Monday, 24 December 2018

Christ and his open-mindedness

My God,
I read the Christmas section of my newspaper “Trouw” and the theme was open-mindedness. And only one article from an intellectualistic reverend about Christ, and that article wasn’t inspiring at all. And especially in this time of the year  I was really a little angry. How open-minded Christ was after all!  Is then for heaven’s sake everyone gradually ignoring Christ and are we becoming atheistic all together? How much crazier are we becoming in this country where half of the people say they do not believe anymore. What a world. Do You find it okay if You will comment this theme open-mindedness and show the world how open-minded Christ himself was?

My good son, let's do that. We're going to show everybody a trick or two. This stubborn naïve country the Netherlands, full of rich, spoiled, self-assertive people, who think they can do without God. And of course We focus as well on the rest of the world.

Christ truly was a son of God, and there was no one more open-minded in his days than he was. For open-mindedness is just being open to everything? And open-mindedness is willing to put aside all prejudices? And open-mindedness is willing to handle against all social patterns and taboos and delusions? And open-mindedness is just willing to stand up to all resistance and aggression and hatred that come your way, if you proclaim a painful truth, and you break down holy houses?

The Christ is the open-mindedness itself and they crucified him for it. He did not die for your sins but was punished for his open-mindedness and for his obedience to his Father. In the meantime he has cleared the way for a bigger gateway to heaven, but that is a subject for another blog.

·       Was there one person on earth at that time who allowed God so in his life and who so openly focused on his "My God"? He went into conversation with his Father every day? No one did this, they had put God away in a distant and unattainable cosmos.
·       Was there one person on earth at that time so emancipated as he was? He saw the oppression of women and honoured his mother and female pupils and showed love and respect to beaten and oppressed women on his path. Nobody did, women had no name and were less than an animal from the perspective of men.
·       Was there one person on earth at that time so loving and respectful to children? At that time a child was nobody, and children were raised rigidly and cruelly.
·       Was there one person on earth at that time willing to question the orthodox doctrines and to oppose the power of the Pharisees? That really did not dare anyone. One was afraid of their hatred and their loveless abuse of power.
·       Was there one person on earth at the time who consistently and lovingly paid attention to the poor, the oppressed, the powerless and the workers and who talked to them in a loving way? Nobody did this, they were regarded as lesser people and scum in the gutter.
·       Was there one person on earth at that time who spoke to the sick and who even touched lepers. No one did this, they were regarded as unclean and untouchable.
·       Was there anyone on earth at the time who questioned the rigid laws of faith and talked to everyone, not just believers, about the love and wisdom of God? No one did that, people were more attached to the many laws and regulations and old-fashioned customs and loveless offerings of innocent animals. And one had no respect for other religions.

 My son, I can fill three pages with more examples. We made our point. Christ was the open-mindedness itself. And it is unworthy of the final editors of your newspaper to not show some respect to the Christ in this special issue.
That is why we have done so. The Watchthegod blogs are not for nothing.
You are blessed for it, My son, and certainly for this subject that you have presented to Me.

My blessings to you all

No 441

Monday, 17 December 2018

Man is questioned by life itself (Viktor Frankl)

Ultimately a person should not ask himself "what is the meaning of my life", but realize that he himself is questioned by life

My God, would You like to comment on this?

That’s all right, My son.
The spiritual world knows better than man, that not everything that happens to him is wanted and meant by God. We also have evolution and its own laws, and coincidence, that a person can play a serious part sometimes. So sometimes man comes across something horrible that is not intended, that does not belong to his destiny and that means nothing. Except for this one thing, which makes the spiritual world very very fascinated, namely 'how does this man respond to this fate, what spiritual power does he exhibit?'

Does man react with victimhood, with complaining, with resistance, with negativity and passivity, or does one react with courage, with wisdom, with will power and with confidence? Are people putting the lemons that life present to them aside full of horror or does one make lemonade of them? And the spiritual world does not judge. The human being who swallows concerning “this destiny" in negativity and victimhood is helped and supported in thousands of ways and with much love and patience.

But the courageous wise man, ah, what a joy it is for God to see how such a person approaches life. And how such a person immediately goes to work to make the best of it, to live life, to give wisely and courageously an answer to what happens to him. Actually as the Christ did, with love and with acceptance and with confidence in the Good God.
And thus this man, while still in the midst of misery, has already earned his spurs. Thus Christ could say "Your will will be done", Etty Hillesum could say "I want to undergo the fate of my people".

