My God,
I read the Christmas section of my newspaper “Trouw” and the theme was open-mindedness. And only one article from an intellectualistic reverend about Christ, and that article wasn’t inspiring at all. And especially in this time of the year I was really a little angry. How open-minded Christ was after all! Is then for heaven’s sake everyone gradually ignoring Christ and are we becoming atheistic all together? How much crazier are we becoming in this country where half of the people say they do not believe anymore. What a world. Do You find it okay if You will comment this theme open-mindedness and show the world how open-minded Christ himself was?
My good son, let's do that. We're going to show
everybody a trick or two. This stubborn naïve country the Netherlands, full of rich,
spoiled, self-assertive people, who think they can do without God. And of
course We focus as well on the rest of the world.
Christ truly was a son of God, and there was no
one more open-minded in his days than he was. For open-mindedness is just being
open to everything? And open-mindedness is willing to put aside all prejudices?
And open-mindedness is willing to handle against all social patterns and taboos
and delusions? And open-mindedness is just willing to stand up to all
resistance and aggression and hatred that come your way, if you proclaim a
painful truth, and you break down holy houses?
The Christ is the open-mindedness itself and
they crucified him for it. He did not die for your sins but was punished for
his open-mindedness and for his obedience to his Father. In the meantime he has
cleared the way for a bigger gateway to heaven, but that is a subject for
another blog.
· Was there one person on earth at that time who allowed God so in his
life and who so openly focused on his "My God"? He went into conversation
with his Father every day? No one did this, they had put God away in a distant
and unattainable cosmos.
· Was there one person on earth at that time so emancipated as he was? He
saw the oppression of women and honoured his mother and female pupils and
showed love and respect to beaten and oppressed women on his path. Nobody did,
women had no name and were less than an animal from the perspective of men.
· Was there one person on earth at that time so loving and respectful to
children? At that time a child was nobody, and children were raised rigidly and
· Was there one person on earth at that time willing to question the
orthodox doctrines and to oppose the power of the Pharisees? That really did
not dare anyone. One was afraid of their hatred and their loveless abuse of
· Was there one person on earth at the time who consistently and lovingly
paid attention to the poor, the oppressed, the powerless and the workers and
who talked to them in a loving way? Nobody did this, they were regarded as lesser
people and scum in the gutter.
· Was there one person on earth at that time who spoke to the sick and who
even touched lepers. No one did this, they were regarded as unclean and
· Was there anyone on earth at the time who questioned the rigid laws of
faith and talked to everyone, not just believers, about the love and wisdom of
God? No one did that, people were more attached to the many laws and
regulations and old-fashioned customs and loveless offerings of innocent
animals. And one had no respect for other religions.
You are blessed for it, My son, and certainly for this subject that you have presented to Me.
My blessings to you all