Saturday 18 March 2017

Tears of love become strands of pearls

Tears of love become strands of pearls  when the angel comes*

My God, I heard this sentence and I would like You to comment on it?

My son, I will love too.
This text is about death and love.
But I would like to comment on the literal interpretation of this sentence.

When someone dies, his angel will be there to pick him up and then the next will turn out to be. The tears poured out of love for his loved ones, his fellow man, for life are cherished and saved by his angel and returned to him in the form of a strand of pearls.
He will carry this strand at special meetings in the spiritual world. And it will be his honour and everyone will know that this man has loved, and has wept tears for his fellow man out of compassion and out of love.
It cannot be said more simply.
Tears shet out of love become spiritual pearls.
David Lang is blessed.

My blessings to you all
*David Lang Death Speaks, inspired on Schubert

Nr. 377