The weak people are blessed.
The strong people actually even more.

My blessings to you all

No 440

Monday, 3 December 2018

You alone I worship (Profound sayings, 4)

My God, would You like to comment on this?

My son,
I will do so.

All religions, whether they have given expression to God / Brahman / Yahweh / Allah or to all helpers, saints, prophets, servants, intermediaries, angels or messengers as well, they do the right thing if they bring man again and again to this insight.

This is the way.

My blessings to you all

No 439

Sunday, 18 November 2018

The terrible regret of an atheist after his physical death

I would like to ask You.
In the course of my life I have learned to gain as a believer a lot of respect for atheists. It is a way of life with many qualities. The easy judgment of believers about atheists is superficial and unjustified.
Well, after all, all judging is wrong so to speak.
Now my question: they do miss the insights and trust provided by a belief in eternal life and when they are deceased, they discover that they have made a mistake and have denied Your existence in their lives. Would You like to comment on this?

I will do so.
Let's describe the life of such a person.
I now consciously present a man, because there are more atheist men than women. Even in emancipated countries, women are listening a little bit more to their intuition, the signals from their hearts and are more capable than men to not just glory on their own minds. But of course there are also many atheist women, that’s for sure.

Before death
We are talking about the true life of an atheist man. He was a good person on earth, someone who looked after his fellow man. He loved his wife, who died years earlier than he did, he has long and sincerely grieved as a widower and at the same time he has picked up the thread of life well. He loved his two children, his work, his hobbies. He was interested in politics and literature and especially concerned with the degradation of nature. He was a champion of the care for nature. I recall this especially for, partly because of this, he passed on to eternal life consciously and quietly so to speak thanks to great achievements in the field of love and care for something other than himself. And it helped that he had no dramatic addictions. Actually a beautiful person.

But be aware of the dog.
We put aside why he has become an avid atheist, that is the subject for another blog, if  ever. But he was an atheist and he relied very much on his own thinking more than on that of others.
We go back to two incidents in his life, two striking moments, which after his death will make a big contribution to his bitter feelings of regret. Because that is the subject of this blog, the regrets after the death of an atheist person.

Incident 1
His wife dies after a long and painful sickbed. The bone cancer caused his wife very severe suffering. When she dies, he sits at her bed and has great grief, he is overwhelmed by her suffering and struggles very much with the thought that she has ceased to exist. He is angry with life and fate. Her suffering was too much for him to handle and it will take years before he has given place to this suffering.

Incident 2
His (their) eldest son finally finds after many years of searching the job of his life and treats his father and sister to a dinner party. The dinner is very nice and the three of them celebrate the love and warmth that is between them and celebrate the joy about the great career opportunity for the son. The father suffers greatly in the absence of his deceased wife and sighs at a certain moment how regrettable it is that their mother can not be present. Both children react with compassion because they do not want to push the atmosphere because of his musing. In general, young people are better in coming to terms with death than older people. And in addition, they both take into account the possibility that their mother will experience it somehow. They are both not ecclesiastical but are no conscious atheists, they believe something.

After death
After his death, the man passes on consciously. His big heart, his love for life, his healthy and beautiful lifestyle without addictions make the passing over almost effortless. And not, as many atheists have to face, ending up in a coma-like existence in which, as if in a dream state, they slowly become accustomed (with much help) to the fact that there is life after death. Because this does not fit into their opinions and is therefore denied. What is man master in not wanting to see what is still there.
This adaptation phase to something that does not fit into their "opinions of life" can take sometimes quite a while.
So our man is very soon clear in the head and deeply deeply deeply surprised as soon as  the most beautiful and younger version of his dear wife stands for him and embraces him with love and with the greatest smile possible. He can handle it anyway because he always had an open heart and an open mind, except for this after death thing.
After some time in which his wife may act as a supervisor and guide, he may look back on the two events mentioned above. This retrospective is very important because he is deeply suffering from intense regret that he denied a so intensely important fact of life,  namely not only the existence of life after death, but even more the existence of God and Its work in man's life. on earth. In order to properly judge his intense feelings of regret and to give them a place, he must experience these important incidents, but then as it really went and not as he thought it was.

