Tuesday 8 October 2024

I am nothing

My God, may I ask You. It's been over a month since I received a blog. When I think about the blogs, there is no inspiration, I often think 'hasn't everything been said?'. And I never think, maybe we should stop, because we've already passed that station a few times. So I sit here and ask You, tell me, please?

Ah, My good son. So you still fall into the old trap, that you have to come up with a topic or a quote and then I will come up with the content and the words. That is certainly the case. But also the suggestion of inspiration comes from Me, also the search and finding of a quote, saying or beautiful anecdote comes from Me. So what do you want, what else can you do but just open up and wait for Me. Your ego is still present and has a sense of responsibility, of having to take initiative, of involvement. But it is absent in this whole process, you are no more than a listener, you are not an inspired prophet, not a cause of news, not a responsible person in the blogs. Other than as a listener. And who knows, maybe the best messages will come at times when you least expect it.

Isn't that your life experience too?

At crucial moments, when hope seems lost, I reach out to you, I give you new hope, I open a door when all the doors are slammed shut. At unexpected moments, I offer you new points of view, I support you in shaky moments, I carry you when you are exhausted. You have experience with that, you know that, that is the basis of your faith, when you sigh: "not I but You are the Doer".

And now the blogs. Nothing is yours, not a word, not a sentence, not a text, not an inspiration, not a subject, not an insight, not an unexpected turn in a subject, not a refreshing perspective where you did not suspect them. Everything is Mine, everything is brought by Me, everything is thought and brought by Me. Why do you think that you have to be inspired, that you have to come up with something, that you have to come up with a topic? Nothing is yours, everything is Mine.

And accept this, My good but careless, naïve, innocent and stubborn son of Mine, just stand open and wait, and I will do the rest.

If there is anything you can leave in this process, it is hindering Me.

If there is anything you can do in this process, it is to let Me.

And if there are no blogs coming, it’s because you make different choices in life, there’s so much interesting stuff too, isn’t it?

Be blessed in this humble work.

My blessings to you all

No 573


Thursday 5 September 2024

The Desire of the Inner Being

The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them. Men seek for the treasures of the kingdom with yearning hearts and weary feet when they are all within the immediate grasp of living faith. (Urantiabook, Teachings of Jesus, 159:3.8).

 Well, nice text anyway and I think so true. Even the greatest atheists feel lost in this large and risky world. And of course you can cling to a partner, the kids, work, fanatical hobbies and shout very loudly that you are happy and don't need anything else, and certainly no faith. But I don't believe them, especially when I read this. Could You elaborate on this, please?

 We look into man's mind, into his heart, into his inner being. And how true is what Christ said. How could it be otherwise? He was closely associated with His God in His earthly life, so except in the Garden of  Gethsemane, in His great trial, He was never lonely. He was with God day and night.

 And now the human being. Certainly the Western man, and certainly the unbelieving Western man. What a sadness, you might say. Clinging to matter, the body, holidays, reason. But it’s not sad. We in the spirit find it endearing. For the unbelieving man denies his deepest desire to return to the Father-Mother God, to no longer be lonely. But he has sweeped the carpet under the rug of his conceit. Touching.

 But let's not talk about the unbelieving man, there are already blogs dedicated to this subject. Let's talk about man longing for God.

 Happy man who longs for God and feels this with all his being. This longing is a guarantee of future success, and the proof of the existence of God. Life-Giving Principle, Key to Happiness, Comfort in Anxious Days, Only True Pure and Loving Presence in man. So close, so present, so waiting for man who looks   nose, who searches in his inner self and not in outer religions or pastors and gurus. Blessed is the man who knows God within him, who consciously listens to The Silent Voice within. Blessed is the man who is no longer lonely, because he knows God to dwell in his heart. And of course also blessed are all other people, one day they will find out the Great Truth, if not in earthly life, then in life after physical death. That promise is there.

