Sunday 16 February 2014

Is it really a problem?

The Golden Mirror@TheGoldenMirror "Sometimes it's only a problem when you consider it to be one"

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A problem is always considered as difficult, unwanted, painful, as a crisis.
That is logical and understandable.

But from Our perspective it looks differently.
Because crisis literally means judgment phase.
So an opportunity to reassess life, to change life, to break through old patterns, to reach for new chances.
And that "sometimes" is disputable.
A problem is always an opportunity, a chance, a challenge, an important moment in a lifetime.

The spiritual world is watching with attention and with  interest man on earth, who is confronted with a problem. The spiritual world stands by of course with all the necessary support.
But not the problem is meaningful in the spiritual world, even though there are earthly and spiritual reasons for the manifesting of the problem.
What really counts is the responding of man on earth to this problem.

Is one responding as a weeping victim or with a courageous attitude?
Is one responding with increasing the problem or with solving it?
is one responding with bothering fellowmen or with preparing for a bold solution?
In short, is one responding unconsciously and immaturely or is one responding spiritually and wisely?

“Sometimes it's only a problem when you consider it to be one”

It seems to be so casually said about someone being in big troubles, yet the truth is this: the saints and sages of the world all say at the end of their life "that all was well".
And all immature men are equally blessed. They are supported and coached with the same big love.

My blessings to you all