Incident 1
He gets it presented in this way.
His wife passes on very consciously, partly through her intense agony, and makes contact with her spiritual coach immediately and without being surprised and is confirmed in almost everything she already expected: a beautiful liberation, a healthy spiritual body, a wonderful new life of space, freedom and happiness and a great sense of the meaning of everything or at least of the even beautiful consequences of this terrible fate at the end of her life. She tries to reach, comfort and support her husband in the entire period afterwards and of course she succeeds very well, only without the man himself realizing this and knowing this.
When he is confronted with how it really went, his suffering and regret are so big that it almost becomes too much for him. He sees all the efforts of his deceased wife and how he neglects, ignores and denies them. He sees the helplessness of his wife when she stands beside him on an evening when he is overwhelmed with grief and loneliness, and experiences such a terrible regret that he did not want and could not experience all of this. It will take him many years in spiritual life before he can look at this stubborn atheistic ignorance without deep shame and with more understanding and love.

Incident 2
On the evening of this dinner, his wife is present in the spirit, shares in their joy and sees that both children do not suffer too much from her absence and somewhere unconsciously feel that she is there. Her absence during the dinner because of her death a long time ago does not really bother them. But her husband. Ah, his pain and sorrow for this delusion that she is not allowed to experience this, while she stands beside him and looks down on him. She touches his forehead with her hand, but this again magnifies his image that his wife, so intensely reminded by this touch, is not there. Physically and emotionally she seems present, but he cherishes his thinking that she is dead and he is suffering very much from this realization.
So in this review after his death he sees the grief in the eyes of his wife, who does everything to make herself known, and sees his rigid and untrue world of thought. His regret is especially overwhelming concerning this incident.

We can complete this gripping and true story. Eventually he overcomes this regret in the spirit, starts seeing that his atheism has brought a lot of good as well and eventually becomes reconciled with everything that has happened. Also with his virulent atheism on earth.
But at times, in eternity, his ignorance and delusional wisdom and the missed opportunity on earth to live together with his wife in the spirit even after her death will overwhelm him now and then. Be let it be, what can not be erased.
He is blessed.

My blessings to you all

No 438

Saturday, 3 November 2018

When nothing goes right…..go left (Profound sayings, 3)

My God, would You like to comment on this?

When things do not go well in life, an understandable reaction will be to flee in comforting addictions or to swallow in the negative feelings one has. People do this at the beginning of their path of development.
Wise people, who are a little further, do nothing and undergo everything and wait until better times will come.

There are situations where a fourth way can offer a nice alternative.
That is doing something completely different.

Stepping out of your old pattern, trying something new, stopping being a victim and showing life that life cannot humiliate you, showing unexpected powers, in short trying something completely different. It can help.

And those who try to do so show God that they have a will, that they do not want to be a victim, that they have hope and then one will be helped more than before. We love weak brothers and accept a person's level of development, but We also appreciate the strong fellow man who tries the fourth way. It will bring him / her a lot. It is irrelevant here who has the highest level of development, this person or the wise man.
My blessings to you all

No 437

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Some people lose diamonds in search of stones (Profound sayings, 2)

My God, I would like to ask You to go into this, but I suspect that the answer will be surprising.

My son, and so will it be, surprising.

Not some people lose diamonds while they are looking for stones, ALL people. All people are lost in their delusions and their wrongly directed will, oh certainly not always, but very regularly. All people lose diamonds while searching for stones, thinking they are diamonds and discovering later that they were just stones and that they have lost their diamonds while searching.

Poor man, poor Don Quixote, poor ignorant wandering foolish naïve man. But there are on his path so many temptations and beautiful and attractive things. We understand how things are going. We understand the searching man. We understand how and why he loses himself in his desires. We understand everything, always and behold man with the greatest possible love, with a love and tolerance and wisdom and gentleness to big to be understood by man.

How could it be otherwise? God the Creator and Its little former monkey, little silly creature. Little man who learns by losing his diamonds and by getting disappointed in his stones regarding them to be diamonds and who unlearns and who indulges then in insight and wisdom and then becomes a God.

All men learn to appreciate in life the diamonds of life, learn not to identify with their stones, which they consider diamonds and learn to make the distinction between these two.
Man is blessed in this quest.

My blessings for you all

No 436

Saturday, 6 October 2018

A wise attitude (Profound sayings, 1)

Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, what is the internet full of profound sayings. You always google beautiful sayings or wise or inspiring sayings. Today I have given you the insight to check profound sayings, and what about this, you dived for ten sayings, nice material for Us, We have all at once ten blogs to go. My son, We will have our hands full with it in the coming months.

