Saturday 13 April 2024

Guard Your Inner Self

I wanted to ask You. I have always been so cheerful and optimistic, but I can't manage this
  anymore, despite your messages. 

It seems as if mankind is regressing in everything. We already know about the demise of nature. But human civilization itself is also in decline. The level of education is decreasing. The multinationals that overrule governments. The outer civilization on the street. The lack of respect for manners, for the government, for laws. The dangers on the street. Individualism gone too far. The power of the drug world, the pharmaceutical industry, the arms trade. The gap between rich and poor. The influx of refugees.

My God, you know I'm getting more depressed, even though my private life is fine. I've seen the movie Idiocracy (from 2006, about a civilization that is seriously deteriorating in 500 years and has become very vulgar and primitive) twice now, and as backward as it is, I see it happening around me now.  So how can You comfort us?

Let me not comfort you then, but warn you. It has already been said in previous blogs that a lot is about to happen. After all, it can't go on like this, all the graphs are "banging alarmingly into the red". The only thing you can do is change your own way of life and, above all, keep the peace within. 

Guard your inner self no matter what. 

There are many hijackers in sight who want to bring you unrest and unhappiness: addictions, the pervasive presence of social media, the bombardment of negative world news, crowds, noise and opinions of other people, and so on. 

Be aware of the silent axis in the wheel that is spinning faster and faster around it.

The silent axis, the guarded silence, the protected interior, the peace within, the temple of the soul, your My God. Please mention a previously used quote.

Yes, I already know:

Save within you what can be saved (Michel Montaigne)

Take heart, take courage, be vigilant, and rest assured, every storm ends, every crisis brings new things, every disaster has positive consequences. But most of all, guard your inner self. No one else will do that for you.

And you are more depressed, My son, because you are still too open to the outside world and do not seek refuge enough in Me. Lead by example, boy. But it helps that you're overcoming your last addictions. Keep up the good work.  

My blessings for you all

No 566

Sunday 24 March 2024

The Living Christ

Lately, I haven't been very inspired in terms of faith. I lived my life and so on, but sometimes I sighed "Well Frenkie, you do run around a while and live a bit superficially from day to day. No intense actions of faith, little praying, not very inspired you are. Messer! ".

And then I asked You, "Could You send me some inspiration, because it's not much special at the moment."

And so it happened. I came across an interview on YouTube with a former Satanist who is converted to Christ.

Check :

After a life full of crime, drugs and abuse, this man comes into contact with the living Christ. He knows that since then everything will not concern him, but Christ only. He became a semi-saint in his life. His testimony moved the interviewer and probably everyone who checks the video, including me. Tears.  

A living Christ, and that for everyone. Palm Sunday revisited.

If man is willing to be open for something big, as you asked for it and was then given, this is possible. Christ is God incarnated on earth and accessible to everyone, available, touchable, tangible, ask for it.  You ask and you will be given.

The Father-Mother God wants nothing more than a living contact with man.  But that person has to ask, want, be open to it, and be willing to put aside his many attachments for a while. To be open, to ask, to be willing, to listen, to open the hands and the mind instead of to keep it closed and to hold on to one's own attachments.

Filled hands cannot be filled, a full mind, nothing can be added then. The main character in the video was empty, searching, desperately longing for a touch, and he got it. And all of you who checked that video are touched by it. The humility of the man represents empty hands and an empty mind, and then the Father-Mother God comes to fill it. When asked for it. And this is for everyone. Christ is available, the incarnated Son of Man, but also God incarnate, the Son/Daughter of God on earth, who touches, visits, inspires, wants to reach, can reach, will reach. If man is willing, if man wants to be emptied.

The man is blessed.

And you are inspired again. 

My blessings for you all

No 565

Tuesday 27 February 2024

In hope on the way to Easter

May I ask You to say something about this? 

You are now experiencing great hope and perspectives in your life for a number of reasons that concern no one. However, this applies to the whole world. 

