomeration of chemicals and elements? (Fate, 1)

My God, I found in a book* the next quote.

 “To me, it is almost inconceivable that, from your position, any of you seriously consider that the existence of your exquisite consciousness can possibly be the result of a conglomeration of chemicals
and elements thrown together by a universe accidentally formed, and soon to vanish. So much more evidence is available to you: the order of nature; the creative drama of your dreams, that project your consciousness into other times and places; the very precision with which you spontaneously grow, without knowing how, from a fetus into an adult; the existence of heroic themes and quests and ideals that pervade the life of even the worst scoundrel — these all give evidence of the greater context in which you have your being.”

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We have in a previous blog ** expressed our compassion about an unbelieving human being while he is kept alive by the spiritual world.
Seth's words are beautiful and clear and do not need further explanation. Such a unbelieving human being man is dramatically  funny in our eyes. Yet there is one very important aspect that I would like to add.
Thus unbelieving is mainly originated in the Western world and has a grand purpose. Because of this science is given a strong impetus to develop freely and independently from religions. Enlightenment and secularism are from Our perspective two very cherished human achievements.
Seth and Jane Roberts are blessed.

My blessings to you all

*The serie of Seth-books by Jane Roberts, The individual and the nature of mass events, p.316s
  Seth is a spiritual being who passes a serie of books with Jane Roberts as a messenger.
** See blog 14-11-2011

Nr. 348

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Parched land without God

I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land*

My God, in one way or another this text is really touching me.
I have no inferiority complex and I feel good.
Yet this text seems to touch the core of the relationship between man and God.
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My son, how else could it be?
Man is a creature of God, created in love and wisdom and full of promise and future, even though his physical body is subject to the earthbound evolution with the prospect of death.
But not his the spiritual body, referring in this psalm to the soul.
The spiritual body of man is without God parched land, lifeless and tied to the death, but with the living water of God poured on his ground the miracle happens.
Then begins the miracle of the spiritual life, the beauty of eternity, the promise of God to man, the great unrivaled future of the former ape who enters an eternal relationship with God,  closing a spiritual marriage and leaving behind time, space, death and restriction.
Blessed is man who begins to realize that he is parched land without God, and that God will bring forth the finest fruits and flowers.
The psalmists knew this already, blessed are they.
Mankind is yet realizing this.

My blessings to you all
*Part of Psalm 143, sung by munks in a service in Maria Toevlucht, monastery in Zundert, the Netherlands

Nr. 347

Saturday, 20 August 2016

A miscarriage or an abortion are not the end

I want to ask You. I nevertheless understood from different books and stories of mediums that women (and their men) have a child, raised in the spiritual world, after a miscarriage or an abortion. That would mean that indeed a human being who has experienced anything like this and entering the spiritual world, yet might will be surprised. There awaits them possibly an own child, from which they did not suspect the existence at all. And I think there are women who, after a miscarriage or abortion somewhere intuitively may feel not only having lost a child, but also still having a child somewhere.
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I love too.
During the conception of a foetus in the womb, the spiritual world is building the spiritual body of the new earthly physical little miracle. And because the spiritual world is mightier than the physical world, this spiritual baby will almost always be viable because the conception on earth is a birth into the spiritual world.
Let this be declared clearly and brightly by God in these watchthegodblogs:

The conception on earth is a birth into the spiritual world.
Even though the growth of the foetus on the earth is aborted by physical problems or human intervention, the spiritual baby then will grow on.

The spiritual world is not very dependent from the physical events.
And the biological parents may abort the consequences of an act of conception, even God will not stop  the spiritual impact: the birth of a new spiritual being in the cosmos. And this tiny little spiritual baby will, when the physical counterpart has  died or is killed, be received, looked after, cherished and cared for with the greatest love and care, and will be raised into a loving beautiful creature. These children are almost without exception "half an angel" because they are hardly or not at all touched by the primitive processes on Earth. So in a way, a miscarriage or an abortion is a great opportunity to pursue a particular spiritual path.

But such children, once grown up, will lament somewhere in the heart that the vast experience of life on earth was aborted so brutally, especially when they meet human beings who have completed an earthly life. But God changes all negative events with much love and joy into positive affairs. Illustrated by this story.

And for now some practical information about biological parents on earth and their child in the spiritual world. Their child is growing twice as fast by the exceptional circumstances in the spiritual world. So a child as foetus of three months dying in 2006 on earth, will be in 2010 eight years old and in 2014 16 years old. And one is grown up in the spiritual world then. So parents may have a miscarriage in 2006, they will have an adult child in the spiritual world in 2014.

And depending on the situation their child will remain very involved in the lives of his biological parents on earth, even in the case of prostitutes, rapists or one night stands. The standards of the spiritual world are different from a primitive planet like Earth.
And for the record, My son, the conception of new life begins in the spiritual world. Only then a sperm cell will succeed to penetrate the impenetrable wall of an egg cell, not before.
All biological parents and their children in the spiritual world are blessed

My blessings to you all

Nr. 346