Back to this saying.

In the extremes of life, will be visible what man has acquired for himself.

When life has slapped everything out of his hands, it becomes clear what man has acquired in terms of resilience, wisdom and inner strength. And especially the patience that this man shows when life has slapped away everything, shows his greatness, his inner strength, his spiritual wealth. If he has everything, hey, and it's going well for him, it is easily to be calm, relaxed, generous. If everything is taken away from him, and he shows patience and does not panic, it will be visible to the world, what God already knows, how great this man is.

And if he possesses everything, and this person has an attitude "I have acquired everything, I have this all thanks to my talents and hard work and my own will" then that is a different attitude than someone who says "Well I only have had luck, and everything was given to me, another who tried the same had less luck, and me, I am grateful, I have gotten my talents from life, from God, who am I? I have only the duty to share all this with my fellow man who has been less fortunate. " The attitude of this man is great and wise and is evidence of insight. The man who boasts of his own talents and thinks he deserves it all is a little person, who has a long path ahead before insight and wisdom will come.

God loves the latter man, for sure, but cherishes the first man.

My blessings to you all

No 435

Sunday, 23 September 2018

When we lose God, it is not God who is lost (Author unknown)

Would You like to comment on this saying?

And so it is.
This person is always lost, oh not in the eyes of God but in their own thoughts and feelings.
God cherishes these men even more than It cherishes the believers. Why?

Because they have lost the hope for eternity.
Because they do not seek comfort where it can be found.
Because they are lonely and they are having delusions about the meaninglessness of life. Because they have no perspective.
Because they do not see and acknowledge the everlasting and omnipresent spiritual help.
Because they are lost for themselves in a random cold cosmos where death seems to be the end.

And they do not know.

That they are living in a world of perspective and hope.
That they are being carried by God Itself.
That they are loved in their whole being.
That they are seen in their supposed secrets.
That they are not alone in a cold cosmos, but that they are living in a world of love.
That they should have hope because of the infinite beautiful world that is waiting for them.

And they will experience

That they after their passing away will be stunned, without exception, for their foolishness and ignorance on earth.
That they will be ashamed of their obstinacy.
That this disbelief though has taught them a lot about loneliness and sorrow and isolation.
That they are  confronted with a God Who forgives everything, straightens everything, makes everything well and heals everything.

They are blessed in their ignorance.

My blessings to you all

No 434

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Never stop believing in miracles because miracles happen every day (Lost in life, 11)

My God, I recently experienced a miracle. It seems small, but for me it was important. I was a bit worried about a bill I suddenly had to pay and wondered from whom I could borrow the money for it? Then a good old friend called me and said she wanted to give me a sum of money just because she was thinking of me and could easenly miss the money. And it was exactly the sum I needed. It is not only a money thing, but I suddenly felt so intensely that we are not alone and that the spiritual world, if possible and allowed, immediately arranges something to help.

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, one of My favourite subjects.

The spiritual world is genuinely pleased when a person is helped by Us and recognizes the help as such and knows that a miracle has happened. For a miracle is nothing else than help from the spiritual world according to insights and connections you can not see and understand.

For how does it work?

You have a financial problem, and a friend of yours with money gets the idea to call you and is giving you exactly that amount that you need?
Are We not knowing everything?
Are We not capable of everything?
Do We not see everything?
Do We not understand everything?
Do We not help always?
Do We not support always?
Do We not cooperate with man and his fate?
There is nothing more to say about it.
Except two more things.
If a person has difficulties and he does not seem to be helped, that is not true. The spiritual world always helps, but not always visibly, not always clearly to man, and sometimes the problem is exactly what Our help has to be.

And the other thing is this, God can not make from 1 plus 1 altogether 3. The evolutionary world knows her own way and her own problems and disasters. But especially when man comes across an evolutionary disaster that is not meant to be and does not fit in his fate. And so to speak is just having a bad luck and being in the wrong place and in the wrong time. Than the spiritual world works harder than ever with help and with miracles, even if it does not seems so.

Miracles happen every day.
My blessings to you all


No 433

Saturday, 1 September 2018

You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward (Lost in life, 10)

Would You like to comment on this*?

This is all about uncertainty but especially about trust and letting go.
Oh man, with your crippling fears, your overconfidence of your own thinking, your need to keep everything in control.
As if life is waiting for this.
The full rich dynamic life does not require the tiny human brain to continue.