The road to Easter is not that of destruction and death and in the life of Christ torture and murder.

The road to Easter is the way of hope. The promise of a better life, the assurance of God that every suffering, every loss, every sorrow are only temporary and are containing within the resurrection. 

Resurrection for the common man? Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

No, it's the truth. In all these difficulties, even in your time of destruction of nature, and wars, and murder of brave people like Navalny, there is "the hope of a resurrection." The resurrection of a better life, of your spirit, of a glorious future, of much and great perspective. And this promise applies to every situation, every time, every human being.

Hope is more powerful than destruction.

The spirit is more powerful than matter. 

Eternal life is more powerful than temporality.

For God is more powerful than the devil.

Trust this, know this, hope for this.

Because it's the truth.  


My blessings to you all

No 564

Tuesday 6 February 2024

My spiritual life

It's nice to talk about it, not because it's necessary, because that spiritual life does lead its (her?) life, but it's nice to think about such things, to put things in perspective, to ask yourself, what is the situation, as far as that works this is my attempt.

I strived for enlightingment for a while, but soon found out that it was just a word, which everyone interpreted differently and I thought sometimes the word was abused. It never really appealed to me, simply because I was still too attached to my personal life, my feelings, my way of thinking, my body. And because of that, an overwhelming realization and a considerable peace came over me. Maybe it's not for me, maybe I don't want it, maybe it's just a word that everyone misuses. And because of this, there was room for a beautiful spiritual experience that I have cherished very much ever since, and experienced again and again: I love this life, I love my body, I love the personal, I love the variation in feelings, the variety, the contrasts, I love that life is surprising and not boring at all. I don't want to get rid of it at all, I'm in the middle of it and it satisfies me very much, even though I know there's more. And I find it exceptionally nice to be completely immersed in it, regardless of the consequences. And that doesn't mean that I don't just walk with my head in the clouds, but also with my feet in the mud. Everything is part of it. Yet what I am describing now has been a long struggle of many years before I could say yes to everything, and I am still sometimes shocked by the intensity, especially of negative experiences and emotions. But still: I do that as much as possible, saying yes to everything.

Another important insight occurred to me concerning matter, the earth, the physical. Many religions are rather negative and judgmental about the body, let alone sex. Many New Agers are very contemptuous of matter and money as if they were inferior to the mind. But how I have always loved the material: beautiful things, a painting, a plant, a candle, sunlight through a stained glass window, and so on. The wonderful, constant, fine, reliable matter that is always there for you, no matter how you feel. The matter quietly continues to be there. Delicious, and actually money is part of that, handy, easy, why would money be dirty, something like that.

And then God. All my life I have sought to be closer to God, and I have often been mistaken about methods, movements, gurus or books. But I can also say: I dived into it, took out what seemed right to me and moved on. In that process, I never doubted God, at most Its servants on earth. The good God, I have always been able to feel Its presence in crucially beautiful and crucially difficult moments, and for the past twelve years or so I am hearing Its voice. I don't search anymore, I don't have to read about other people's insights and don’t have to follow gurus on YouTube. It is all right, but not for me. I've found it.

And that doesn't mean I know what it's like, but I've come home to Myself. I feel seen, affirmed, loved, reassured, and from that contact I have learned, I should say unlearned, to judge. No more judgment, but understanding, no more separation from others but the experience of respect and acceptance of the great variety of people, opinions, experiences. Total acceptance and peace in this, the other person is allowed to be how he is, and I am allowed to be how I am and if someone else judges that, I know that they have a problem, not me. If I judge, I have a problem and not the other. Peace and space and trust. And in that also more love than before for myself, for the other, for life, for difficulties, for the negative side, in short, peace and saying yes in this too.

And in all this and in everything I experience, I don't compare myself with others, because I don't know exactly how it is, and I don't look into someone else's heart, his inner self, his mysteries, but I only compare myself with myself before. More peace, more space, more love, more acceptance, more God and God closer, namely just in my inner self and the most most most beautiful thing is that when I am loving towards life, towards the other, towards myself, I also feel more close to God.

