Sunday, 3 July 2016

Vasil' Hopko (Slovak hero, 3)

Would You like to say something about the life of Bishop Hopko?

I love to, because Vasil 'Hopko has been a loyal and very brave man. All his life he has been  influenced by the spirits of faith and courage and love for Christ.
He was tortured and poisoned by the Communists, while he remained true to his faith. He refused to betray his oath of allegiance to Rome. He was especially filled with the desire to endure the trial, which was not to be endured by the Apostle Peter in his early years: to remain faithful to Christ in great danger of his own live.

For this is what Vasil'Hopko felt when he was pressed in prison to betray his oath to Rome, to betray his oath to the Catholic Church, to betray his oath to Christ. Vasil'Hopko persevered  under the most dreadful tortures. He has been tortured severely during a whole year, without yielding. And in his later prison years he was poisoned with arsenic, after which he has never been the same, but he has always remained faithful. And the Slovak people knew this and also by his example, they could keep one’s spirits up to continue to believe, despite everything. Bishop Hopko has by his courage nourished and supported faith in (Tjecho-) Slovakia.

He has suffered in his youth as well by the early death of his father and the departure of his mother to America in search of work. Oh, what did he crave for the love of his mother. What he has forsaken in the decision to become a priest in stead of following his mother to America! But a miracle happened: he had just decided with all his health problems to stay in Slovakia becoming priest, or his health problems disappeared like snow in the sun. This was one of the miracles he experienced in his earthly life.

So early he has forsaken his ego, his personal life, his intimate desires to serve the church, to serve Christ, to serve God.
After his imprisonment he has for four years campaigned for acceptance of the Greek-Catholic Church and was allowed for eight years to work for the rebuilding of the church. He did this with all the love and strength he had *, **.
Vasil'Hopko is very blessed.

My blessings to you all

* After his death he has been beatified.
**Bishop Hopko made his own the words of Bishop Gojdic:  "For me, it is not important if I die in the Bishop's Palace or in prison; what matters is entering into Paradise".

Nr. 339