And man, how wonderful can it be to enter into an uncertain future. How wonderful can it be to make prohibited steps. How wonderful can it be not to know what the day of tomorrow will bring. So often it is not too bad. So often, someone automatically comes along to help you further on. So often you get promptings on the spot so you know what to do. And so often things go differently than you had planned.

Let go, trust, step with open mind into the future.
And let God, let life, let the day itself lead the way.
My blessings to you all

No 432



Monday, 20 August 2018

All those negative emotions too!

My God, the last days I have been muddling along through a combination of bad weather, my work and busy stuff and lots of people around me with problems. I mean to say that I am wallowing in all my negative emotions, that I'm struggling with them and actually just want to get rid of them. I want a simple and innocent and problem-free life. Period. And so I went looking for a list that I had somewhere, a list of all negative emotions that a person can experience in the course of his life.

I'll mention them just for sure:
"Fear, resistance, doubt, panic, anger, irritation, worrying, greed, unrest, loneliness, aggression, aimlessness, despondency, pride, superiority, inferiority, insecurity, disappointment, passivity, laziness, indifference, boredom, depression, fickleness, lying, indolence, voracity, greed, fatigue, jealousy, etc. ".

Reason is actually a conversation in the shower that I had with You in which you expressed very clearly, that I still had one big life problem to solve, all others were secondary and not important. That is, lovingly dealing with my negative emotions. Only when I welcomed and cherished and accepted and understood them all, I would make the next spiritual step. Only when I felt that they were entitled to existence, that they had something to say to me. Because they were information carriers for life. I struggled with them unnecessarily and thereby suppressed them. And so they were forced to grow and they only would lead to, for example, enlargement, or they went “in the underground” with psychosomatics such as earache, muscle pain, colds and so on.
Well I will try again, and then of course I said to You: "oh my God, how hard I am, you are right of course.
Would You like to comment on this?

My son, we are just four years later, earlier We made together a nice connection with how you deal with the weather in the Netherlands. Whether you have heat, or storm, hard rain or cold, everything is good, everything has its value, everything is useful or is just there and you will not suppress your fun in life for it at all.

You then took a decision to try that with your negative emotions and in the meantime you have really practiced. You have become more loving, you have become calmer, you have become more quiet in your inner self, you have become more open, you accept everything more than before.
Go on with it gradually. And do not think that because you are having a heavy time, that everything is for nothing, that you have not learned anything. That is not true and these thoughts are only false beliefs of your ego. Just go on, take another deep breath, remember everything that you have achieved, read those blogs again.

And continue happily with handling lovingly your negative emotions.
And I would like to respond to the latter: in Our eyes negative emotions are not negative. We see the great value, what they have to offer, how important they are, how they can change, what an information carriers they are. We often feed them when you pray for relief from them, because they regularly bring you where you need to go, through “the mountain of rice-pudding” into the light.
Welcome them, accept them, cherish them, go talk to them, they often dissolve faster than when you struggle with them.

My blessings to you all

No 431

Sunday, 5 August 2018

The heart is our last salvation

Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you (Lost in Life, 9)

My God, would You like to comment on this saying? 

My son, do refer to the other blogs about the heart, although I love to repeat important things.
Because it cannot be said enough over and over again. God is seated in the heart. In the heart the Lord of love does his thing. The heart helps man to take the next step in his life choices. The heart chakra is the meeting place of the lower three chakras (matter, desire and emotion) and upper three (will, intuition and wisdom). Who not listens to his heart, will step onto the many dramatic and painful detours of life.

I mention one new aspect now.
The heart's going to save the world. The present-day human society runs to the abyss of destruction of its base, to pollution of its own nest, to overpopulation without a future and to large-scale rape of mother nature. Everything is already set into action to correction, and mankind will  call down over herself a lot of suffering. In this whole course of events only the heart may adjust, soften and deflect the developments to the positive side. 

The heart for fellow men.
The heart for nature.
The heart for the surroudings.
The heart for mother earth.
The heart for the body.
The heart for simplicity.
The heart for each other.
The heart for themselves.
The heart for the spiritual world.
The heart for God. 

My blessings to you all

No 430

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters (Lost in l ife, 8)

When you feel lost in life, remember to pay attention to what you hear in the silence. Quiet your inner world, and you’ll find exactly what you need.

Would You like to comment on this saying?