Do You want to comment on this?

This  will do.

My blessings to you all

No 563

Saturday 20 January 2024

Trust the greater Self

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle (Christian D. Larson)

Would You like to  comment on this quote? 

Don't many blogs actually say something about this? But I am happy to go into it because it contains just about everything that the spiritual world is asking from man.

Trust, trust, trust.

Hope, hope, hope.

Lean on Us, build on Us, know that We are there.

Your Sparks of God, your souls, your guardian angels, the spiritual world, your spiritual coaches, your angels on your path, your heart, your spiritual body.

In short, trust, trust, trust.

All will be well, here or later, on earth or in the spiritual world. 


Endure the misery, know that it is temporary, hope for a better life. Say yes to your pain, your sadness, your unhappiness, your fears, your problems. In the end, everything is surmountable and in the spiritual world you will sigh "maybe a little more misery would have been better".

Christian Larson is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No 562

Saturday 30 December 2023

There's always beauty around

Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing (Camille Pissaro)

Would You like to comment on this? 

Wise, true, and oh so simple truth. And know that life would be unbearable if man could not do it naturally. Finding comfort and hope and beauty in small or "humble" things around him. Life would become unbearable, and certainly too difficult and hopeless. For the difficulties of life can fly a man like wasps a glass of lemonade. But there is always beauty to be found there. So is My comment done with these wise words?

No, certainly not, because Camille Pissaro is referring to this: a person can always see more beauty than before, in humbler places than he thought, and in places that someone else passes by. And thus experience more support and comfort and perspective than he was already used to. So the message is rather that this is an endless process and that a person can see more and more.

And this can eventually lead to a wise and spiritual person saying: oh how beautiful this is, how can it exist? And how grateful I am to the good God, in spite of my misery and difficulties.

There is much beauty in the world, and it is only meant to create a beautiful environment for man in the making.

Camille Pissaro is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 561

Friday 15 December 2023

The power of a loving heart

The God of love dwells in the one who loves, not in the one who is loved (Plato)

My God, would You like to say something about this? 

My Son, one of My favourite subjects! Of course I do.

First, a necessary correction. The God of love, of course, dwells in everything and everyone, and certainly in man on earth, who is endowed with free will and in man who is loved, and certainly also in man with a heart that can love.

In short, God dwells in everything and everyone.

It is one of My favourite subjects because God comes into Its own in a person who loves. Not necessarily in a person of faith, but in a person who loves. 

Every person who loves is very close to God, and God is very close to this person. And a loving heart can do much on earth.  

But first the heart, and if it works all the way according to God's plan, a loving heart. Miraculous instrument, magical organ, glorious part of earthly existence, glorious weapon against the devil, magisterial aid to sickness and destruction, addiction and disorder. Blessed heart. Healing and living and blessing and powerful organ. How much worse would the state of the earth be without the millions of loving hearts?

A mother who cherishes her child.

A child rescuing an insect.

A policeman who protects a vulnerable person from a criminal.

A soldier defending his homeland against unreasonable enemies.

A farmer who takes care of his land.

A shop assistant who treats her customers in a friendly way.

A manufacturer that takes good care of its employees.

A politician who works hard for his ideals. 

A caregiver who takes care of the ailing body of an old person.


Oh man, don't stare blindly at the wars and diseases in this world, at the natural disasters and injustices in countries, at your own suffering and sorrow.

All of that is certainly there. 

But there is much more.

And above all, there is the loving heart. 

Look around you and know that the loving heart holds the world up. 

Know that the loving heart is the comfort of the unfortunate and the salvation of many. Trust in the loving heart. 

And trust that the loving heart will prevail in these uncertain times.

For God dwells in a loving heart.

God cherishes the loving heart as a temple on earth.

God works best from a loving heart, and there is no other lasting victorious power on earth. 

Blessed be Plato. 

My blessings to you all

No 560