 My blessings to you all

No 572 

Saturday 3 August 2024

God Depends on Us

God is the Adjuster, man is the decision-maker

 I have to get something off my chest, my God. I had experienced something again and noticed that I and my fellow human being in that situation were so incredibly clumsy, stubborn, short-sighted, a bit primitive too. And then I thought, "How terribly dependent You are on us, on our will, on our attachments, on our short-sightedness. Actually incomprehensibly dependent. You God depends on us little people.

That's right, My son. God has made Itself totally dependent on your free will. Whichever way you go. No matter how wrong you choose. No matter how evil things you come up with. God cooperates. God is totally dependent on your little will. Of course you're surprised about that, it's also amazing. The Creator of the cosmos, who is subservient to the free will of a small, short-sighted, limited creature. That seems ridiculous.

But it's not. A grand and well-thought-out plan is at the heart of this, with clear goals, clear methods, such as evolution, and also completely successful "on the long run". For your freewill is embedded in a beautiful system of cosmic laws, through which you become wiser through every trial and error. And finally, after a large and impressive detour with all your experiences and insights, you will surrender gloriously to the Will of God completely, out of your own free will. There is no other way.

In the whole process of evolution from beast to spirit, from the development of the ape-man to saint on earth, nothing is lost, nothing is left unused, every experience, however miserable, is a source of strength and insight for the future spiritual man. The greatest criminals will one day become very good helpers of Christ. And the good people on earth too, of course, but in a different way. So, in a way, everything is going to be fine. God knows that. The spiritual helpers know that. The guardian angels know that. Your soul knows that.

 God is the Adjuster, man is the decision maker

And now comes the punch line. Through your conscience, intuition, heart and also through your mind, I offer all the knowledge and skill and wisdom there is. I am the Adjuster of your life, of your mind, of your attitude. However, what you do with it depends on the size of your evolved consciousness and on your free will. And that free will is a thing, as they say these days. You are the decision-maker. You decide whether you listen to it, you decide what to do with it. You decide how long you will deny the beautiful signals of God. Freewill is cherished by Us because only in this way you will become independent, wise and free beings. We don't need Earth's robots in the cosmos. And so with your freewill you do what you do. Just look at the past, just look around you, and beware of the near future. So be it. Everything fits into a grand and glorious plan of God, in that sense you can trust in the good outcome. In the meantime, We wish you strength with "the earthly party", that's really something.

My blessings to you all

No 571

Thursday 4 July 2024

We're following a long path

There is no shortcut to every destination of value (Arabic proverb)

Would You like to elaborate on this?

Can you say something about it for yourself first?


Oh yes, if that's what You want.

I notice that the ego likes to have it easily. And that every goal, every beautiful goal, every important thing, well, that has to be fought for, worked hardly, practiced hardly, maybe no blood sweat tears, but effort, and perseverance and keep on trying. And that perhaps that is also the difference between a saint and an ordinary person. The saint continues on the road where an ordinary person leaves off after a while. So what you see now with populist politicians, and for that matter in the whole of modern times: promising quickly and getting home soon. And that's not how life works.


Welcome to Earth, My good son. This is it.

It is certainly true that the road is the goal. And while practicing and struggling, it is good if a person also looks around and in the meantime enjoys all the beauty and the good that is around him. And wonderful and unexpected things can happen in a person's life, that's for sure.

But most of the time, life is a long and uncertain and hard struggle with many failures and worries and problems, with many sorrows. But oh oh how wonderful when the goal is achieved, the art is learned, the striving has results, making happiness, comforting, healing and certainly giving strength. In this way life is very beautiful. Experiencing success, achieving what has been tried for so long, experiencing the joy of the new art or achievement.

And man's difficulty can be, not that he tries and that he doesn't succeed, but that he doesn't go on, doesn't get up, doesn't try again, doesn't accept that life is hard, full of uncertainties and that everything has to be built, everything. The prince in shining armour visits few people.

And actually, the human being is happy who accepts his misfortune and knows that a long, often arduous road can lead to beautiful places.

And then, of course, we also have the promise of eternal life, the Good God who keeps an eye on everything, the spiritual helpers on earth who are endlessly available.

So all in all, isn´t life worth living after all?


My blessings to you all

No 570