My son, in itself it is true, that when you let flow the endless knit of thoughts and feelings  and look between them, like looking between the clouds into the blue sky, that a man then calmes his inner world. This quote therefore suggests that listening, real listening can lead to silence. But for the rest is the chosen image an artificial language thing, and not that interesting to go into.

My blessings to you all

No 429

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Atheism nowadays

Again I dealt this weekend with people who are not at all concerned with religion. They do go running on a Sunday morning and they talk about the price of the bluetooth speaker of this and that brand. All right, I do not look into their souls, maybe they have a bigger heart than I have and maybe they're more dealing with faith than I presume, but I do not notice much of it. And the children of such a family, My God, even a twelve-year-old boy said to me "No God does not exist, that is really a fairy tale".

After this weekend, I went on Sunday evening to a special service in a church, it does not matter which church and where, and  I've just been crying. Because I felt in that church the entrance to heaven, I felt the devotional atmosphere of holiness, the presence of humility and silence, and because everyone was focused on God, there all together. I had missed it so much, I had missed it so badly. And I realized in that church service that I had suffered the sight of young people who are being ruined and growing up in a materialistic way.

They check out Spotify clips with rappers who from my perspective just too often use  words as "bitch and what the fuck" and I realized that these young, receptive, kind children actually grow up wickedly. That is why I had to cry in the church that evening, because of their lack of blessings, which I was allowed to experience. And my question to You is, My God, do I have the right perspective, because You have emphasized enough in the blogs that even man without faith will go well after death just because he has served life or art or science with his heart or his head ?
But they still deny Your existence!

My son, let's just put it short and snappy: they deny Me, they deny God, they deny the existence of the spiritual world, they live in falsehood. And they will pay that price, as every price once has to be paid, every price.
And you have observed well that many children in rich countries grow up in materialism, and that price has always to be paid, sooner or later.
And you have observed well that many children in the rich west grow up in atheism, and that price has also to be paid, sooner or later.

For God exists, and the soul that experiences how “her personality on earth” denies the existence of God, suffers greatly, because her personality lives in falsehood. And the price of falsehood is ignorance, and the price of ignorance is suffering, and the price of suffering is learning experience through this suffering, and then there comes insight and then one lives in wisdom again, so sooner or later it will be all fine.

And rest assured, My son, you are worrying, but know that God is carrying your worries, not you, and know that God is causing the consequences and that everything eventually will work out, sooner or later. So let it go, and enjoy the blessings of your faith and pray for them, for all those atheists. Pray even more than you do now. That is more beneficial than being unhappy about it.
Rest assured and pray.

My blessings to you all

No 428

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Accepting melancholy

Melancholy is an important part of my soul. It makes me feel that I can also be happy and lively. Because of the melancholy I can appreciate gladness (Evgeniy Levchenko)

I read this quote and was just very focused on how quiet and relaxed it is to say yes to everything and not to struggle with what is right and what is not. Would You like to comment on this?

And thus man gathers wisdom and learns how to deal with life and stops fighting and he will let life flow. And thus he learns to accept everything that comes his way and he becomes quiet and calm inside and thus he can hear the voice of his inner being much better. Evgeniy has seen a great deal of suffering and has learned to simply accept and welcome the melancholy instead of so many people struggling with melancholy and using antidepressants. In fact, he cherishes the melancholy, she may be there from his perspective, and she reminds him how joyful and rich life can be at another moment.

But when you are in melancholy, there is no gladness. Then one can see what is wrong, what is difficult, what is wrong with the world and with mankind.

And so the melancholy also helps the wisdom. Because wisdom makes one see what life is like and wisdom is seeing the whole picture and likes to take into account all aspects of life. And wisdom always says yes to everything, without conditions. And then man will also see better what is wrong, and how it should be and what is possible. And then one will change the world.
But not at the moment of melancholy.
Evgeniy is blessed.
My blessings to you all

No 427

Monday, 18 June 2018

The heart of man

Would You like to comment on the heart of man? This week I was pretty busy with, with my own heart actually. I felt that day lovingly and calmly and suddenly I wondered: what does the heart do? Can the heart also be bothered by us? Does the heart like it "if we love someone a lot? For the heart itself, can it handle everything man is doing?, because there are men who get a heart attack. Is it after all just an organ”. And so more of that sort of things. Would You like to go into this?

I love to
The heart is the engine of the body and the carrier of God's love.

The heart is the engine of the body, and all your questions can be answered with yes.

Is the heart suffering from us? Yes, of course, if you work too hard or if you experience a lot of stress or sit too long or eat too much, in all those cases the heart suffers from you, to a serious extent and that will certainly not always express itself in a heart attack. Or in a pressure on the chest. The heart can also be so strong, through genetic predisposition, that the heart serves you all your life even if you are mistreating it. But the heart is surely suffering from you then. The heart is then so to speak a suppressed organ. And the place of the heart can even feel coldly or locked-uply or stuffily or restlessly.

But the other side must also be said. The heart also has pleasure from you, if you take good care of it. If you live and eat and exercise healthy or when you are relaxing enjoying nature or music or the beauty in a museum. Then the heart flourishes and you are feeling that too, the heart feels softly, freely and calmly and warmly.

And in all cases I do not only refer to the heart as a physical organ but also to the spirit of the heart, an individual entity who sympathizes and suffers with the concerns of man. One can communicate directly with the heart. Have you not experienced this long ago, when that you literally heard the voice of your heart (check blog (20-11-2011) .

The heart is also the carrier of God's love.

The love of man comes from God. And the heart is the dwelling place of God in man.
Does the heart like it "if we love someone a lot"? you are asking. The heart finds this great and functions then at the highest level of spiritual purpose. Then it flourishes and the spirit of the heart is perfectly happy then and in harmony with God and life. Then for sure.

But it is a different story when man feeds his anger or hatred, or wallows in irritation and indignation. And I do not mean about just matters because then the heart is fighting and the heart likes to sympathize with this person. But oh woe if there is little and ugly thinking and feeling, or envy and unjust hatred. The colors of the heart and of the spirit of the heart then change from grass green with a golden touch into ugly poisonish green and gray and blackish smoky smelling. Then the heart suffers and the spirit of the heart as well.
But let Me tell you this, usually it goes well because many men do their utmost best and are men of goodwill.

My blessings to you all

No 426

Monday, 4 June 2018

Privacy and God

My God, in many countries there is now a tendency of "the privacy must be guarded". The riot around Facebook is one to mention and in the Netherlands new Privacy legislation has recently come into effect, so that all sorts of organizations are suddenly checking whether the privacy of their customers is protected. What about the spiritual world and our privacy and how about You God and our privacy? It is said God sees everything, well then we can shake it with our privacy. Would You like to comment on this?
My son, good subject.
You men do have privacy, because if you let go in terms of sex in your hidden bedrooms, or when you do other things while the spiritual world knows that you "have to be left alone", we discretely withdraw. Man is then alone with his things.
But ...... that does not mean that you can have secrets, or that something is not known to God. It does not work like that.

It is in the best way illustrated by the following example. When a mother sees her child playing with cars or a doll, she quietly goes on with her own business, keeps an eye on everything but she is not terribly tuned in to her child and his game, she leaves her child with rest and gives her child the space to play in peace and in the privacy of his own world. She might start to stare but does not do it. She could interfere but does not do it. She could intervene but does not do it. She treats her child with great respect and gives that child all the space.

And so God does concerning you and your secret things. But it must be said: if God wants, It can interfere with everything, but It does not. For the free will of man is treated with much love and respect. In the meantime everything has been recorded somewhere and can be viewed and discussed in consultation with men in due course. And what always happens is the automatic consequences of the actions of man, which are always coming back to him systematically, good or bad, and later in time but that is more an automatism than a privacy thing.
My blessings to you all

No 425

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Pentecost is the feast of the breath of the Goddess roaming over the earth

Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it Sai Baba

My God, do You consider this saying from Sai BaBa fitting with Pentecost?

My son, that's what it does.

It is about

  • the opportunities that God offers to men
  • the joy that God scatters on earth
  • the love of the Mother God for Her children
  • the peace-giving pigeon of the Father-Mother God
  • the divine consciousness wavering out of the spiritual world over ALL men but only felt by men of goodwill
  • the Son and Daughter of God manifested on earth
  • the heart of man that is open to purity
  • the Holy Spirit, the breath of the Mother God that feeds Her children with eternal food
  • the Dove, the caressing gentle hand of the Mother who touches Her children
  • the breath of God that touches believing and unbelieving people in the heart
  • The energy of God special felt by all men with an loving heart.
The great spirit of Sai Baba is blessed.

My blessings to you all

No  424